Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 6 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

I/ Objectives:

   1. Knowledge

   + The aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a description of a room using word cues and the picture

   - Standard: write a description of a room using word cues and the picture


   - Higher: Ask and answer the questions about the position of the things in the picture

     + Vocabulary: corner (n); oven(n); towel rack(n); counter(n); beneath(prep); ; jar(n); flour(n); lighting fixture(n); above(prep); vase(n); wardrobe(n)

      + Structures:  Structure of describing the position 

                             On the other side, in the right corner

  2. Skills:  - Writing skills: guided writing skills using word cues and picture cues 

                - Speaking skills: ask and answer about the objects      

  3. Education:  Educate students to learn hard and be tidy

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 6 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 6 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
Week: 6	Date of planning: 12/9/2018
Period: 16
I/ Objectives:
 1. Knowledge
 + The aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a description of a room using word cues and the picture
 - Standard: write a description of a room using word cues and the picture
 - Higher: Ask and answer the questions about the position of the things in the picture
 + Vocabulary: corner (n); oven(n); towel rack(n); counter(n); beneath(prep); ; jar(n); flour(n); lighting fixture(n); above(prep); vase(n); wardrobe(n)
 + Structures: Structure of describing the position 
 On the other side, in the right corner
 2. Skills: - Writing skills: guided writing skills using word cues and picture cues 
 - Speaking skills: ask and answer about the objects 
 3. Education: Educate students to learn hard and be tidy
III/ Procedures:
 Teacher’s activities
 Students’ activities
1. Warm up: 5’
- ask students some questions
Call Ss work in pairs , then answer
- correct
Feedback/ marks
2. Pre- writing: 15’
-present the description of Hoa’s room and have students read it quickly
- check by asking some questions
- tell students to study the picture of the kitchen
- have students write a description of the kitchen, following the same from as they 
follow in describing Hoa’s room
3. While- writing: 15’
- ask students write a paragraph to describe the kitchen
- go around and help
- correct
 4/ Post- writing (8’)
- Have Ss work in pairs to write a describe room in their houses.
- Check.
- Have Ss rewrite the following.
- Check.
- Have Ss practice reading the writing 
- Check
- listen and answer
Work in pairs
Call 2 students go to the board
- read and identify the contents of the room and its placement in relation to the other objects
- write
Guide ss complete
- write
- listen
Work in pairs
Write on the board
- Work in groups to do the exercise. 
- Stick the extra board on the black board.
- Write in notebook
- Rewrite.
- Ss read
- Is there a bookshelf in your living- room? - where is it?
- Why must we cover electrical sockets?
 - Why must not children play with matches?
Reflexive pronouns
1. New words
 corner (n)
 towel rack(n)
 lighting fixture(n)
This is Hoa’s kitchen. There is a refrigerator in the right corner of the room. Next to the refrigerator is the stove and oven. On the other side of the oven, there is a sink and next to the sink is a tower rack. The dish rack is/stands on the counter, to / on the right (side) of the window and beneath the shelves. On the counter beneath the window, there are jars of sugar, flour and tea. In the middle of the kitchen, there is a table and four chairs. The lighting fixture is above the table, and directly beneath the lighting fixture is a vase of flowers.
 3. Write a description of a room in your house. Refer to the above paragraphs.
 This is my bedroom. There is a table in the middle of the room. Around the room, there are two chairs. To the left of the room, there is a book shelf with many books. To the right of the room, there is a wardrobe next to the bed, their, there is a stereo on the shelf. There is also a vase of flowers on the table.
a. This/ my/ bedroom.
àThis is my bedroom.
b. There/ a/bookshelf/ next/ the window.
àThere is a book shelf next to the window.
c. bookshelf/ a stereo and some books.
à On the bookshelf, there is a stereo and some books.
d. There/ a bed/ opposite/ window.
àThere is a bed opposite the window.
5/ Homework: (2’)
 Ask Ss to:
	 Practice part Write again at home.
	. Write
	. Do the exercises again
	 Prepare Language Focus for the next period:
	. Prepare new words
	. Do exercises
IV/ Feedback:
T: Ss__________________________________________________________________ 
Period: 17	 
Unit 3: AT HOME
(Language Focus)
I) Objectives:
 1) Knowledge: 
 * Grammar : 
 	+ Review the uses of must, have to, ought to, reflexive, Why? à Because 
 + New language: beneath, tower rack.
 2) Skills : 
 - Focus on reading and writing skills.
 3) Attitude:
 - Students work hard, actively, happily
 II/ Preparation. 
	 T: Students’ book and teacher’s book.
	Ss: Find new words and meaning them.
	- Preparing new lesson at home
 III) Procedures:
 Teacher’s activities
 Students’ activities
1/ Warm up:(5’)
- Have Ss to do exercise.
- Check.
2/ Practice: 30’
* Activity 1
- Explain the way to do the exercise.
