Đề cương ôn tập học kì II môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THCS Long Thành

A.  Grammar

I. The present perfect tense  Thì hiện tại hoàn thành

           (+) S + have/ has + V-pp ( V-ed / cột 3 ).................

             (-) S + have / has + not + V-pp...........

                      (?) Have/ Has + S + V-pp.................?

                               -Yes, S + have/ has.

                               -No, S + have/ hasn’t.

Các từ đi kèm:

Just, since, for, recently, yet, never, ever, already, before, so far, it’s the first/ second time…, up to now, up to the present, till now(cho tới bây giờ), ……..

Vị trí của các từ:   - Just, never, ever, already đứng ngay sau have/ has.

                                - Yet, before đứng cuối câu.

*Notesyet: chỉ dung trong câu phủ định và câu hỏi. 

For + khoảng thời gian.

Since + mốc thời gian ở quá khứ. 

Never: mang nghĩa phủ định.

doc 9 trang Khánh Hội 15/05/2023 1740
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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Đề cương ôn tập học kì II môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THCS Long Thành

Đề cương ôn tập học kì II môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THCS Long Thành
A. Grammar
I. The present perfect tense Thì hiện tại hoàn thành
	(+) S + have/ has + V-pp ( V-ed / cột 3 ).................
 (-) S + have / has + not + V-pp...........
 (?) Have/ Has + S + V-pp.................?
 -Yes, S + have/ has.
 -No, S + have/ hasn’t.
Các từ đi kèm:
Just, since, for, recently, yet, never, ever, already, before, so far, it’s the first/ second time, up to now, up to the present, till now(cho tới bây giờ), ..
* Vị trí của các từ: 	- Just, never, ever, already đứng ngay sau have/ has.
	- Yet, before đứng cuối câu.
* Notes: yet: chỉ dung trong câu phủ định và câu hỏi. 
For + khoảng thời gian.
Since + mốc thời gian ở quá khứ. 
Never: mang nghĩa phủ định.
II. Past progressive Qúa khứ tiếp diễn
 (+) S + was/ were + V-ing
 (-) S + was/ were + not + V-ing
 (?) Was/ Were + S + V-ing...?
 -Yes, S + was/ were.
 -No, S + was/ were + not. 
* Các từ đi kèm : 
At 8 o’clock last night, at this time last week/ month/ year, when + QKĐ, while.
* Một số động từ không chia ở thì tiếp diễn
Hear, know, understand, have, love, like, want, prefer, need, wish
 * past progressive with WHEN :S + was/ were + V-ing . . . when + S + V2 / ed . . . 
* past progressive with WHILE :S + V 2 / ED . . . + while + S + was / were + V-ing . . . 
Ex:	The doorbell rang (ring) while Tom is watching (watch) TV.
Direct speech
Indirect speech
Affirmative Imperative
V1 + 
Mike said to Henry, “Come in, please.”
S+ told / asked O + to + V1 + 
Mike told Mary to come in.
Negative Imperative
Don’t + V1 + 
 "Don't play on the grass, boys," she said.
S+ told / asked O + not + to + V1 + 
She asked the boys not to play on the grass.
 “Can/could/ may /might you...?”
“Could you close this door?”, said Nam to me.
S+ told / asked O + to V1...
Nam asked / requested me to close that door.
“ You should / ought to + V1.”
He said to his son,” You should do your homework tonight.”
S+ told + O +(that) S+ should/ ought + to V1...
He told his son he should do his homework that night.	 
Direct speech
Reported speech
- Ngôi thứ nhất chuyển về cùng ngôi người nói
 (I he, she; me him/ her; myhis, her )
 - Ngôi thứ hai chuyển về cùng ngôi người nghe
(you I, we, he, she, they; you me, us, him, her, them; your my...)
 -Ngôi thứ 3 không đổi ngôi ( she/ it/ they ) 
This / These / Here
 That / Those / There 
Now/ Today/ Tonight 
Then /That day /That night
Tomorrow Yesterday 
Next week / year
 Last week / year 
 The next/ following day
 The day before
 The following week/ year
 The previous week / year
* Passive voice
	Active : S + V + O
Passive : S + to be + PP + by O 
Ex: Tom opens the door.
	→ The door is opened by Tom.
* Adjectives followed by an infinitive ( tính từ theo sau bởi động từ nguyên mẫu có to ) 
	Ex : It is hard to understand him .
Adjectives followed by a noun clause. ( tính từ theo sau bởi mệnh đề danh từ )
	S + be + adj + that + clause.
EX : She is happy that her mother will visit her tomorrow.
* Question words before to – infinitives
