Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 5 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã


1) Knowledge 

The students:

           - Describe the position of the thing.

           - Advice someone should or shouldn’t do some things.

* Grammar: Reflexive pronouns

                            Adverbs of places

           * New words: rug, cushion, counter, knife, dish rack 

 2) Skills: 

    - Focus on writing skill.

 3) Attitude: 

    - Students work hard 

II/ Teaching aids: 

           Picture – extra - board 

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 5 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 5 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
Week: 5	Date of planning: 6/9/2017
Period: 13	
Unit 3: AT HOME
1) Knowledge 
The students:
	- Describe the position of the thing.
	- Advice someone should or shouldn’t do some things.
* Grammar: Reflexive pronouns
	 Adverbs of places
	* New words: rug, cushion, counter, knife, dish rack 
 2) Skills: 
 - Focus on writing skill.
 3) Attitude: 
 - Students work hard 
II/ Teaching aids: 
	Picture – extra - board 
III/ Procedures:
 T’s activities
 Ss’ activities
1/ Warm up:(7')
- Have Ss look at the pictures and name the things in the picture.
- Check.
2/ Pre- Speaking:
 (10 ')
- Introduce some new word and helps Ss practice new word fluently.
- Ask Ss to do the exercise
- Have Ss represent their answers
- Check.
3/ While-Speaking: (20')
- Have Ss look at the picture and the words in the box.
- Have Ss do exercise
- Have groups to compare their answers
- Check
-Have Ss to do exercises
-Have groups to compare their answers.
-Check and correct
4/ Post Speaking: (6'')
- Teacher asks Ss to practice the sentences speaking the things in the class.
- Name the things in the picture
- Correct.
- Write the new word and practice.
-Work in groups to do exercise.
- Each goup has one to stand up and read their sentence.
-Word cues
-Students speak "Word cues" and the pictures
- The calendar / on the wall, / the clock and above the refrigerator.
- The sink / next to the stove.
- The cupboard /the wall, above the counter.
- The knives are / the wall, / the cupboard.
-Practice in individual
-Visual aids
-Students look at the pictures
- The bowl of fruit is between the rice cooker and the dish rack.
- The clock is on the wall, above the refrigerator.
-Role play
- Look at the picture and match the names with the things
- Work in group to do exercise
- Compare their answers
- Three groups go to the board and do exercise.
-Practice the sentences
Clock, calendar, refrigerator, counter, cupboard, knife, stove, sink, saucepan, frying pan, fruit, plate, table, chair, flower, dish rack, rice cooker...
1. Look at the picture. Work with the partner. Talk about the position of each item.
- rug (n): thảm để trải sàn
- cushion (n): nệm
- rice cooker (n): nồi cơm điện 
- coffee table (n): bàn ngồi uống cà phê
- The calendar is on the wall, under the clock and above the refrigerator.
- The sink is next to the stove.
- The cupboard is on the wall, above the counter.
- The knives are on the wall, under the cupboard.
- The bowl of fruit is between the rice cooker and the dish rack.
- The clock is on the wall, above the refrigerator.
- The flowers are on the table....
2/ Mrs. Vui bought new furniture for her living room, but she can not decide where to put it. Work with a partner and arrange the furniture. You must reach an agreement.
- I think the coffee table should be between the couch and the armchair
- Let’s put the magazines on the shelf
above the books.
- I think the shelf ought to be at one of the corners, opposite the couch.
- Let’s put the telephone and the lamp on the small table next to the couch.
- The TV and the stereo should be put on the shelf.
- Let’s put the clock on the wall, above the picture.
I think we should hang the picture/ the clock above the couch.
- Let’s . 
- I think .
- I think we should .
5/ Homework: (2')
Practice part Speak again at home.
Learn by heart all the new words
Prepare part Listen for the next period:
IV/ Feedback:
Period: 14	
Unit 3: AT HOME
1) Knowledge: 
students identify the right item by listening a short dialogue and some elicited pictures. 
 	* Grammar: 
 	 Revise: Modal verbs
 	 Request sentence 
* Structures : Can I help you ? 
2) Skills: 
 	Focus on listening skill. 
3) Attitude :
 	 Students work hard with their cooking.
II) Teaching aids:
 Pictures, Extra board
Tape and cassette player.
III) Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1. Warm up :(6')
- Ask students to write down on their notebooks 5 things you can eat.
2. Pre - listening:(10')
- Get students to look at page 30 and guess 
- Have Ss the question 
- Elicit
3. While -listening: (20')
- T shows the dialogue and explains the situation 