- Ask the Ss to do exercise in groups
- Check.
* Activity 2
- Explain the way to do the exercise.
- Ask the Ss to do exercise in groups
- Check. 
* Activity 3
- Explain the way to do the exercise.
- Ask the Ss to do exercise in groups
- Check. 
* Activity 4
- Explain the way to do the exercise.
- Ask the Ss to do exercise in groups.
- Check.
- Go to the board and write.
- Listen and take notes
- Work in group to do the exercises
- Stick their answers on the board.
- Listen and take notes
- Work in group to do the exercises.
- Stick their answers on the board.
- Listen and take notes
- Work in group to do the exercises
- Stick their answers on the board.
- Listen and take notes
- Work in group to do the exercises
- Stick their answers on the board.
a. This/ my/ bedroom.
àThis is my bedroom.
b. There/ a/bookshelf/ next/ the window.
àThere is a book shelf next to the window.
c. bookshelf/ a stereo and some books.
à On the bookshelf, there is a stereo and some books.
d. There/ a bed/ opposite/ window.
àThere is a bed opposite the window.
1/ Look at the pictures. Complete the dialogue. Use must or have to and the verb in the box
(feed, empty, do, tidy, sweep, clean dust)
The answers:
 1. must/ have to tidy
 2. have to/ must dust
 3. must/ have to sweep
 4. must/ have to clean
 5. have to/ must empty
 6. must/ have to feed
2/ Look at the pictures. Use ought to to give advice to these people
a. I failed my English test.
 àYou ought to study harder.
b. You ought to get up early.
c. you ought to eat more fruit and vegetables.
d. You ought to go to the dentist’s.
3/ Complete the dialogues. Use the reflexive pronouns in the box. You will have to use some of the reflexive pronouns more than once
 (myself, yourself, himself, yourselves, herself, ourselves, themselves.)
 1. ourselves
 2. myself
 3. yourself
 4. himself
 5. herself
 7. yourselves
4. Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about Hoa, Nam, Ha, Nga, and Mrs. Vui using Why-Because
b. Why did Nam have to cook dinner?
 Because his mother was home late.
c. Why was Mrs. Vui, Nam’s mother home late?
 Because she had to come to see his grandmother, she was tired.
d. Why did Ha fail her English exam?
 Because she didn’t lean for her exam. She played the computer games.
e. Why didn’t Nga go to the movies?
 Because she had to do her chores. She had to clean the kitchen and sweep the living- room.
4/ Consolidation: (7’)
- Remind the use of reflexive pronouns
I à myself,
You à yourself/ yourselves
He àhimself
She àherself
We àourselves 
It à itself
- Have Ss read the lesson again.
5/ Homework: (3’)
 Ask Ss to:
Practice part Language Focus again at home.
	 Do exercises again at home
 Practice the grammar note for the next revision. 
 (The grammar note of the three Units)
IV/ Feedback:
Period: 18	
I) Objectives
 1) Knowledge: 
 * Grammar: 
 	+ Review the uses of must, have to, ought to, reflexive, Why?- because, be going to, present simple, past simple.
 2) Skills: 
 - Focus on reading and writing skills.
 3) Attitude:
 - Students work hard, actively, happily
 II/ Preparation. 
	 T: Students’ book and teacher’s book.
	Ss: Reviewing grammar note of the three Unit 1,2,3
IV/ Procedures:
 Teacher’s activities
 Students’ activities
1/ Warm up:(8’)
- Have Ss answer some questions
- Check. 
2/ Practice :(30’)
- Explain the way to do the exercise.
- Check.
- Explain the way to do the exercise.
- Ask the Ss to do exercise in groups
- Have Ss present their answers.
- Check and correct.
- Have the Ss remind the adverb of places.
- Check.
- Ask questions using “why”
- Check.
- Have Ss give to use modal verbs.
4/ Consolidation: (5’)
- Have Ss practice to ask and answer the questions in 4.
- Listen and answer
- Correct.
- Work in groups to do exercise.
- Stick the answers on the board.
- Work in groups to do exercise.
- Stick the answers on the board.
- Remember and tell.
- Give example
- Answer with “Because”
- One asks and one answers.
- Correct.
1. What is the present simple tense use for?
2. What is the past simple tense use for?
3. What is “be going to” use for?
- The Present simple tense,
- Past simple tense
- Future tense with ( be going to)
1/ Present simple and past simple tense:
Put the word in the blank into the sentences in the right form of tense.
a. They went (go) to school yesterday.
b. The sun sets in the West.
c. He did ( do) his homework last night.
d. They ( play) play soccer every Sunday.
e. Last year, he studied (study) very hard.
2/ Be going to:
Say your intention with the words given
a. a fishing rod
 àI am going to go fishing.
b. a movie ticket.
c. buy fish and vegetables.
d. have homework.
3/ Reflexive pronouns:
myself, ourselves, himself, themselves
a. He cut himself.
b. The girl killed herself.
4/ Why ?- Because
 Answer the questions:
a. Why do people laugh?
 Because they are happy.
b. Why do people cry?
 Because they are sad.
c. Why do you go to school late?
d. Why do you fail the exam?
e. Why do people use medicine?
5/ Must/ have to/ ought to: + V(bare- inf)
 1. You must clean the floor.
 2. She has to empty the garbage.
 3. They must feed the dog.
 4. We ought to review the lesson before tests.
5/ Homework: (2’)
 Ask Ss to:
 Prepare the lesson carefully for the next test.
	 Review the three language focus of the 3 Units
 Do the exercise in the revision again.
IV/ Feedback:
 Duyệt Tuần 6

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