Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 30 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

I. Objectives:

1.  Knowledge, skill and attitude.

    - Knowledge: Write the story using information and pictures in the English book pages 79, 80. 

    - Skills:  Developing reading & writing skills.

    - AttitudeStudy in a serious and strict manner.

2. Quality, ability needs forming and developing for the students. 

   - Ability for shelf – study: Students have to write a story.

  - Ability for creation: Students can make changes or add details to the story to practice writing.

  - Ability to join into the groups: Students practice in groups.

  II. Preparation:

  Teacher: Cassette tape + recorder, color chalks, extra board.

  Students: Extra-boards, text books, exercise books.

  III. Teaching activities organization:

  1. Class organization: Checking the number of students.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 30 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 30 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
* Date of preparing: 24/2/2019
* From period 59 to period 60, Week: 30
Period: 59 
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge, skill and attitude.
 - Knowledge: Write the story using information and pictures in the English book pages 79, 80. 
 - Skills: Developing reading & writing skills.
 - Attitude: Study in a serious and strict manner.
2. Quality, ability needs forming and developing for the students. 
 - Ability for shelf – study: Students have to write a story.
 - Ability for creation: Students can make changes or add details to the story to practice writing.
 - Ability to join into the groups: Students practice in groups.
 II. Preparation:
 Teacher: Cassette tape + recorder, color chalks, extra board.
 Students: Extra-boards, text books, exercise books.
 III. Teaching activities organization:
 1. Class organization: Checking the number of students.
 2. Warm up: 5’
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
 - Ask Ss some questions
- Give feedback and give marks.
- Answer.
- Listen.
 1. Where do the majority of earthquakes occur?
2. When can a tidal wave occur?
3. What is the other name of typhoon?
4. Does a tornado look like a funnel?
3. New lesson: 32’
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
Activity 1: 
a. Purpose:
 Explain content and how to write the story. 
 * Content:
 Understand content and how to write the story. 
b. Activity organization form.
Ask Ss some questions
c. Result of Ss
d. Teacher’s conclusion.
- Concludes students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Activity 2
a. Purpose:
 Introduce new words. 
 * Content:
 new words
b. Activity organization form.
- Introduce the content and aim of the lesson to Ss
- Then introduce some new words:
- Guide Ss to read new words
- Correct.
c. Result of Ss
Read new words fluently
d. Teacher’s conclusion.
Correct Ss’ pronunciation.
Activity 3:
a. Purpose:
 Write the story. 
 * Content:
 Write a story using the pictures and details in the box.
b. Activity organization form.
-Have Ss to write a story
- Goes around and helps if necessary.
- Correct the story of the group who completes firstly
c. Result of Ss
 The story has finished
d. Teacher’s conclusion.
Correct the story.
Look at pictures and answer
Guess and give their answer.
 - Listen carefully
- Take notes
- Say the meaning of words
- Listen and repeat
- Read new words
- Listen
- Work in groups to write a story.
- Show the board.
- Correct.
1. What is the weather like in the first picture?
2. What are Lan and her dog doing?
3. Is her dog behaving strangely? 
 4. Can you guess what happen?
* Vocabulary.
- circle (n) : vòng tròn, chu kì. (perfectly round shape )
- shelter (n) : chổ trú ẩn. ( a place to hide or stay away from danger )
- behave strangely: (v): hành động một cách lạ lùng (act in a manner.)
* Suggested writing.
It was a beautiful day. The Sun was shining, the sky was blue and the weather was perfect. 
Lan was outside playing with her dog, Skippy. All of a sudden, the dog began to behave strangely. She kept running around and around in the circles.
Lan ran home with the dog told her mother what Skippy had done. Lan’s mother, Mrs. Quyen told Lan that she had heard on TV that there would be a typhoon coming. Mrs. Quyen gathered her family and told them to find shelter in the house.
 Suddenly, the sky became very dark, the storm came with strong winds and heavy rain. Mrs. Quyen and her family were scared.
But soon the storm finished and everyone was glad.
What a clever dog Skippy is!
 She saved Lan from being caught in the typhoon.
4. Homework: 3’ 
* Purpose: Help students consolidate the knowledge which they have learnt And prepare language Focus.
* Activity organization form: Planning new lesson at home. 
* Students activity productions: Find new words and do exercise at home.
* Teacher’s conclusion: Conclude students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes.
IV. Test and evaluate the lesson: 5’
- Teacher asks Ss:
 	Tell some things about the story.
- Teacher evaluates and summarizes about the lesson.
V. Feedback
(Language Focus)
Period: 60 	
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge, skill, attitude.
 - Knowledge: 
	 Relative pronouns : Who / That / Which
	 Relative clauses (Continue)
 Do more exercises with Who, That, Which 
 - Skill: Developing writing skill.
 - Attitude: Study in a serious and strict manner.
2. Quality, ability needs forming and developing for the students. 
 - Ability for shelf – study: 
 	Students can do exercise with their teacher and classmates.
 - Ability for creation: Students finish the lesson.
 - Ability to join into the groups: Students practice in pairs, in groups.