- Play the tape twice.
- Ask some Ss to go to the board and give the result
- Give feedback.
- Prepare a list of food. 
- Students listen to the teacher carefully. If anyone has the same things, they cross them out.
- Can close their books 
- Guess by writing on the board 
-Talk about the way how to cook the special Chinese fried rice.
-Practice in individual
-Students guess
1.They cook Fried Rice/noodles.
2.They use the big pan/small pan.
3.They put the ham/chicken.
4.They fry onions and the garlic /the garlic and the green peppers.
Talk about the way how to cook the special Chinese fried rice.
Students "Discussion"
Talk about the way how to cook the special Chinese fried rice.
- Students listen to the tape and check their predictions.
* Suggested list of food : chickens, beef, cake, candy, garlic, noodles, bread, rice, ham, peas...
* Predictions:
Mrs. Tu wants to cook :
“Special Chinese Fried Rice”
- What ingredients does Mrs. Tu 
need to prepare ? 
Vocabulary :
 Objects in the pictures:
- rice (n): cơm
- noodles (n): mì
- sauce pan (n): chảo sốt
- frying pan (n): chảo rán
- garlic (n): tỏi
- onion (n): hành
- green peppers (n): ớt xanh
- peas (n); đậu
- ham (n): thịt đùi
Lan: Can I help you cook dinner, Mom?
Mrs. Tu: Sure. You can cook the "Special Chinese Fried Rice" for me. Use the big pan, please.
Lan: Okay. How much oil do I put in?
Mrs.Tu: Just a little. Wait until it's hot and then fry the garlic and the green peppers.
Lan: Do I put the ham and the peas in now?
Mrs. Tu: Yes. And you can put the rice and a teaspoon of salt in.
Lan: Yummy! It smells delicious.
*Answers: a) Fried rice 
 b) big pan
 c) garlic and green peppers 
 d) ham and peas
“Fried egg”
*Retell and summary
Ex : 
Prepare a frying pan,some oil..
“Special Chinese Fried Rice”
 Use a big pan, put a little of oil and wait until it’s hot, then fry the garlic and green peppers, after that put the ham and peas in, finally, put the rice and a teaspoon of salt in.
4. Post – listening:(7')
-Teacher asks Ss say how to fry eggs and how to cook” the special fried rice”
-Teacher calls some Ss to retell 
5. Homework:(2')
 - Write the answers in 
- Retell how to cook “Special Chinese Fried Rice”.
- Prepare Unit 3 “ Read ”.
Unit 3: AT HOME
Period: 15	 
I) Objectives:
 students will understand the safety precautions in the house and how to stay away from the danger for children. 
1) Knowledge : 
 	* Grammar : 
 	Revise: Modal verbs
 	Why → Because
2) Skills : 
 	 Focus on reading skill. 
3) Attitude:
 	 Students work hard 
II) Teaching aids:
 Pictures & real objects.
 Tape and cassette player.
III) Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1.Warm up: (6') 
- Ask Ss to say some dangerous things in home 
2. Pre - reading:(12')
- Have Ss answer some questions 
3. While - reading: (20')
- Introduce the poster 
- Play the tape (twice)
- Introduce new words 
- Guide Ss to read the vocabulary
- Play the tape again
- Explain the exercises
- Ask Ss to discuss with their friends. 
- Have Ss give the answers in front of class.
- Have Ss remember how to answer “Why → Because”
- Ask Ss to do exercises 
- Give feedback
- Ask some Ss to repeat
-Answer and tell
 - Think and answer
- Guess and give meaning of words
 - Listen
- Guess and give meaning of the words.
- Read
- Listen.
-Practice in pairs
- Remember 
- Do exercise.
Danger in the home for children
+ boiling water 	
+ electricity
+ drugs
+ knife
+ fire 
Questions :
- Who is Mrs.Quyen ? 
- Where is she now ? 
- What is she doing ? 
- What is the poster talking about ? 
* Vocabulary:
 - safety precaution (n): cảnh báo an toàn
- objects(n): vậy
- chemicals(n): hóa chất
- drugs(n): thuốc
- matches (n) diêm
- electrical sockets(n):ổ cắm điện
- scissors (n): kéo
- bead (n): hạt, vật tròn nhỏ
1. Answer:
F: It’s safe to keep medicine in locked cupboards.
F: A kitchen is a dangerous place to play.
F: playing with one match can cause a fire.
f. T
2. Ask and answer :
a. Because children often try to eat and drink them.
b. Because the kitchen is a dangerous place
c. Because playing with one match can cause the fire
d. Because children often try to put something into electrical sockets and electricity can kill. 
e. Because the dangerous objects can injure or kill children.
4. Post – reading: (4')
 	- Read the lesson aloud.
	- Practice asking and answering again.
- The students make the questions and answers in front of class about safety precautions in the house
5. Homework:(2')
 	Write the answers in their notebooks.
IV). Feedback: T........................................................................................................................................................

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  • docgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_8_tuan_5_nam_hoc_2017_2018_truong_thcs.doc