Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 8 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

I. Objectives:

     1. Knowledge:       

      + The aimsBy the end of the lesson, students will be able to read and understand the tale “ The lost shoe” 

      - Standard: Read and complete the sentences (exercise 1) and answer the questions (exercise 2) 

     - Higher : Write a summary of the tale

     + Vocabulary: Little Pea (n); Stout Nut (n); die (v) ; marry (v); cruel (a); upset (a); festival (n); harvest (n) ; prince (n); fairy(n); rag(n); drop(v); loose(v); own(v).

     + Structures: Past simple                               

     2. Skills: Reading-comprehension: Read and complete the sentences (exercise 1) and answer the questions (exercise 2)                                                

     3. Education:  Educate students to learn hard, love the beauty and kindness

II) Preparation:

           T: Students’ book and teacher’s book.

           Ss: Find new words and meaning them.

           -  Preparing new lesson at home

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 8 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 8 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
Week: 8	Date of preparation: 28.9.2018
Period: 22	
Unit 4: OUR PAST
I. Objectives:
 1. Knowledge: 
 + The aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read and understand the tale “ The lost shoe” 
 - Standard: Read and complete the sentences (exercise 1) and answer the questions (exercise 2) 
 - Higher : Write a summary of the tale
 + Vocabulary: Little Pea (n); Stout Nut (n); die (v) ; marry (v); cruel (a); upset (a); festival (n); harvest (n) ; prince (n); fairy(n); rag(n); drop(v); loose(v); own(v).
 + Structures: Past simple 
 2. Skills: Reading-comprehension: Read and complete the sentences (exercise 1) and answer the questions (exercise 2) 
 3. Education: Educate students to learn hard, love the beauty and kindness
II) Preparation:
 	T: Students’ book and teacher’s book.
	Ss: Find new words and meaning them.
	- Preparing new lesson at home
III) Procedures: 
 Teacher’s activities
 Students’ activities
1/ Warm up:(7’)
- Have Ss talk about the way things used to be and the way they are now
- Listen and Check. Then give marks
2/ Pre - Reading (10’)
- Ask Ss some questions.
- Introduce the situation of the reading
- Introduce new words.
- Read new words
- Have Ss practice themselves.
- Play tape twice
3/ While- Reading. (20’)
- Have Ss read the reading silently
- Have Ss do exercise 1.
- Check their answers.
- Have Ss to do exercice2
- Have Ss compare their answers
- Check.
 - Talk
- Answer
- Listen
- Guess
- Listen and take notes.
- Listen
- Practice reading new words in individual. 
- Work in group to do exercise 1 and write in an extra board
- Stick on the board
- Work in groups to answer the questions
- Compare
- Answer
* Read
1. Do you know this story “the lost shoes”?
2. Who was Little Pea?
3. Who was Stout Nut?
 New words 
- appear: (v) 
- cruel: (adj)
- upset (adj)
- broken heart (n)
- prince (n)
- fairy (n)
- magically (adv)
- rag (n)
- drop (n)
- fall in love (v)
1. Complete the sentences with words from the story.
a.  farmer
b. ... died .
c. . used . Again
d. . marry/ choose..
e. . new clothes ..
f. . lost ..
2. Answer the questions. Write the answer in your exercise book.
a. She was a poor farmer’s daughter.
b. She made Little Pea do chores all day.
c. Before the festival started, a fairy appeared and magically changed her rags into beautiful clothes.
d. The prince decided to marry the girl who fitted the lost shoe.
e. No, it isn’t. Because there aren’t any fairy on the world.
4/ Post-Reading. (6’)
- Have Ss read the lesson again
- Have Ss practice the questions. 
- Have Ss tell the story again.
 Litle Pea was a poor farmer’s daughter, after her mother died, her father married again. Her step- mother made Little Pea do chores all day. Before the festival started, a fairy appeared and magically changed her rags into beautiful clothes, the prince decided to marry the girl who fitted the lost shoe
5/ Homework: (2’)
 Ask Ss to:
	 Practice part Read again at home.
	- Read
	- Do exercises again
	 Prepare part Write for the next period:
	- Prepare new words.
	- Read the text and do exercises1 and 2.
V/ Feedback:
Period: 23	 
Unit 4: OUR PART
I/ Objectives:
 1. Knowledge
 + The aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a story using word cues and the model story
 - Standard: write a story using word cues and the model story
 - Higher: Ask and answer the questions about the story
 + Vocabulary: graze (v); appear(v); leave(v); say(v); tie(v); ; light(v); escape(v); servant(n); master(n); wisdom(n); return(v); straw(n); bring(v); stripe(n)
 + Structures: Structure of describing the position 
 On the other side	
	 In the right corner
