Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 33 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

I. Objectives:

1.  Knowledge, skill and attitude.

    - Knowledge:  Write about the existence of the UFO.

- Grammar: present simple

- New language: 

    - Skills:  Developing reading & writing skills.

    - AttitudeStudy in a serious and strict manner.

2. Quality, ability needs forming and developing for the students. 

   - Ability for shelf – study:  Write about the existence of the UFO.

  - Ability for creation: Students can make add details to practice writing.

  - Ability to join into the groups: Students practice in groups.

  II. Preparation:

  Teacher: Cassette tape + recorder, color chalks, extra board.

  Students: Extra-boards, text books, exercise books.

  III. Teaching activities organization:

  1. Class organization: Checking the number of students.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 33 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 33 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
* Date of preparing: 28/2/2019
* From period 65 to period 66, Week: 33
Period: 65 
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge, skill and attitude.
 - Knowledge: Write about the existence of the UFO.
- Grammar: present simple
- New language: 
 - Skills: Developing reading & writing skills.
 - Attitude: Study in a serious and strict manner.
2. Quality, ability needs forming and developing for the students. 
 - Ability for shelf – study: Write about the existence of the UFO.
 - Ability for creation: Students can make add details to practice writing.
 - Ability to join into the groups: Students practice in groups.
 II. Preparation:
 Teacher: Cassette tape + recorder, color chalks, extra board.
 Students: Extra-boards, text books, exercise books.
 III. Teaching activities organization:
 1. Class organization: Checking the number of students.
 2. Warm up: 5’
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
 - Ask Ss answer the question.
- Give feedback and give marks.
- Answer
- Listen.
 If you were able to take a space trip, what would you do to prepare for the trip? What would you like to bring along?
à If I were able to take a space trip , I would have to run a lot, swim every day, and do aerobics and push - ups to have an excellent physical condition.
 àIf I were able to take a space trip, I would do exercises to prepare for the trip. I would like to bring along a camera.
3. New lesson: 32’
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
Activity 1: 
a. Purpose:
 Explain content and how to write the existence of UFOs. 
 * Content:
 Understand content and how to write. 
b. Activity organization form.
Ask Ss some questions
c. Result of Ss
d. Teacher’s conclusion.
- Concludes students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Activity 2
a. Purpose:
 Introduce new lesson. 
 * Content:
 new words
b. Activity organization form.
- Introduce the content and aim of the lesson to Ss
c. Result of Ss
d. Teacher’s conclusion.
Correct Ss’ pronunciation.
Activity 3:
a. Purpose:
 Write the existence of UFOs. 
 * Content:
 Find and understand the information about the existence of UFOs. The write about this.
b. Activity organization form.
- Put the  paragraphs in column B in order to match the sections in column A.
- Read the dialogue between An and Ba about the existence of UFOs.
- Write an exposition about the existence of UFOs
- Goes around and helps if necessary.
- Correct the story of the group who completes firstly
c. Result of Ss
 The lesson of students has finished
d. Teacher’s conclusion.
Correct the story.
Guess and give their answer.
- Listen and understand
- Work in groups 
- Show the board.
- Correct.
1. Do you think UFOs exist?
2. What makes you believe there are UFOs?
a) Read the outline of an exposition in column A. Then put the  paragraphs in column B in order to match the sections in column A.
 A - Introduction  - B (ii)
A - Body - B (iii)
A - Conclusion - B (i) 
b) Read the dialogue between An and Ba about the existence of UFOs.
 Now use Ba's opinion in the dialogue to write an exposition about the existence of UFOs. Begin with :
I believe UFOs exist because articles and reports in newspapers talked a lot about its appearance.
First(ly), many people from different countries reported that they once saw flying saucers.
Second(ly), there are many photos of flying saucers and some photographers said they saw manlike creatures get out of the vehicles.
Moreover, people are discussing those mysterious circles on the Fields in the countryside of Great Britain.
Therefore, UFO is not an imagination. It’s real and we should be ready to see its visits.
4. Homework: 3’ 
* Purpose: Help students consolidate the knowledge which they have learnt And prepare language Focus.
