Giáo án Tự chọn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 4 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã


  1) Knowledge: 

            - Consolidate the use of reflexive pronouns.

- Use modal verbs in invitations, suggestions………….. effectively

  * Grammar : 

     + Reflexive pronouns: myself, herself, himself……….(position and function)

    + Modal verbs: must, have to / has to, ought to, should

  2) Skills: 

     - Focus on writing skill.

  3) Attitude: 

      - Students revise old lesson prepare new lesson.

      - Students practice in individual, pair work, group work.

II) Teaching aids:

   - Textbook, exercise books, extra boards, grammar books…..………

III) Procedures:

  1)Warm-up: 2’

     Ask Ss to repeat the forms and positions of the reflexive pronouns.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tự chọn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 4 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tự chọn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 4 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
Week: 4
Period : 4 	Date of planning : 27 /08 /2017
 1) Knowledge: 
 	 - Consolidate the use of reflexive pronouns.
- Use modal verbs in invitations, suggestions.. effectively
 * Grammar : 
 + Reflexive pronouns: myself, herself, himself.(position and function)
	+ Modal verbs: must, have to / has to, ought to, should
 2) Skills: 
 - Focus on writing skill.
 3) Attitude: 
 - Students revise old lesson prepare new lesson.
 - Students practice in individual, pair work, group work.
II) Teaching aids:
 - Textbook, exercise books, extra boards, grammar books..
III) Procedures: 
 1)Warm-up: 2’
 Ask Ss to repeat the forms and positions of the reflexive pronouns.
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
2) Presentation:13’ 
 - Introduce the new lesson
- Have Ss remember the reflexive pronouns
- Revise grammar rules and ask Ss to give some examples.
- Correct and gives feedback
* Have Ss remind some modal verbs : must, ought to, have to / has to
- Correct
- Have Ss remember the position and function of modal verbs
- Explains and asks Ss to take note
3) Practice:25’
* Give the task to students 
- Explain. 
- Asks Ss to do the exercises.
- Goes around and help. 
- Gives the feedback
- Concentrate, listen and take books
- Remind in front of class
- Some Ss say examples
- Listen and copy the rules.
 - Can stand in front of the class to say
- After that go to the board to write
- Listen and write lesson into their notebooks 
* Exchange with their classmates
- Take notes
- Do the exercises (oral - written).
- Write the answer on the board 
- Write the answers in their note books.
Activities1 : 
* Reflexive pronouns : 
Reflexive pronouns
Yourself/ yourselves
- Theo sau các động từ (enjoy, look at, cut, dress, serve ); cho biết chủ ngữ và tân ngữ là một người
Ex: I cut myself. 
- Làm tân ngữ cho giới từ
Ex : She look at herself in the mirror.
- Đặt ngay sau chủ ngữ hay tân ngữ để bổ nghĩa cho chủ ngữ hay tân ngữ đó.
( dùng để nhấ mạnh từ)
	I myself was new here last year. 
 I saw Tan himself yesterday.
- Đặt ngay sau từ BY mang ý nghĩa là một mình( alone).
Ex : You should do it by yourself.
* Modal verbs : 
MUST - HAVE TO - OUGHT TO, Should- shouldn’t:
Must : phải
Diển tả những điều mình bắt buộc phải làm mang tính nghĩa vụ trách nhiệm
I must take some pills from the doctor.
Have to : phải
Diển tả sự bắt buộc bên ngoài (diển tả điều mà bạn bị bắt buộc phải làm là do tác động của ngoại cảnh
I have to go to the bank to get some money.
Ought to : nên
Diển tả sự việc mang tính khuyên nhủ theo traùch t trách nhiệm nhưng không thực hiện mang tính luân lý, đạo đức)
You ought to apologize him
Activity 2 : 
Fill in the blanks with the correct reflexive pronouns.
1) Both boys taught .to swim. 
2) The little girl hurt.. when she fell. 
3) My younger sister looked at. in the mirror. 
4) Did you enjoyat the party last night?
5) The children are not old enough to dress..
6) My father cut.this morning when he was shaving. 
7) I am making .. a cup of coffee. 
8) Did you pait this house by .?
9) Don’t worry about Mai and me. We can look after . 
10) The boy cleaned the kitchen by.?
 Activity 2 : Complete the sentences with must / have to / has to / mustn’t / don’t / doesn’t have to
1.Vietnamese children ________ wear uniform when they go to school. 
2. When you come to California, you ______ come and see us soon. 
3. You ______ park in front of the entrance. 
4. She doesn’t want to ______ wait in a queue for ages. 
5. Sally is extremely rich. She _______work. 
6. The farmer _______ work on Saturday morning. 
7. There is a lift in the building, so I _____ climb the stairs.
4) Consolidation:3’ 	
 - Remind position and function of reflexive pronouns.
 - Remind all grammatical points they have learnt (Modal Verbs).
 - Write the result into notebooks.
 5) Homework: 2’ 	
 - Learn by heart reflexive pronouns and modal verbs at home.
IV) Feedback:
T :................................................................................................................................. 
Ss :............................................................................................................................... 

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  • docxgiao_an_tu_chon_tieng_anh_lop_8_tuan_4_nam_hoc_2017_2018_tru.docx