Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 36+37 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge, skill, attitude.

    - Knowledge:

Helps students to revise the structures and grammars

        + Prepositions

       + Past progressive

       + Present simple

       + To-infinitive

       + Compound words

       + Past simple 

        + Indirect questions with If and Whether

        + Vocabulary 

        + Passive forms.

        + Question words before to - infinitives

            Students can revise all the structures they have already learnt.

    - Skill:  Developing writing skill.

    - AttitudeStudy in a serious and strict manner.

2. Quality, ability needs forming and developing for the students. 

   - Ability for shelf – study: 

           Students can do exercise with their teacher and classmates.

  - Ability for creation: Students finish the lesson.

  - Ability to join into the groups: Students practice in pairs, in groups.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 36+37 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 36+37 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
* Date of preparing: 10/4/2019
* From period 106 to period 111, Week: 36 + 37
Period: 106 	
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge, skill, attitude.
 - Knowledge: 
Helps students to revise the structures and grammars
 + Prepositions
 + Past progressive
 + Present simple
 + To-infinitive
 + Compound words
 + Past simple 
 + Indirect questions with If and Whether
 + Vocabulary 
 + Passive forms.
 + Question words before to - infinitives
 	 Students can revise all the structures they have already learnt.
 - Skill: Developing writing skill.
 - Attitude: Study in a serious and strict manner.
2. Quality, ability needs forming and developing for the students. 
 - Ability for shelf – study: 
 	Students can do exercise with their teacher and classmates.
 - Ability for creation: Students finish the lesson.
 - Ability to join into the groups: Students practice in pairs, in groups.
 II. Preparation:
 Teacher: English book 8 and teacher’s English book, chalks, extra board. 
 Students: Extra-boards, text books, exercise books.
 III. Teaching activities organization:
 1. Class organization: Checking the number of students.
 2. Checking up old lesson: 5’
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
- Ask Ss retell all structures from unit 12 to unit 14
- Answer
3. New lesson: 32’
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
Activity 1: 
a. Purpose:
 Have Ss remind some points of grammar which they have learnt from 12 to unit 14 
 * Content:
b. Activity organization form.
c. Result of Ss
d. Teacher’s conclusion.
- Concludes students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Activity 2
a. Purpose:
 Finish all exercises. 
 * Content:
b. Activity organization form.
 - Explain how to do exercises.
Activity 3
a. Purpose:
 Finish all exercises. 
 * Content:
 Exercise 1,2,3,4
b. Activity organization form.
 - Explain how to do exercises.
- Have Ss practice in pair to finish lesson.
- Have Ss write the answer on the board.
- Correct
- Have Ss write right answer in their note books
c. Result of Ss
 Finish all exercises.
d. Teacher’s conclusion.
Correct Ss’ pronunciation.
- Tell
Understand how to use 
 + Prepositions
 + Past progressive
+ Present simple
+ To-infinitive
 + Compound words
+ Past simple 
+Indirect questions with If and Whether
+ Vocabulary 
+ Passive forms.
 + Question words before to - infinitives
- Listen
- Pair works
- Write the answer on the board.
- Copy down
I. Choose the correct words or phrases to fill in the blanks:
1. Do you mind If I .. some photos?
A. take B. am taking	 
C. will take.	D. took.
2. Do you mind if
A. sit	B. sitting C. sat	D. to sit
3. Lan .....TV at eight o’clock last night
A. is watching	B. was watching
C. watched	D .watches
4. When I home, my mother was waiting for me
 A. arrive B. arrived	
 C. was arrive	D. arriving
5. He said that he .come .
A. will/ tomorrow	
B. will / the following day
C. would / tomorrow	
D. would / the following day
6. The Statue of Liberty was the United States by France in 1876
