Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 33 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

I) Objectives:

1) Knowledge : 

    + Express opinions

    * Grammar : 

        +  The present perfect tense

        +  Question words before to-infinitive

   2) Skills : 

    -  Focus on listening and reading skills.

  3) Attitude 

    - Students work hard, actively, happily

II) Teaching aids:

   - Extra – boards, Textbook

  - Cassette player & tape

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 33 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 33 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
Week : 33 Date of planning : 5/04 /2018
Period: 97 Date of teaching : 
Getting started & Listen and read
I) Objectives:
1) Knowledge : 
 + Express opinions
 * Grammar : 
 + The present perfect tense
 + Question words before to-infinitive
 2) Skills : 
 - Focus on listening and reading skills.
 3) Attitude 
 - Students work hard, actively, happily
II) Teaching aids:
 - Extra – boards, Textbook
 - Cassette player & tape
III) Procedures:
 Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1)Warm up : (5ms)
Have Ss work in pairs to make a list of how computer can help us.
- Teacher asks Ss say some useful information about computer
- T comments 
2) Presentation : 
Have Ss answer some questions 
Then answer say before class 
* Teacher plays the tape once
Explain new vocabularies
Guide Ss to read new words
3) Practice : (23ms) 
- Play the tape again
- Ask some pairs of Ss to role the play to read in front of the class
* Teacher gives task 2 to students
- Have Ss remind “Fact & Opinion”
- Have Ss do the exercises
- Ask some Ss write the result
- Teacher corrects
- Teacher gives feedback.
* Ss exchange with their 
- Ss can stand up and say or go to the board and write
Ss listen and take notes
* Ss discuss with their friends
Ss present their thought in front of class
* Ss concentrate and listen
- Ss give the meaning of the words 
- Copy, repeat, then reread (chorally, Individually)
* Ss can close their books, concentrate and listen
- Play the roles of Nam and Mr. Nhan, then practice before class
Ss concentrate and listen
Ss remember how to do this part
Ss will exchange with their friends
- Ss go to the board give out the answers.
- Copy the answers.
* Getting started :
- Computer can save time. 
- make programs.
- help us study.
- help us get new information.
- help us communicate with others.
- help us surf on Internet 
- have quick answers
- play games
* Listen and read :
- Who are talking in the conversation? 
- Where are they? 
- What are they talking about? 
Vocabulary :
- printer (n) : 
- already (adv.) : 
- connect (v) : 
- properly (adv.) :
- plug (n) :
- come out : 
- manual (n) : 
- guarantee (n) : 
Grammar : 
Revise Present perfect
a) Have you turned it on yet?
b) Yes, I have already done it.
1. Practice the dialogue.
2. Fact or Opinion? Check (√) the boxes.
4) Consolidation : (7ms)
- Ss practice reading the dialogue.
- Ss practice asking and answering the questions.
a) How can computers help us?
b) Do you think computers are good for children? Why? / Why not?
c) What do you use computers for your purpose? 
d) Do you often surf on Internet? 
5) Homework: (3ms)
- Copy the answers into Ss’ notebooks.
- Do exercises (Workbook)
- Prepare Unit 15 “Speak” 
IV) Feedback:
Period: 98 
 1) Knowledge: 
 + Agree and disagree
 + Talk about processes
 * Grammar: 
 + Present simple tense
 + Past simple tense
 2) Skills: 
 - Focus on speaking skills.
 3) Attitude:
 - Students work hard, actively, happily
II) Teaching aids:
 - Extra-boards, text book
 - Cassette tape & player.
 - Many beautiful pictures
III) Procedures:
 1) Warm-up: (5ms)
 - Ask Ss to talk about the use of the computers 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
2) Pre – speaking : 
- T introduces situation
- T and one student will do model
- Introduce and guide Ss to read the new vocabulary.
