Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 1 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

    I) Objectives:

       1) Knowledge:  Help students to review that paint grammar that students have learnt.

       * Grammar: 

            1. Tense: present and past simple tense, past progressive tense, present progressive tense, present perfect tense, future tense.

            2. The passive voice with present and past simple tense, modal verbs.

            3. Direct and reported speech.

            4. Structures: used to + Vinf

            5. Verb + gerunds / to-infinitive.

      2) Skills: 

          - Focus on writing and reading skills.

      3) Attitude:

          - Students work hard, actively, happily

     II) Teaching aids:

          - Extra - boards, structures.

     III) Procedures:

     1. Warm - up: 5’

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 1 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 1 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
Week:1 Date of preparing: 08/08/2018
Period:01	 Date of teaching: 
 I) Objectives:
 1) Knowledge: Help students to review that paint grammar that students have learnt.
 * Grammar: 
 	 1. Tense: present and past simple tense, past progressive tense, present progressive tense, present perfect tense, future tense.
 	 2. The passive voice with present and past simple tense, modal verbs.
 	 3. Direct and reported speech.
 	 4. Structures: used to + Vinf
 	 5. Verb + gerunds / to-infinitive.
 2) Skills: 
 - Focus on writing and reading skills.
 3) Attitude:
 - Students work hard, actively, happily
 II) Teaching aids:
 - Extra - boards, structures.
 III) Procedures:
 1. Warm - up: 5’
Teacher’s activities
students’ activities
- Teacher helps students to review the main grammars which they have learnt.
- Teacher asks students to give some examples and how to use them.
- Teacher follows and corrects.
- Teacher guides again how to use.
2. Practice: 30’
- Teacher asks student how to do this exercise.
- Teacher notices students how to do it.
- Teacher follows and corrects.
- Teacher guides students how to do the exercise.
- Teacher follows and corrects their faults.
- Teacher guides students to do the exercise.
- Teacher follows and corrects.
Students listen to and remember
Students explain how to do it.
Students listen to and do it.
Students write down their notebooks.
Students listen to and take notes.
- Students work in pair and go to the board to the exercise.
- Students listen to and do the modal example.
- Students work in pair and to the board to do the exercise.
I/ Grammar
 1. Tense: present and past simple tense, past progressive tense, present progressive tense, present perfect tense, future tense.
 2. The passive voice with present and past simple tense, modal verbs.
 3. Direct and reported speech.
 4. Structures: used to + Vinf
 5. Verb + gerunds / to-infinitive.
II/ Exercise.
 1) Supply the correct verb form in brackets.
 a. He (meet) his old friend last week.
 b. I (not, meet) her at school since last month.
 c. The students (not, have) school next week.
 d. She loves (read) book.
 e. Look ! Lan (wear) a new dress.
 f. Our friend (watch) a game on T.V at the moment.
 2) Change into the passive voice.
 a. She bought some new clothes for her children.
 b. They didn’t use matches to match the fire.
 c. Lan tells her friends a traditional story.
 d. The students bring the chairs into the classroom.
 e. she will do the test tomorrow.
 f. His father reads a newspaper every day.
 3. Change into the reported speech . . . 
 a. “Don’t eat green fruit” she told them . . . . 
 b. “Could you make me some cool drink?” He asked lan .
 c. “Do you read this information, lan” Ba asked . . . .
 d. “Is the weather warm and nice ?” Thu asked Hoa . . . .
 e. “please turn on the radio for me” Ba told Lan.
3. Consolidation. 3’
 All the main grammars.
Teacher guides again how to use these grammars.
4/ Homework.2’
 - Learn the lesson. Prepare: Unit 1.
Teacher asks students to learn the old lesson and prepare the new lesson.
IV. Feedback
I). Objectives:
 1) Knowledge: To help students introduce Vietnam to pen pal, especially some tourist attractions in Ha Noi.
 * Grammar: 
 - used to + V(bare- inf)
 - S + wish + S + past subjunctive.
 2) Skills: 
 - Focus on listening and reading, speaking and writing skills.
 3) Attitude:
 - Students work hard, actively, happily
 II) Teaching aids:
 Cassette tape player 
 III) Procedures:
 1) Warm - up: 10’
Teacher’s activities 
Students’ activities
- Teacher asks students some questions.
- Teacher introduces the situation and gives some famous places in Ha Noi.
2. Presentation (15’)
- Teacher asks students to look at the pictures and guess picture’s meaning.
- Teacher follows and corrects.
- Teacher introduces the situation in the text and explains it.
- Teacher reads the new words.
- Teacher follows and corrects their pronunciation.
- Teacher explains the note grammar.
- Teacher gives some examples about the grammar structures.
- Teacher listens and corrects.
3. Practice (17’)
- Teacher calls students to read the text.
- Teacher asks students to read themselves and look for information necessary to answer the question.
- Teacher follows and corrects if necessary.
- Students listen and answer.
- Students listen to the tape two times then picking up the new words and give the meaning.
- Students listen and repeat.
- Students read them in individual.
- Students listen to and write down
- Students can give some examples
- Students listen to her / him and answer the questions
- Students give the answer and compare with the partner. Then students read the answers before class.
- Do you have any pen pal ?
- Where does he / she come form ?
- Have you met him / her ?
- If he / she visit Ha Noi what will you introduce him / her.
 a. The Temple of Hung king.
 b. The temple of literature.
 c. Dong Xuan Market.
 d. Going to a museum.
 e. Enjoying local foods.
II/ Listen and Read.
* New word:
correspond (v)
be impressed by
friendliness (n)
mosque (n)
peaceful atmosphere (n).
keep in touch (v).
* Grammar:
- used to + V : đã từng làm việc gì . . . .
Eg: lan used to walk past the mosque on the way to her primary school.
- S + wish + S + V past subjunctive.
Eg: I wish you had a longer vacation.
- How long have Lan and Maryam been pen pal ?
- Which places did they visit ?
* Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.
1.C two weeks. 
2.B Ha Noi people are friendly.
3. D all the above.
4. B invite lan to Kuala Lumpur.
3. Consolidation. 3’
Ask Ss read new words again OR answer these sentences following “True or False”.
1. Lan’s pen pal comes from Indonesia.
2. Kuala Lumpur is a big city.
3. Maryam visited the Mosque on Hang Luoc Street on Friday.
4. They won’t write letters to each other again.
4/ Home work. 2’
- Prepare Unit 1 part: speak+ listen
- Teacher asks students to learn the old lesson and prepare the new lesson.
IV. Feedback:
	Duyệt tuần1

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  • docgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_9_tuan_1_nam_hoc_2018_2019_truong_thcs.doc