* Activity organization form: Planning new lesson at home. 
* Students activity productions: Find new words and do exercise at home.
* Teacher’s conclusion: Conclude students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes.
IV. Test and evaluate the lesson: 5’
- Teacher asks Ss:
 	Tell some things about the existence of UFOs.
- Teacher evaluates and summarizes about the lesson.
V. Feedback
(Language Focus)
Period: 66 	
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge, skill, attitude.
 - Knowledge: Have Ss remind the grammar notes and structure.
 - Grammar: + Modals: may, might 
	 + Conditional sentences: type1 and type2 
 - Skill: Developing writing skill.
 - Attitude: Study in a serious and strict manner.
2. Quality, ability needs forming and developing for the students. 
 - Ability for shelf – study: 
 	Students can do exercise with their teacher and classmates.
 - Ability for creation: Students finish the lesson.
 - Ability to join into the groups: Students practice in pairs, in groups.
 II. Preparation:
 Teacher: Cassette tape + recorder, color chalks, extra board.
 Students: Extra-boards, text books, exercise books.
 III. Teaching activities organization:
 1. Class organization: Checking the number of students.
 2. Warm up: 5’
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
 Ask Ss tell some things about the existence of UFOs.
- Give feedback and give marks.
- Tell
- Listen.
3. New lesson: 32’
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
Activity 1: 
a. Purpose: Explain how to use Modals: may, might and Conditional sentences: type1 and type2 
 * Content:
 Exercise 1, 2, 3,4 
b. Activity organization form.
c. Result of Ss
d. Teacher’s conclusion.
- Concludes students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Activity 2: 
a. Purpose: Explain how to do exercises from 1 to 4 
 * Content:
 Exercise 1, 2, 3,4 
b. Activity organization form.
 Explain and give example
c. Result of Ss
d. Teacher’s conclusion.
- Concludes students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Activity 3
a. Purpose:
 Finish all exercises. 
 * Content:
 Exercise 1,2,3,4
b. Activity organization form.
 - Explain how to do exercises.
- Have Ss practice in pair to finish lesson.
- Have Ss write the answer on the board.
- Correct
- Have Ss write right answer in their note books
c. Result of Ss
 Finish all exercises.
d. Teacher’s conclusion.
Correct Ss’ pronunciation.
- Listen
Understand how to use Modals: may, might and Conditional sentences: type1 and type2 
Understand how to do exercises.
- Listen
- Pair works
- Write the answer on the board.
- Copy down
1) Work with a partner. Use may or might and talk about Andy's presents.
 a) It may be a book or it might be a game.
b) It may be a box of crayons or it might be a box of paint.
c) It may be a football or it might be a basketball.
d) It may be a boat or it might be a train.
e) It may be a flying saucer or it might be a meteor.
f) It may be an evening star or it might be a spacecraft.
 2) Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in the box.
rain/ not to go out   ; join / finish       write / not forget ; not be / drop          miss / not hurry 
 a) If it rains this evening, I won't go out.
b) Lan will miss the bus if she doesn't hurry.
c) If Ha is not careful, he will drop the cup.
d) Mrs Nga will join us if she finishes her work early.
e) If Mrs. Binh writes a shopping list, she will not forget what to buy.
3) Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences
a) If Ba were rich, he would travel around the world.
b) If Mr. Loc had a car, he would drive it to work.
c) If Lan lived in Ho Chi Minh City, she would visit Saigon Water Park.
d) Nam would arrive at school on time if he had an alarm clock.
e) If Hoa lived in Hue, she would see her parents every day.
f) If Nga owned a piano, she would play it very well.
g) Tuan would get better grades if he studied harder.
h) Na would buy a new computer if she had enough money.
 4. What would you do if you met an alien from outer space? Write 3 things you would like to do. 
 - If I met an alien from outer space, I would make friends with him/her.
- If I met an alien from outer space, I would ask him/her about his/her life.
- If I met an alien from outer space, I would tell you about it.
 4. Homework: 3’ 
* Purpose: Help students consolidate the knowledge which they have learnt 
* Activity organization form: A task. 
* Students activity productions: Review structures and knowledge.
* Teacher’s conclusion: Conclude students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes.
IV. Test and evaluate the lesson: 5’
- Teacher asks Ss:
 	Tell how to use Modals: may, might and Conditional sentences: type1 and type 2 
- Teacher evaluates and summarizes about the lesson.
V. Feedback
Duyet Tuan 33

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