Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 35 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã


I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge, skill, attitude.

    - Knowledge: Have Ss remind the grammar notes and structure.

    - Grammar: + Adjectives and adverbs.

+ Adjective + that clause

    - Skill:  Developing writing skill.

    - AttitudeStudy in a serious and strict manner.

2. Quality, ability needs forming and developing for the students. 

   - Ability for shelf – study: 

           Students can do exercise with their teacher and classmates.

  - Ability for creation: Students finish the lesson.

  - Ability to join into the groups: Students practice in pairs, in groups.

  II. Preparation:

  Teacher: Cassette tape + recorder, color chalks, extra board.

  Students: Extra-boards, text books, exercise books.

  III. Teaching activities organization:

  1. Class organization: Checking the number of students.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 35 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 35 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
 * Date of preparing: 15/3/2019
* From period 69 to period 70, Week: 35	 
 Period: 69 	
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge, skill, attitude.
 - Knowledge: Have Ss remind the grammar notes and structure.
 - Grammar: + Adjectives and adverbs.
+ Adjective + that clause
 - Skill: Developing writing skill.
 - Attitude: Study in a serious and strict manner.
2. Quality, ability needs forming and developing for the students. 
 - Ability for shelf – study: 
 	Students can do exercise with their teacher and classmates.
 - Ability for creation: Students finish the lesson.
 - Ability to join into the groups: Students practice in pairs, in groups.
 II. Preparation:
 Teacher: Cassette tape + recorder, color chalks, extra board.
 Students: Extra-boards, text books, exercise books.
 III. Teaching activities organization:
 1. Class organization: Checking the number of students.
 2. Warm up: 5’
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
 Call Ss retell how to use 
+ Adjectives and adverbs.
+ Adjective + that clause
+ Adjectives and adverbs.
+ Adjective + that clause
3. New lesson: 32’
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
Activity 1: 
a. Purpose: Remember how to use 
+ Adjectives and adverbs.
+ Adjective + that clause
 * Content:
b. Activity organization form.
c. Result of Ss
d. Teacher’s conclusion.
- Concludes students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Activity 2: 
a. Purpose: help Ss review structures 
 * Content:
b. Activity organization form.
 Write exercises on the board
c. Result of Ss
d. Teacher’s conclusion.
- Concludes students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Activity 3
a. Purpose:
 Finish all exercises. 
 * Content:
b. Activity organization form.
 - Explain how to do exercises.
- Have Ss practice in pair to finish lesson.
- Have Ss write the answer on the board.
- Correct
- Have Ss write right answer in their note books
c. Result of Ss
 Finish all exercises.
d. Teacher’s conclusion.
Correct Ss’ pronunciation.
 Recall how to use grammar structures.
Understand how to do exercises.
- Listen
- Pair works
- Write the answer on the board.
- Copy down
I. Change the adjectives into adverbs
 extreme à extremely
 good à well
 happy à happily
 sad à sadly
 slow à slowly
 quick à quickly
1. The old man walked slowly to the park.
2. She looks/ feels happy.
3. Mr Nam speaks English very well. 
4.The baby laughed happily as she play with her toys.
5. Tuan sighed sadly when he heard that he failed the test.
II. Adjective + that clause
1. I’m pleased that you are working hard.
2. I’m sorry that I ate all cakes.
3. She is disappointed that she fail the exam.
4. I’m amazed that I could win the firat prize.
III. Order the words into sentences:
1. Mrs. Ha/ water/ bill/ worried/ about/ her.
Mrs. Ha worried about her water bill.
2. we/ should/ instead of/ a shower/ a bath/ take/ I/ think.
I think We should take a shower instead of a bath.
3. What/ do/ we/ less/ spend/ lighting/ on/ do/ to?
3. What do we do to spend lesson lighting?
 4. Homework: 3’ 
* Purpose: Help students consolidate the knowledge which they have learnt 
* Activity organization form: Revision 
* Students activity productions: Review structures and knowledge.
* Teacher’s conclusion: Conclude students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes.
IV. Test and evaluate the lesson: 5’
- Teacher asks Ss tell how to use:
 + Adjectives and adverbs.
+ Adjective + that clause
- Teacher evaluates and summarizes about the lesson.
V. Feedback
Period 70
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge, skill, attitude.
 - Knowledge: Have Ss remind the grammar notes and structure.
 - Skill: Developing writing skill.
 - Attitude: Study in a serious and strict manner.