EX: He doesn/t know how to drive a car.
* Would / Do you mind + Ving .?
Ex : Do / would you mind closing the door ?
 Would / Do you mind opening the window ? 
* Do You mind if I + V1
Ex: Do you mind if I borrow your money ?
* Would you mind if I + V2
Ex: Would you mind if I took a photo ?
Đề 1
I/ Choose the best answer.
1/ His grandfather was ..that he passed the final exam.
A. happiness	B. happy	C. happily	D. to be happy
2/ They .. in Bac Lieu for ten years.
A. were living 	B. lived	C. live	D. have lived
3/ Do you mind if I . a photo .
A. will take	B. have taken	C. took	D. take
4/ The examiner asked me .. .
A. what is my name	B. what my name is
C. what was my name	D. what my name was
5/ Would you mind .. in the front seat of the taxi, Lan ?
A. will sit	B. sit	C. sitting	D. to sit
6/ My sister wanted how ..that homework.
A. do	B. can	C. to do	D. doing
7/ He asked me . .
A. if was I a student	B. If I was a student
C. if I am a student	D. if are you a student
8/ It is not easy .. what he says.
A. to understand	B. understand	C. understanding	D. understood
9/ There are three competetions : water – fetching, fire – making and  .
A. cooking – rice	B. rice – cooked	C. rice – cooking	D. rice – cook
10/ Our school . in 2002.
A. was built	B. built	C. building	D. to build
II/ Read and answer the questions.
Thu Bon River originated from Ngoc Linh mountain is 2500m high middle of thousands of Truong Son, located in Nam Tra My district, Quang Nam province, which has World Cultural Heritage My Son Sanctuary and Hoi An ancient town.
The ancient town of Hoi An lies on Thu Bon river, more than 30 kms to the south of Da Nang. Occupied by early western traders, Hoi An is famous for old temples, pagodas, tiled roof houses and narrow streets. Tourists can visit the relics of Sa Huynh and Cham civilizations. They can also enjoy the beautiful scenery of Thu Bon river, Cua Dai beach, ect. In recent years, Hoi An has become a very popular tourist destination in Viet Nam. Importantly, the committee of the World Cultural Heritage of UNESCO officially certified Hoi An as a World Cultural Heritage Site on December,4th 1999.
A/ * Questions.
1/ Where did Thu Bon River originate from ?
2/ Where is My Son Sanctuary ?
3/ How far is it from Hoi An to Da Nang ?
. ..
4/ What is Hoi An famous for ?
5/ Can tourist visit a lot of beautiful places in Hoi An ?
6/ When was Hoi An recognized as a World Cultural Heritage Site ?
B/ Write T / F
1/ .. Thu Bon River didn/t located in Nam Tra My district, Quang Nam province.
2/ .. Hoi An has become a very popular tourist destination in Viet Nam
Đề 2
I/ Choose the best option(A,B,C,D) to complete each sentence.
1/ Minh said he ..good marks that semester.	
A. get	B. gets	C. got	D. getting
2/ Nga ..TV at 8.30 last night.
A. watches	B. was watching	C. watched	D. is watching
3/ Would you mind if I this chair away? No, of course not.
A. took	B. take	C. to take	D. taking
4/ Has Daisy ..her homework yet?
A. does	B. done	C. do	D. did
5/ He asked me .
A. whether he lives with his parents	B. If I lived with my parents
C. I lived with my parents	D. If he lives with his parents
6/ I don/t know how .this cake.
A. making	B. makes	C. make	D. to make
7/ Sydney Opera House was in 1973.
A. completed	B. to complete	C. complete	D. completing
8/ The Hanging Gardens of Babylon is one of the of the world.
A. buildings	B. towers	C. walls	D. wonders
9/ This word is too difficult .clearly.
A. to understand	B. understand	C. understood	D. understanding
10/ Do you mind the door ? No, I don/t mind.
A. close	B. closed	C. closing	D. is closing
II/ Read and answer the questions.
Ha Long Bay of the Descending Dragon – is popular with both Vietnamese and international tourists . It was recognized by UNESCO as a world Heritage Site in 1994. One of the attractions of Ha Long is the Bay /s calm water with limestone mountains. The Bay/s water is clear during the spring and early summer. Upon arriving in Ha Long City , visitor can go along chay Beach. From the beach, they can hire a boat and go out to the Bay. It is heard that the visitors can find some of Southest Asia/s most beautiful sites. Dau Go Cave is one of the most beautiful caves at Ha Long. It was the cave in which General Tran Hung Dao hid wooden stakes to beat the Mongols on Bach Dang River in 1288.