A. completed	B. constructed
C. presented	D. made
7. My Dad for this company since 2001.
A. works	B. worked	
C. has worked	D. have worked
8. John is interested swimming.
A. at	 B. in	 C. on	D. with
9. Would you mind.this letter for me?
A. post B. posting C. to post D. posted
10. He was eating when the milkman 
A. comes B. came C. come D. to come
11. Sheat 11a.m last Tuesday.
A. cooks B. to cook 
C. was cooking 	D. cooked
12. Would you mind if I  on the radio?
 A. turn B. turned 
C. turning 	D. to turn
13. It  tomorrow.
A. will be done	B. has been done
C. was done	D. is being done
14. People throw . billions of cans every year.
A. away	B. out	 C. into D. off
15. Lan.................... in Scotland for 5 years. Now she lives in London.
A. lived	B. has lived	
C. was living	D. has been living 
16. That fax is.........guarantee so the company will repair it.
A. on	 B. in	 C. of	D. under
17. The girls . chess are Nga and Hoa. 
A. play. B. to play. 
C. playing. 	 D. plays.
18. Would you mind your car?
à No, of course not. 
A. move B. moving. 
 C. to move. D. moved.
19. Do you mind If I .?
à I’d rather you didn’t
	A. smoke	 B. to smoke. 
 C. smoked. D. smoking.
20. Would you mind if I  down the music?- It’s too loud in here
A. turned.	 B. to turn.	
C. would turn. D. turning 
II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. 
1. they built the house in 1990
 à The house 
2. Nhi asked me, “Do you go to school on the weekends ?” 
à Nhi asked me if
3. He said “I am very tired now”
à He said he 
3. The woman asked her husband “Don’t talk about my problem, please”
àShe asked her husband 
 4. They said to us “We like oranges better than bananas.”
à They said to us
5.I asked the tourist “Are you from Australia ?”
à I asked the tourist 
6.They usually hold the concerts at the university.
àThe concert  
7.Tam often do the homework evey day. 
à The homework  
8.My uncle drinks coffee every morning. 
à Coffee 
 4. Homework: 3’ 
* Purpose: Help students consolidate the knowledge which they have learnt and review from unit 9 to unit 15.
* Activity organization form: Planning new lesson at home. 
* Students activity productions: Do exercise at home.
* Teacher’s conclusion: Conclude students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes.
IV. Test and evaluate the lesson: 5’
- Teacher asks Ss:
 	Tell how to use structures.
- Teacher evaluates and summarizes about the lesson.
V. Feedback
Period: 107 	
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge, skill, attitude.
 - Knowledge: 
Helps students to revise the structures and grammars
 + Prepositions
 + Past progressive
 + Present simple
 + To-infinitive
 + Compound words
 + Past simple 
 + Indirect questions with If and Whether
 + Vocabulary 
 + Passive forms.
 + Question words before to - infinitives
 	 Students can revise all the structures they have already learnt.
 - Skill: Developing writing skill.
 - Attitude: Study in a serious and strict manner.
2. Quality, ability needs forming and developing for the students. 
 - Ability for shelf – study: 
 	Students can do exercise with their teacher and classmates.
 - Ability for creation: Students finish the lesson.
 - Ability to join into the groups: Students practice in pairs, in groups.
 II. Preparation:
 Teacher: English book 8 and teacher’s English book, chalks, extra board. 
 Students: Extra-boards, text books, exercise books.
 III. Teaching activities organization:
 1. Class organization: Checking the number of students.
 2. Checking up old lesson: 5’
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
- Ask Ss retell all structures from unit 12 to unit 14
- Answer
3. New lesson: 32’
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
Activity 1: 
a. Purpose:
 Have Ss remind some points of grammar which they have learnt from 9 to unit 15 
 * Content:
b. Activity organization form.
c. Result of Ss
d. Teacher’s conclusion.
- Concludes students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Activity 2
a. Purpose:
 Finish all exercises. 
 * Content:
b. Activity organization form.
 - Explain how to do exercises.
Activity 3
a. Purpose:
 Finish all exercises. 