2. Quality, ability needs forming and developing for the students. 
 - Ability for shelf – study: 
 	Students can do exercise with their teacher and classmates.
 - Ability for creation: Students finish the lesson.
 - Ability to join into the groups: Students practice in pairs, in groups.
 II. Preparation:
 Teacher: Cassette tape + recorder, color chalks, extra board.
 Students: Extra-boards, text books, exercise books.
 III. Teaching activities organization:
 1. Class organization: Checking the number of students.
 2. Warm up: 5’
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
 Call Ss remind all structure from unit 6 to unit 9 
3. New lesson: 32’
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
Activity 1: 
a. Purpose: Remember all structures
 * Content:
b. Activity organization form.
c. Result of Ss
d. Teacher’s conclusion.
- Concludes students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Activity 2: 
a. Purpose: help Ss review all structures with different exercises.
 * Content:
b. Activity organization form.
 Write exercises on the board
c. Result of Ss
d. Teacher’s conclusion.
- Concludes students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Activity 3
a. Purpose:
 Finish all exercises. 
 * Content:
b. Activity organization form.
 - Explain how to do exercises.
- Have Ss practice in pair to finish lesson.
- Have Ss write the answer on the board.
- Correct
- Have Ss write right answer in their note books
c. Result of Ss
 Finish all exercises.
d. Teacher’s conclusion.
Correct Ss’ pronunciation.
 Recall how to use grammar structures.
Understand how to do exercises.
- Listen
- Pair works
- Write the answer on the board.
- Copy down
 Exercise 1. Circle the best option to complete each sentence:
1. According to the weather ............... it will be raining tonight.
A. forecast	B. forecaster	
C. forecasted	D. forecasting
2. Yesterday a hurricane hit the ........................ of Vung Tau city.
A. coaster	B. coast	
C. coasting	D. coastal
3. The ................ can know when a volcano will erupt nowadays.
A. science	B. scientific	
C. scientists	D. scientifically
4. A tropical storm which reaches 120 meters per hour is called a ......... in North and South America.
A. typhoon	B. cyclone	
C. hurricane	D. tornado
5. The tsumami ( song than)........... in December 2004 in South East Asia killed more than 160.000 people.
A. disaster	B. disastrous
C. disastrously	D. disasterring
6. We must find a shelter now because of the ..................... storm.
A. forecast	B. forecaster	
C. forecasted	D. forecasting
7. The roof .................. under the weight of snow last night.
A. collapse	B. collapsing
C. collapsed	D. collapses
8. He warned me of the ........... in the forest.
A. dangers	B. dangerousness	
C. dangerously	D. dangerous
9. Pompeii was completely ........ in AD 79 by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius.
A. to destroy	B. destroy	
C. destroyed	D. destroying 
10. many people become.... because of the natural disasters every year.
A. homeland	B. homesick	
C. homeless	 D. homework
11. A tornado looks like a big, dark ........ coming from the bottom of a storm cloud.
A. funnel	B. bowl	
C. cloud	D. mushroom
12. Thousands of seismographs( may ghi dia chan) which ................. all over the world record about a million small earthquakes every year.
A. places	B. placed	
C. are placed	D. placing
13. In 1998, Hurricane Mitch killed ........... of people and washed away whole villages in Central America.
A. a thousand	B. thousands
C. many thousand	D. two thousand
14. There are ............ tornadoes in spring than in any other season.
A. moret	B. many	
C. much	D. less
15. Daddy, it’s the weather forecast .................... TV.
A. in	B. to	
C. on	D. at
Exercise 2:Complete the following sentences with the suggested words :
 It / be / beautiful day. Sun / out, / sky / blue / and / weather / perfect . Hoa / be outside / play her dog. 
	Sudden / dog / begin acting / strange . It / keep running / in circles . Hoa / run home / her dog / tell/ mother / what the dog / be doing. Hoa’s mother / say / that / hear / radio / that / there be / typhoon coming . Hoa’s mother / gather / family / and tell them / find shelter / house.
	All of a sudden / sky / become / dark . Storm / come / strong winds / heavy rain . Family / be scared / but soon / storm / finish / everyone / be glad. What / clever dog ! It / save / Hoa’s family.
 4. Homework: 3’ 
* Purpose: Help students consolidate the knowledge which they have learnt 
* Activity organization form: Revision 
* Students activity productions: Review structures and knowledge.
* Teacher’s conclusion: Conclude students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes.
IV. Test and evaluate the lesson: 5’
- Teacher asks Ss redo exercises again
- Teacher evaluates and summarizes about the lesson.
 cV. Feedback
Duyet Tuan 35

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