- Correct the pronunciation.
- Explain how to express opinions and responds with 3 forms
3) While – speaking :
- Give task 2 to Ss and explain the task 
- Ask some pairs practice in front of 
- Guide the requirement of the task.
- Ask some pairs of Ss to repeat
- Have other students continue to practice
- T corrects Ss’pronunciation
* Ss concentrate, listen and take notes
- Ss give the meaning of the words
- Take notes, repeat, then reread. (Chorally, Individually)
- Ss listen and take notes
* Ss discuss with their partners
- Work in pairs to practice.
- Then speak out before class.
- Some Ss say again in front of class
- Replace the words to complete new dialogues.
- Some Ss will say their dialogues 
Model sentence
S1 : I think computers are useful.
S2 : So do I.
S3 : I disagree. I think they are unnecessary.
Vocabulary :
- amusing (adj)
- time – consuming (adj)
- challenging (adj)
- adjust (v)
- knob (n)
Opinions: * agreement
 * degree of agreements.
 * disagreement.
1)Work with a partner
Ex :
A: I don’t believe driving a car is easy.
B: I agree, but it is necessary.
2. Read the dialogue. 
A: I’m having problems with my printer.
B: What’s wrong.
A: The screen is too dark.
B: No, you didn’t adjust the knob. 
4 ) Post – Speaking : (7ms)
	 - T asks Ss to make similar dialogues with different situation.
 - T asks Ss speak simpler sentences.
5)Homework : (3ms)	
 - Write the answers into the notebooks.
 - Do exercises in exercise book 8.
 - Prepare Unit 15 “Read”.
IV) Feedback : 
Period : 99 
 LISTEN ( Unit 16) 
 1) Knowledge : 
 + Agree and disagree
 + Talk about processes
 * Grammar : 
 + Present simple tense
 + Past simple tense
 2) Skills : 
 - Focus on listening skills.
 3) Attitude :
 - Students work hard, actively, happily
II) Teaching aids:
 - Extra-boards, text book
 - Cassette tape & player.
 III) Procedures:
 1) Warm-up : (5ms)
 - T asks Ss to make similar dialogues with different situation.
 - T asks Ss speak simpler sentences.
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
2)Pre – Listening : 
* Have Ss answer some questions
- Explain the process of papermaking.
- Introduce some vocabulary
- Guide Ss to read.
3) While – Listening :
- Introduce the process, explain the task, then play the tape.(Twice)
- Play the tape again
- Ask some Ss to write the result on the board 
- Give feedback
4) Post – listening :(7ms)
- Ask some Ss to rearrange the sentences 
- Ask Ss to write the answers on the board 
- Teacher corrects.
- Retell the process of papermaking.
* Ss exchange with their friends, then answer
- Ss concentrate, listen and take notes
- Copy, repeat, then reread (chorally, Individually)
* Listen to the tape 
- Work in pairs to fill in the gaps.
- Listen again and exchange the results, give out the answers.
- Copy.
* Listen and work in groups to rearrange the sentences into the correct order.
- Ss give the answers on the board 
- Copy the result into their notebooks
- Ss can close their books and retell.
- What can we use to make paper? 
- How is paper made ? 
- Have you ever seen the process of making paper ?
* Vocabulary :
- process (n) :
- procedure (n)
- pulp vat (n)
- papermaking machine (n) : 
- roller (n) : 
- drain (v) :
- fiber (n) : 
- smooth (v) :
- roll (n) : 
- convey (v) :
1.Listen and fill in the gaps in 
a) (1) simple
b) (2) same (3) 200
c) (4) left
d) (5) rollers
2. Listen again. Put the sentences..
 c, d, a, e, g, f, b.
c. Paper pulp was placed in the vat.
d. Paper pulp was mixed with water.
a. The water was drained
e. The pulp fibers were poured out.
g. The pulp was conveyed under the rollers.
f. The fibers were smoothed and pressed dry.
b. The paper was put on a roll.
5)Homework : (3ms)
 - Write the answers into the notebooks.
 - Do exercises in exercise book 8.
 - Prepare Unit 15 “Read”.
IV) Feedback : 
Duyệt tuần 33

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  • docgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_8_tuan_33_nam_hoc_2017_2018_truong_thc.doc