 2. Skills : - Writing skills: guided writing skills using word cues and model story 
 - Speaking skills: ask and answer about the story 
 3. Education: Educate students to learn hard and love reading folktales
II/ Preparation:
 1. Teacher: lesson plan, English 8-book, pictures, extra boards
 2. Students: review the grammar points and vocabulary, a sheet of white paper
III/ Procedures:
 Teacher’s activities
 Students’ activities
1. Warm up: 5’
- ask students some questions
- correct
2. Pre- writing: 10’
Elicits the new words
Model reading
- guide students how to do this exercise 
- explain some new words
- tell students to read the story, then ask them fill in the blank spaces with the verbs in the box
Check voc : What & where 
Reviews the meaning of the words in the box,Then asks Ss to read the story to fill in the blanks.
- call on several students to read their answers in front of class
- make any necessary corrections to their work
3. While- writing: 20’
- have students reread the story to refresh their memory
- have them tell the same story, but from the tiger’s point of view by using the words provided
- call on several students to read their notes in front of class
- correct if necessary
- answer
- listen
- give the meanings of new words
 Repeat in inviduals 
- work in pairs
Give the meaning of the words in the box 
Fill in the blanks 
- give the answers on the board
- practice
- read the story again
- write the story in their notebooks
- show their writing on the board
work in pairs, then read their writing 
 - What do you do in your free time?
- Who was Little Pea?
 - How did little pea get her new clothes?
 - Do you like reading books?
- What kinds of books do you like reading?
 New words
- escape (v)
- tie (v)
- grade (v)
- nearby (adv)
- tiger (n)
- stripe (n)
- wisdom (n)
- straw (n)
 The answers:
1. appeared/ came
2. was
3. said
4. left
5. went
6. tied
7. lit
8. burned
9. escaped
2. Now imagine you are the man. Use the words to write the story. Start like this:
One day as I was in the filed and
One day as I was in the filed and my buffalo was grazing nearby, a tiger came. It asked why the strong buffalo was my servant and why I was its master. I told the tiger that I had something called wisdom. The tiger wanted to see it, but I told it I left the wisdom at home. Then I tied the tiger to a tree with a rope because I didn’t want it to eat my buffalo. I went to get some straw that I said my wisdom and I burned the tiger. The tiger escaped, but today it still has black stripes from the burn
 4/ Post- writting. (7’)
- Have Ss read the lesson again
- Have Ss finish the story
- Have Ss tell the story.
5/ Homework: (3’)
 Ask Ss to:
	 Practice part Write again at home.
	. Write
	. Do the exercises again
	 Prepare Language Focus for the next period:
	. Prepare new words
	. Do exercises
V/ Feedback:
Period: 24	 
Language focus
 I) Objectives:
 1) Knowledge: 
 - Revise some grammar notes
 * Grammar: 
 	 - The past simple tense.
 - Prepositions of time.
 - Used to + V- ( bare-inf) 
 * New language: 
 2) Skills: 
 - Focus on reading and writing skills.
 3) Attitude:
 - Students work hard, actively, happily
 II) Teaching aids:
 - Extra - boards, pictures or real thing
III) Procedures:
 Teacher's activities
 Students' activities
1. Warm up:5’
- Have Ss remind structures.
- Check.
2. Practice:30’
*Activity 1:
- Call some students go to the board and do exercise.
- Check.
*Activity 2:
- Call some students go to the board and do exercise.
- Check.
*Activity 3:
- Call some students repeat prepositions of time.
- Give answer key.
*Activity 4:
- Have Ss use structure Used to + V-inf?
- Give answer key.
- Check.
Tell structures.
+ The past simple tense.
+ Prepositions of time.
+ used to + V( bare-inf)
- Check again and write down.
- Some students repeat.
- Do exercise.
- Correct and write.
- Repeat the prepositions of time.
- Some students do.
- Correct and write.
- Repeat the structure.
- Work in pairs.
- Correct and write.
- Do in groups.
- Correct.
- Write down.
I. Grammar: 
1. The past simple tense.
2. Prepositions of time.
on, in, at, before, after, between,..
3. used to + V( bare-inf)
II. Practice: 
1. Write the past simple form of each verb.
a, run - ran
b, fly - flew
c, take - took
d, go - went
e, have - had
f, do - did
g, be - was/ were
h, ride - rode
i, eat - ate
j, sit - sat
k, come - came
2. Complete the dialogue. Use the past simple.
a, Did you eat rice?
b, I went to school by bike.
c, Where were you yesterday?
d, I had math, .
3. Complete the sentences.
a. on d. at/ after
b. in e. before
c. between
4. Complete the dialogue.
0. used to stay
1. used to have
2. used to be
3. used to live
3. Consolidation: 7’
- Have Ss remind:
+ The past simple tense.
+ Prepositions of time.
+Used to + V(bare-inf).
4. Homework: 3’
- Review all structures again.
- Prepare next period “check the test”. 
IV. Feedback:

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