 * Content:
b. Activity organization form.
 - Explain how to do exercises.
- Have Ss practice in pair to finish lesson.
- Have Ss write the answer on the board.
- Correct
- Have Ss write right answer in their note books
c. Result of Ss
 Finish all exercises.
d. Teacher’s conclusion.
Correct Ss’ pronunciation.
- Tell
Understand how to use 
 + Prepositions
 + Past progressive
 + Present simple
 + To-infinitive
 + Compound words
 + Past simple 
 + Indirect questions with If and Whether
 + Vocabulary 
 + Passive forms.
 + Question words before to - infinitives
- Listen
- Pair works
- Write the answer on the board.
- Copy down
 III. Read. Answer the questions
1. Read the passage, then answer the questions :
 Australia is an island continent in the South Pacific. 
The capital is Canberra, but the city with the biggest population is Sydney, which has nearly four million. English is the first language of most people, but there are
 also many immigrants who speak other languages.
 Canada is the second largest country in land side.
 It stretches 3,223 miles from east to west, and from the North Pole to the U.S. border. Both English and French are official languages. Many French-speaking people live in the province 
of Quebec, where Montreal is the biggest city. Canada has a cold winter, and many Canadian enjoy winter sports, such as skiing and ice staking.
 Swizerland is a small country in central Europe. Its
 neighbors are France in the west, Italy in the south, Australia in the east, and Germany in the north. Sixty percent of the land in Swizerland is famous for its banks, tourism, and skiing.
1. Where is Australia?
2. What is the population of Sydney?
3. Is English the unique language spoken in Australia?
 4. What is the area of Canada?
 2.Read the passage, then answer the questions :
	Two popular traditions at Christmas are decorating the home and singing Christmas carols. The home is the center of the Christmas celebration. Inside, an evergreen tree is usually placed in a corner of the living room. Children and their parents wrap strings of colorful lights around the tree. They hang ornaments on branches. A star or angel often crowns the top. Carefully-wrapped gifts are placed beneath. Outside, families often string lights around windows and wind lights around trees and shrubs in the front yard. As families decorate their homes, they often put on a Christmas record. Almost every family has at least one favorite Christmas album or compact disc. Schoolchildren of all ages perform Christmas concerts for their parents and communities. On Christmas’ Eve, family members gather around the Christmas tree to sing traditional songs such as Jingle bells and Silent Night and then give presents to each other. 
* Answer the questions
1. What are the popular traditions at Christmas?
2. Where is the evergreen tree put?
3. Do Children and their parents wrap strings of colorful lights around the tree?
4. What do family members often do on Christmas’ Eve?
5. How do they decorate the Christmas tree?
6. Do family members gather around the Christmas tree to sing modern songs?	
 4. Homework: 3’ 
* Purpose: Help students consolidate the knowledge which they have learnt and review from unit 9 to unit 15.
* Activity organization form: Planning new lesson at home. 
* Students activity productions: Do exercise at home.
 Put the words in the right order. 
 1. don’t / how / do / these homework / know / I/ to/
2. It / a / is / festival / cutting / rice 
3. Nhi/ Nga/ if/ asked/ she/ My son/ knew
4. Nga/ told/ to/ there/ go/ Nhi/ how
5. He / not/ to/ me/ go/out/ told
6. He/ me/ where/ asked/ born/ was/ I/ 
7. He/ to/ wants/ know/ I/ from/ was/ where
8. The/ is/ being/ house/ built
9. He/ me/ asked/ if/ was/ teacher/ a/ I
10. while/ was/ cooking/ she/ ,/We/playing/ were/ game
* Teacher’s conclusion: Conclude students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes.
IV. Test and evaluate the lesson: 5’
- Teacher asks Ss:
 	Tell how to use all structures.
- Teacher evaluates and summarizes about the lesson.
V. Feedback
PERIOD 108,109,110: GIẢM TẢI

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