A/ Questions.
1/ Is Ha Long Bay popular with Vietnamese and international tourists?
2/ When was it recognized by UNESCO as a Word Heritage Site?
3/ What is one of the attractions of Ha Long?
4/ What is the Bay/s water like ?
5/ Which is one of the most beatiful caves at Ha Long ?
6/ Have you visited Ha Long yet ?
B/ Write T / F 
1/ .. Ha Long Bay was recognized by UNESCO as a world Heritage Site in 1990.
2/ .. Dau Go Cave is one of the most beautiful caves at Ha Long. 
Đề 3
I/ Choose the best option(A,B,C,D) to complete each sentence.
1/ My brother stamps since last year.
A. was collecting	B. collected	C. has collected	D. collects
2/ She told me .when she was alone in her room.
A. she loved listening to music	B. she loves listening to music
C. she has loved listening to music	D. she is loving listening to music
3/ He .me if I could speak Japanese.
A. asked	B. said	C. tells	D. talked
4/ He told me what in that situation.
A. to do	B. did	C. doing	D. do
5/ people usually give ..to their family and friends at Christmas.
A. trees	B. songs	C. presents	D. poems
6/ Phong..English at 8.00 last night.
A. learnt	B. was learning	C. has learnt	D. learns
7/ I am excited ..in the trip around the capital.
A. joined	B. to join	C. joining	D. join
8/ Would you mind if I your pen for some minutes ?
A. to borrow	B. borrow	C. borrowing 	D. borrowed
9/ The Angkor Wat ..around the year 1100 to honor a Hindu God.
A. built	B. is built	C. has been built	D. was built
10/ Do you mind me how to operate this machine ?
A. showing	B. to show	C. showed	D. show
II/ Read and answer the questions.
 Yesterday Tam saw an accident. A boy was run over by a taxi when he was driving. The boy’s leg was broken and it was bleeding badly. A woman covered the wound by her handkerchief. A man used his mobile phone to call the emergency service. Some minutes later, an ambulance arrived and sent him to the hospital. A policeman came to the scene immediately. Some witnesses told the police that the taxi driver was driving at very high speed when the accident happened. Some others began talking about the traffic accidents in these days and blamed the increasing number of accident on the roads for careless driving.
 A/ Questions:
1. What did Tam see yesterday?
2. Did a woman use her handkerchief to cover the wound?
3. Who phoned the emergency service?
4. How was the boy sent to the hospital?
 5. What part of his body was hurt?
6. Was the taxi driver driving fast when the accident happened?
B / Write T / F 
1/. The boy’s leg was broken and it was bleeding badly. 
2/ .. Tam didn/t see an accident. 
Đề 4
I/ Choose the best option(A,B,C,D) to complete each sentence.
1/ I asked him .
A. if she remembers my birthday.	B. whether she remembered my birthday.
C. she remembered my birthday or not	D. does she remember my birthday.
2/ How many festivals ..in a year in your country ?
A. hold	B. held	C. are holding	D. are held
3/ Yesterday morning while my mother ..the meseum, I went shopping with my sister.
A. visited	B. is visiting	C. was visiting	D. visits
4/ This word is too difficult clearly.
A. to understand	B. understand	C. understanding	D. understands
5/ ..helping me with the washing ? No, of course not.
A. Do you like	B. Would you like	C. Would you mind	D. Could you
6/ Nam said he good marks that semester.
A. get	B. gets	C. getting	D. got
7/ My friend advised me how from Ha Noi to Sa Pa.
A. went	B. go	C. to go	D. going
8/ Do you mind if I my bike here ? Please do .
A. to leave	B. leave	C. left	D. leaving
9. He newspapers for ten years.
A. has sold	B. have sold	C. is selling	D. sells
10/ You will see a lot of famous painting in this 
A. exhibition	B. area	C. competition	D. invention
II/ Read and answer the questions.
	Last summer Mary went to Ho Chi Minh city with her parents. They flew there. It took them 18 hours. They stayed in a big hotel. It was clean and comfortable.
	On the first day, they visited Nha Rong Habor and Reunification Palace. On the second day, they visited Dam Sen Park. Finally, they went to Vinh Nghiem pagoda and Duc Ba Cathedral, they were really interested in the special atmosphere of peace and dignity there. After three days in HCM city, they went to Hue to visit the citadel there.
