Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 6 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã




           1. KNOWLEDGE:

- Help Ss how to present one side of an argument which is used to persuade readers to believe or do something.

     - Grammar: present simple

      - New language:bear (n) be equal in (v). be proud of (v), label, feel, freedom of       choice, self –confident

2. SKILL:  Writing skills.

3. ATTITUDE: Ss love subjects


T: English 9 (students’ book and exercise book)

Ss: Read the lesson and do the exercises in Unit. 


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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 6 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 6 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
Week : 6 
Period :11 
 Date of planning : 14.9.2017
 Date of teaching:
- Help Ss how to present one side of an argument which is used to persuade readers to believe or do something.
 - Grammar: present simple
 - New language:bear (n) be equal in (v). be proud of (v), label, feel, freedom of choice, self –confident
2. SKILL: Writing skills.
3. ATTITUDE: Ss love subjects
T: English 9 (students’ book and exercise book)
Ss: Read the lesson and do the exercises in Unit. 
- Ask Ss some questions.
- Check.
- Answer
- Correct.
-What do you usually wear on the weekend?
-What do you wear when you go to school?
-Do you like wearing your school uniform? Why or Why not?
-Introduce the topic after helping Ss know how to present one side of an argument
- Present some new words and phrase.
- Have ss work in groups to write a passage.
- Help if necessary
- Check.
-Read the outline A
- Read the passage.
- write a paragraph of 100-150 words supporting the argument that secondary school students should wear casual clothes 
- Work in groups and base on the outline B
- Show the board.
- Correct.
*An argument
- Introduction
- Series of arguments
- Conclusion
 Secondary school students should wear uniform.
*Out line A (written on the extra board)
- bear (n)
- be equal in (v)
- be proud of (v)
- label (n)
- feel (v)
- freedom of choice (n)
- self –confident (adj)
+Write (suggested idea)
- My opinion is that school students to wear casual clothes.
- Firstly, casual clothes make students fell comfortable. - Secondly, wearing casual clothes give students freedom of choice. They have right to choose sizes, colors, and fashions of clothing they love. 
- Thirdly, casual clothes make students feel self-confident when they are in their favorite clothes. 
 - Finally, casual clothes make the school more colorful and lively.
 - In conclusion, school students should wear casual clothes. Wearing casual clothes is convenient, comfortable, and fun.
- Have ss read the lesson again.
- Practice.
- Correct.
The content
 - Copy down the passage into the notebooks 
 - Prepare “ Language focus” 
	+Do the exercises at home.

Week : 6 
Period :12 
 Date of planning : 14.9.2017
Date of teaching: 
Unit 2. clothing
(Language focus)
- Have ss remind the grammar notes and structures.
 - Grammar: present simple, the present perfect, the passive
 - New language:
2. SKILL: Writing skills.
3. ATTITUDE: Ss love subjects
T: English 9 (students’ book and exercise book)
Ss: Read the lesson and do the exercises in Unit. 
- Ask Ss some questions. 
- Check.
- Answer.
- Correct.
- Do you think it is necessary to wear uniforms? Why or Why not?
 * Activity 1
- Introduce how to use the present perfect and the passive.
- Have ss take notes about “for” and “ since”.
* Activity 2
- Give notes when using “yet” and “already”
- Have ss work in pairs to ask and answer.
- Check.
* Activity 3
- Ask Ss to give the differences between the present perfect tense and the simple past tense (about form and usage.)
- Check.
* Activity 4
- Give some examples.
- Have exchange their answer.
- Have ss write the passive sentences.
* Activity 5
- Guide Ss to change into the passive with model verbs.
- Check.
- Take note.
- Read the dialogue.
- Work in pairs to practice.
- Work in pairs to ask and answer.
- Work in pairs.
- Correct.
- Work in groups to do this exercise.
- Correct.
- Take notes.
- Exchange their answer.
- Write the passive sentences.
- Work in groups to do this exercise.
- Correct.
1) Use the present perfect
S+ + Vpp +..
- I have known her for 6 years
2) Use the passive
S+ be+ Vpp.+ (by O)
- A book is bought in that store by Lan
1) Work with a partner. Read the dialogue.
- I’ve known her for 6 years.
- Have you seen her recently?
- I haven’t seen her since 2003.
2) Work with a partner. Imagine you and your partner are visiting Ho Chi Minh city. Ask and answer questions about the things you have done. Use the present perfect tense of the verbs in the box.
S1:Have you seen Giac Lam Pagoda yet?
S2:Yes, I’ve already seen it.
S1:Have you eaten Vietnamese food 
yet ?
S2: No, I haven’t.
-“Yet” at the end of the question or the negative sentence.
-“already” before past participle and after auxiliary verb.
3) Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about each of the items in the box.
S1: Have you ever read a comic?
S2: Yes, I have.
S1: When did you last read one?
S2: This morning.
S1: Have you ever been to Singapore?
S2:No, I haven’t.
4) Read the first sentence and the complete the second sentences with the same meaning. Use the passive form.
- They sell jeans all over the world.
- Jeans are sold all over the worlds.
a. Jean cloth was made completely from cotton in the 18th century.
b. Rice is grown in tropical countries .
c. Five million bottles of Champagne will be produced in France next year.
d. A new style of jeans has just been introduced in the USA.
e. Two department stores have been built this year.
5) Change the sentences from the active into the passive.
- You must do this exercise carefully.
- This exercise must be done carefully.
a. The problem can be solved.
b. Experiment on animals should be stopped.
c. Life might be found on another planet.
d. All the schools in the city have to be improved.
e. A new bridge is going to be built in the area.
 - Remember the present perfect and passive.
 - Prepare the exercises well.
 - Speak and write fluently.

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