Giáo án Tự chọn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 3 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

I) Objectives: 

   1) Knowledge:

            - Revise position of adverbs of place

          - Remember three forms of “Be going to” and how to use it.

   * Grammar:

           + Adverbs of place

          + Future “Be going to” 

   2) Skills:

           Focus on writing skill.

   3) Attitude: 

    - Students revise old lesson (in second period) prepare new lesson.

          - Students practice in individual, pairworks, groupwork.

II) Teaching aids :

   - English book 8, Reference books

   - English exercises 8

III) Procedures:

  1) Warm-up:5’

       Have Ss remind some adverbs of place and Future “Be going to” 

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tự chọn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 3 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tự chọn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 3 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
Period: 3
Date of planning : 15/8/2017
Date of teaching: 
I) Objectives: 
 1) Knowledge: 
 	 - Revise position of adverbs of place
 	- Remember three forms of “Be going to” and how to use it.
 * Grammar: 
 	 + Adverbs of place
 	+ Future “Be going to” 
 2) Skills: 
 	 Focus on writing skill.
 3) Attitude: 
 - Students revise old lesson (in second period) prepare new lesson.
 	- Students practice in individual, pairworks, groupwork.
II) Teaching aids :
 - English book 8, Reference books
 - English exercises 8
III) Procedures:
 1) Warm-up:5’
 Have Ss remind some adverbs of place and Future “Be going to” 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
2) Presentation: 10’
 Asks Ss to remind forms and how to use “be going to” 
- Have Ss give some examples 
- Comment. 
- Gives feedback
* Have Ss remind some 
Adverbs of place 
3) Practice: 25’
* Gives the task 1 to students.
- Have Ss to do exercises
- Goes around and helps 
- Comments 
- Give feedback 
4) Consolidation: 3’ 
Have some Ss repeat tasks
* Remember forms and how to use “be going to” 
- Remind by going to the board and write.
- Take notes into their notebooks
* Remember and say in front of class 
* Go to the board and write
- Will exchange with their partners.
- Can ask the teacher to explain again.
- After finishing, students go to the board and write result
Listen and think
Activity 1 : 
Future : “be going to” : 
* Form : 
S + be going to + V(bare infi.)
S + be + not + going to + V ( infi.)
Be + S going to V ( infi.)?
* Use: Dùng để diển tả
Ex: I am going to go to Nga’s birthday party next week. 
 She isn’t going to see a pop concert tonight. 
Are you going to play chess tonight ? 
Cues : tonight, tonorrow, next Monday / week / month / year,..
Adverbs of place: 
Upstairs/downstairs/ inside/ outside/ here/ there/ aboard/ sideways
Activity 2 : 
Put the correct adverbs of place into the blanks.
1) He is going ..for further study next year. He is studying at the university in the USA.
2) Can you bring them all?
3) When it started to rain, Tom and his dog had to move........
4)Please carry my suitcases.They are downstairs
5) Tell your friends to wait in the living room. I don’t want them to go upstairs.
6) We should stay It is very cold outside. 
5) Homework:2’
 - Learn by heart how to make questions with “be going to” and position of adverbs. 
 - Write the exercises into notebooks.
 - Prepare : Reflexive pronouns
IV) Feedback : 
T :................................................................................................................................. 
Ss :............................................................................................................................... 

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  • docxgiao_an_tu_chon_tieng_anh_lop_8_tuan_3_nam_hoc_2017_2018_tru.docx