 A/ Questions:
1/ Where did Mary go last summer ?
2/ Did she stay in a big hotel ?
3/ Which places did she visit in HCM city ?
4/ How long did she stay in HCM city ?
5/ Was she interested in the special atmosphere of peace and dignity there ?
6/ Where did she go after visiting HCM city ?
B/ Write T / F 
1/  They visited Nha Rong Habor and Reunification Palace. 
2/  After three days in HCM city, they did not to Hue to visit the citadel there. 
Đề 5
I/ Choose the best option(A,B,C,D) to complete each sentence.
1/ Would you mind me some more coffee ?
A. getting	B. you get	C. to get	D. you getting
2/ Do you mind if I ..some photos on the way to the city center ?
A. took	B. take	C. will take	D. am taking
3/ He said he ..fix the faucets.
A. may	B. must	C. could	D. can
4/ The USA has a big car industry.
 A. made	B. make	C. making	D. to make
5/ Millions of Christmas Cards .every year.
A. are sent	B. are sending	C. send	D. was sent
6/ He English for 10 years.
A. has study	B. have study	C. have studied	D. has studied
7/ She asked me whether I .Sa Pa.
A. knowing	B. know	C. knew	D. known
8/ A is a person who repairs water pipes.
A. driver	B. doctor	C. plumber	D. teacher
9/ It is easy ..that exercise.
A, to do	B. has done	C. done	D. did
10/ Nhi asked: “ Do you know My Son , Nga ? ”
A. Nhi asked Nga if she knows My Son.
B. Nhi asked Nga if she know My Son.
C. Nhi asked Nga if she knowed My Son.
D. Nhi asked Nga if she knew My Son.
II/ Read the passage, then choose the correct answer ( A,B,Cor D) for each question.
	When people talk about Nha Trang, the biggest city in Khanh Hoa province, they often think of a tropical paradise. Nha Trang is a famous seaside resort. It has a long coastline with beautiful white sandy beaches.
	In the morning and the afternoon, tourists can take part in various fascinating outdoor activities such as mud bathing , swimming , snorkeling Beside, tourists can also take boat trips to the islands. One of the most enjoyable trips is the trip to Mieu island, where Tri Nguyen aquarium was built in 1999.
	In addition, tourists can spend an evening visiting a fishing village, where they could get a taste of a local seafood.
* Questions 
11/ People think Nha Trang is a .
A. mountain slope	B. tropical paradise	C. forest	D. mountain
12/ Nha Trang has long coastline with .
A. beautiful yellow sandy beaches	B. dirty yellow beaches
C. beautiful white sandy beaches	D. dirty white sandy beaches
13/ some fascinating outdoor activities are .
A. running, mud bathing and swimming .	C. swimming , boating and snorkeling
C. mud bathing , swimming and snorkeling. D. running, sun bathing and swimming
14/ Taking a boat trip to the Mieu Island is ..
A. boring	B. fascinating	C. popular	D. enjoyable
15/ Tri Nguyen aquarium was built in ..
A. 19th century	B. 18th century	C. 21th century	D. 20th century
16/ What could tourists get at a fishing village ?
A. a local seafood	B. a local food 	C. a local special food	D. a local fruits
 ------------------------- @ ---------------------------------
Đề 6
I/ Choose the best option(A,B,C,D) to complete each sentence.
1/ Could you show me how ..this game.
A. played	B. play	C. to play	D. playing
2/ Mr. John ..England since 1990.
A. visit	B. visite	C. has visited	D. have visited
3/ I asked Nga if Nha Trang .in southern Viet Nam.
A. is	B. was	C. be	D. were
4/ Miss Lan ..to Ho Chi Minh City tomorrow.
A. to go	B. go	C. goes	D. will go
5/ Last year , Hoa ..in Hue.
A. live	B. living	C. lives	D. lived
6/ Millions of Christmas cards every year.
A. is sent	B. send	C. are sending	D. are sent
7/ Ba .a shower at 8.00 last night.
A. was taken	B. was taking	C. took	D. take
8/ Do you mind if I ..a photo ?
A. taking	B. will take	C. took	D. take
9/ The Statue of Liberty is in .
A. New York	B. Paris	C. London	D. San Francisco
10/ It is .to find an expensive hotel in this town.
A. difficult	B. difficultly	C. differ	D. difficulty
II/ Read and answer the questions.
	 New year is one of the most important festivals in the United States. On New Year/s Eve, most people go to the parties. At twelve o/clock at night, everyone says “ Happy New Year” and they wish their friends and relatives good luck. New Year/s parties usually last a long time . Many people don/t go home until morning.