 II. Preparation:
 Teacher: Cassette tape + recorder, color chalks, extra board.
 Students: Extra-boards, text books, exercise books.
 III. Teaching activities organization:
 1. Class organization: Checking the number of students.
 2. Warm up: 5’
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
- Ask Ss tell some things the story about Lan and her dog.
- Give feedback and give marks.
- Tell
- Listen.
- It was a beautiful day. 
- The Sun was shining, the sky was blue and the weather was perfect. 
- Lan was outside playing with her dog, Skippy. 
- All of a sudden, the dog began to behave strangely. 
- She kept running around and around in the circles.
- Lan ran home with the dog told her mother what Skippy had done.
- Lan’s mother, Mrs. Quyen told Lan that she had heard on TV that there would be a typhoon coming
3. New lesson: 32’
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
Activity 1: 
a. Purpose:
 Explain how to use relative pronouns and relative clauses.
 * Content:
 Exercise 1, 2, 3,4 
b. Activity organization form.
c. Result of Ss
d. Teacher’s conclusion.
- Concludes students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Activity 2
a. Purpose:
 Finish all exercises. 
 * Content:
 Exercise 1,2,3,4
b. Activity organization form.
 - Explain how to do exercises.
- Have Ss practice in pair to finish lesson.
- Have Ss write the answer on the board.
- Correct
- Have Ss write right answer in their note books
c. Result of Ss
 Finish all exercises.
d. Teacher’s conclusion.
Correct Ss’ pronunciation.
- Listen
Understand how to use relative pronouns and relative clauses.
- Listen
- Pair works
- Write the answer on the board.
- Copy down
1. Use your knowledge to answer the questions. Use “who”, “which” or “that” in your answers and start your answers with the words given.
Ex: a.   Which city in Japan was struck by a huge earthquake in 1995?
à The city in Japan which was struck by a huge earthquake in 1995 in Japan is Kobe.
b. The country which won the 1998 Tiger Cup is Singapore.
c. The animal which has one or two horns on its snout is rhinoceros.
d. The explorer who discovered America was Columbus Christopher
e. The planet which is closest to the earth is Mars.
f. The animal in Vietnam, which was chosen to be the logo of SEA Games 2003, is the buffalo.
g. The AS KAN country which is divided into two regions by the sea is Malaysia.
h. The food which you can chew but you cannot swallow is chewing gums anti the thing you can swallow bin you cannot chew is water.
2. Match each of the sentences in column A with a related sentence in column B. Then use a suitable relative pronoun to join the two sentences.
Ex . 
1. Andrew is flying to Sacramento.
e. Sacramento is the capital city of California.
⟶ Andrew is flying to Sacramento, which is the capital city of California.
2 - g In the winter of 2002, it snowed in Lang Son, which is on the Ky Cung River.
3 - f Pompeii, which was completely destroyed in A.D. 79 by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius, is an ancient city of Italy.
4 - a Hurricane Andrew, which swept through southern Florida in August 1992, killed 41 people and made more than 200.000 homeless.
5 - c The cyclone of November 1970 in Bangladesh, which killed about 500.000 people, was one of the worst natural disasters of the 20th century.
6 - d The most disastrous earthquake in Japanese history, which occurred in 1923, damaged Tokyo and Yokohama and killed about 150.000 people.
7 - b The October 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, which measured 7.1 on the Richter scale, caused extensive damage to older buildings in San Francisco Bay Area.
3. Underline the relative clause in the sentence. Then add commas to separate the non-defining relative clause from the rest of the sentence.
a) Viet Nam which is in south-east Asia exports rice                                      
 à Viet Nam, which is in south-east Asia, exports rice.
b) Kangaroos, which come from Australia, have long tails.
c) Ba, who lives on Trang Tien Street, likes playing the guitar.
d) The novel, that you gave me on my birthday, has been lost.
e) Neil Armstrong, who first walked on the moon, lived in USA.
f) The chair, that I bought yesterday, is broken.
g) Miss Lien, who sings very well, is my English teacher.
4. Rewrite the sentences in Exercise 3. Replace each underlined clause with a clause YOU have written. You may use facts or your imagination.
Kangaroos, which come from Australia, have long tails.
àKangaroos, which can be seen everywhere in Australia, have long tails.
àKangaroos, which are called chuot tui in Vietnamese, have long tails. 
a) Vietnam, which is a country member of ASEAN, exports rice.
b) Kangaroos, which stand for Australia, have long tails.
c) Ba, whose house is on Trang Tien Street, likes playing the guitar.
d) The novel, which I forgot on the table, has been lost.
e) Neil Armstrong, who was the first man walking on the moon, was an American.
f) The chair, which is in her room, is broken.
g) Miss Lien, who is the youngest and loveliest in our school, is my English teacher.
 4. Homework: 3’ 
* Purpose: Help students consolidate the knowledge which they have learnt and review from unit 8 to unit 9.
* Activity organization form: A test for next period. 
* Students activity productions: Review structures and knowledge in unit 8 and 9. .
* Teacher’s conclusion: Conclude students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes.
IV. Test and evaluate the lesson: 5’
- Teacher asks Ss:
 	Tell how to use relative pronouns and relative clauses.
- Teacher evaluates and summarizes about the lesson.
V. Feedback
Duyet Tuan 29

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