	Another holiday , Hallowen , is mainly for children . on this holiday children dress as witches, ghosts or others. Most children go from house to house asking for candy or fruit. If the people at the house do not give them candy, the children will play a trick on them. But this hardly ever happens. Almost people give them candy or fruit.
 A/ Questions:
1/ Where is New Year one of the most important festivals?
2/ What time does everyone say “ Happy New Year ” ?
3/ How long do New Year/s parties usually last?
4/ Do many people stay at the parties until morning ?
5/ What is another holiday ?
6/ Who do amost people give candy or fruit ?
B/ Write T / F 
1. On New Year/s Eve, most people go to the parties. 
2 New Year/s parties usually last a short time . 
III/ Write a letter by using the cues given.
 ------------------------------ @ -----------------------------------
 Đề 7
I. Choose the best answer.
1/ I for my friend outside the stadium when he came.
A. wait	B. waited	C. is waiting	D. was waiting
2/ She ..a letter to Tom yesterday.
A. writes	B. wrote	C. is writing	D. was writing
3/ What .you .at 8.00 last night?
A. are / reading	B. were / reding	C. do / read	D. did / read
4/ The Eiffel Tower ..by Alexander Gustave Eiffel for the Paris world /s Fair of 1889.
A. designed	B. designs	C. was designed
5/ She asked me Ha Long Bay.
A. if I visit	B. weather I visit	C. if I visit	D. if I visited
6/ Many Christmas card every year.
A. were sent	B. are sent	C. send	D. sent
7/ One of the Christmas specials is 
A. rice – cooking festival	B. Santa Claus	C. the Pyramids
8/ Would you mind ..the door ?
A. to close	B. closing	C. closed
9/ Petronas Twin Towers is in 
A. Australia	B. Malaysia	C. India	D. The United States
10/ She has not finished the letter .
A. already	B. just	C. yet	D. never
11/ Angkor Wat is a ..
A. Tower	B. library	C. Pyramid	D. temple
12/ “ I like English very much ” “ .. ”.
A. Neither do I	B. so am I	C. so do I	D. I am,too
II. Put the words in the correct order.
1/. meeting / 10 a.m / 8 a.m/ The / starts /at / at / and / ends.
2/. do / What / for / can / you / I .
3/. big / twentieth / It / a / in / the / invetion / was / century .
4/. new / his / He is / get / for / going / son /clothes / to.
5/ me / He / with / suitcase / to / help / my / heavy / offered.
6/. New York/ study/ next month/ My/ going to/ are/ brothers/ in
7/. Enough money/ would/ buy/ like/ but/ don’t/ new dictionary/ I/ to/ a/ I / have ...................................................................................................................................................
8/ Their / The / with / sisters / vacation / summer / family on / are.
9/ island / humid / is / The / hot / small / and.
10/ is / The / the / beach / hotel / close / situated / to .
11/ are / in / weather / here / nice / Bangkok / having / we .
12/ join / sorry, / you / I / I am / can not / but / dinner / tonight / for.
13/ popular / Napa Valley / a destination / is / travel.
14/ Ha Noi / I / there / in / days / of / remember / sightseeing.
15/ be / in / it / Tomorrow / some / will / sunny / places .
III/ Match a line in A with a line in B.
1. Nam said that
a. Hoi An ancient city.
2. I think walking in the rain is fun.
b. he was a good player.
3. Which place in Viet nam do you like to visit?
c. to find a job
4. It is difficult
d. at 7.00 last night.
5. Which country do you want to visit?
e. if I could speak English.
6. Nam was taking a shower
f. how to sew the skirt.
7. Nga told Nhi
g. England
8. Mr Ngan asked me
h. So do I
Answer : 1, 2 ,3 .. , 4 . ,5..,6 ., 7, 8.
IV/ Match a question in A with its response in B.
 A B
1. Would you mind if I sat here ?
a. I hope so.
2. Would you like to drink coffee ?
b. No, I don’t mind.
3. Could you give me the information, please?
c. Yes, please.
4. What did you do last night ?
d. Mid – fall festival.
5. I promise I won’t play soccer in the street.
e. I was eating dinner.
6. Which fetival do you like?
f. Sure.
7. We were playing soccer, 
g. I watched TV.
8. When he came, 
h. when it ranied.
Answer: 1., 2, 3, 4
5, 6., 7., 8

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