Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 31 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

I. Objectives:

1.  Knowledge, skill and attitude.

    - Knowledge:  + Prepare and complete a questionnaire

+ Recognize and correct mistakes.

         + Know more famous places in the world.

      * Grammar: 

+ Yes / No - Questions in present simple tense

          + Reported speech with “If / whether”

+ Imperative sentences

    - Skills:  Developing speaking skills.

    - AttitudeStudy in a serious and strict manner.

2. Quality, ability needs forming and developing for the students. 

   - Ability for shelf – study: Students have to make similar dialogue.

  - Ability for creation: think some things need in the Tet

  - Ability to join into the groups: Students practice in pairs.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 31 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 31 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
* Date of preparing: 28/2/2019
* From period 91 to period 93, Week: 31
Period: 91 
(Speak + Listen)
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge, skill and attitude.
 - Knowledge: + Prepare and complete a questionnaire
+ Recognize and correct mistakes.
 	+ Know more famous places in the world.
 * Grammar: 
+ Yes / No - Questions in present simple tense
 	+ Reported speech with “If / whether”
+ Imperative sentences
 - Skills: Developing speaking skills.
 - Attitude: Study in a serious and strict manner.
2. Quality, ability needs forming and developing for the students. 
 - Ability for shelf – study: Students have to make similar dialogue.
 - Ability for creation: think some things need in the Tet
 - Ability to join into the groups: Students practice in pairs.
 II. Preparation:
 Teacher: Cassette tape + recorder, color chalks, extra board.
 Students: Extra-boards, text books, exercise books.
 III. Teaching activities organization:
 1. Class organization: Checking the number of students.
 2. Checking up old lesson: 5’
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
 Have Ss close their books, then listen and answer
- Give feedback and marks
 Listen and answer
 A: You might know this place, I will give you a clue. It isn’t in the USA.
B: Is it in Australia?
A: No
B: Is it in Vietnam?
A: Yes
B: Is it Nha Rong harbor? 
A: Oh ! You’re right.
+ Is Ha Long Bay a World Heritage Site ?
3. New lesson: 32’
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
* Speak
Activity 1: 
a. Purpose:
 Tell some famous places. 
 * Content:
Information in the book
b. Activity organization form.
 Have Ss tell some of famous places which Ss know.
c. Result of Ss
d. Teacher’s conclusion.
- Concludes students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Activity 2
a. Purpose:
 Introduce lesson and explain 
 * Content:
b. Activity organization form.
 - Have Ss make yes/ no questions. Then practice
- Give correct answer
c. Result of Ss
d. Teacher’s conclusion.
Correct Ss’ pronunciation
Activity 3:
a. Purpose:
 Know location about wonders of the world.
 * Content:
Information in the book
b. Activity organization form.
 - Explain
- Have Ss practice
c. Result of Ss
d. Teacher’s conclusion.
* Listen
 Activity 4: 
a. Purpose:
 Listen to the tape. Then correct the mistakes
 * Content:
 In the book
b. Activity organization form.
 - Play the tape twice 
- Have Ss correct the mistake.
- Play the tape again and correct.
c. Result of Ss
Write the famous places on the board.
- Listen
- Practice
- Listen
- Correct the mistake on the board.
- Listen again and correct. Then give right answers.
Write the answers.
* Speak
Some famous places in the world?
* Great Wall of China
* Empire State Building USA
* PETRONAS Twin Towers
* Great Barrier Reef (Australia)
* Hue citadel
* Ha Long Bay
* Phong Nha Cave
* Eiffel Tower
* Mount Everest
* Big Ben
Vocabulary : 
southern (adj.) : 
northern (adj.) : 
Great Barrier Reef : 
Eiffel Tower :
Mount Everest :
Big Ben : 
1. Think of 10 famous places
Ex : 
- Is Phong Nha cave in southern Viet Nam? 
Yes, it is / No, it isn’t.
- Is PETRONAS Twin Towers the tallest building in the world? 
- Is the Great Barrier Reef a World Heritage Site?
2. Talk about your classmates’ answers with your partner
Ex :
- I asked Hoa if Phong Nha cave was in southern Vietnam. She said it wasn’t.
- I asked Nga whether PETRONAS Twin Towers in Malaysia was the highest building in the world. She said it wasn’t.
 S said to O “”
à S asked O if / whether ...
* Listen.
There are four mistakes in this advertisement. Listen to the tape. Correct the mistakes and copy the paragraph into your exercise book
* Vocabulary:
- inn (n)
- Crystal clear water
- Coral sea 
- snorkel (v)
- marine (adj)
* Mistakes:
(1) southern à far north 
(2) jungle à rainforest
(3) Inn à hotel
(4) 68243927 à 69243927
 4. Homework: 3’ 
* Purpose: Help students consolidate the knowledge which they have learnt And prepare part read.
* Activity organization form: Planning new lesson at home. 
* Students activity productions: Find new words and do exercise at home.
* Teacher’s conclusion: Conclude students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes.
IV. Test and evaluate the lesson: 5’
- Teacher asks Ss some questions
 1. Where is Queensland?
2. Where is the Coconut Palm Hotel?
3. Are there a lot of mosquitoes there?
4. Is The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park a World Heritage Site? 
- Teacher evaluates and summarizes about the lesson.
V. Feedback
Period: 92 	
 I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge, skill and attitude.
 - Knowledge: The famous wonders of the world.
 * Grammar: 
 + Past simple tense 
 + Passive of past simple tense
 - Skills: Developing reading skills.
 - Attitude: Study in a serious and strict manner.
2. Quality, ability needs forming and developing for the students. 
 - Ability for shelf – study: Students have to read new lesson.
 - Ability for creation: Many pictures about famous wonders of the world.
 - Ability to join into the groups: pairs and groups work.
 II. Preparation:
 Teacher: Cassette tape + recorder, color chalks, extra board.
 Students: Extra-boards, text books, exercise books.
 III. Teaching activities organization:
 1. Class organization: Checking the number of students.
 2. Checking up old lesson: 5’
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
 - Ask Ss some questions
- Correct and give marks
 - Answer
- Listen
1. Where is Queensland?
2. Where is the Coconut Palm Hotel?
3. Are there a lot of mosquitoes there?
4. Is The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park a World Heritage Site? 
3. New lesson: 32’
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
Activity 1: 
a. Purpose:
 Introduce new lesson
 * Content:
 The passage in the book
 b. Activity organization form.
 Call Ss tell some famous wonders.
c. Result of Ss
d. Teacher’s conclusion.
- Concludes students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Activity 2
a. Purpose:
Teacher uses network to introduce famous wonders. 
 * Content:
 New words in the lesson
b. Activity organization form.
- Have students read the passage. Then elicit new words
- Explain new words
- Read new words in chorus and individual.
- Play the tape twice
- Call some students to read the passage.
c. Result of Ss
 Give meaning of the words 
d. Teacher’s conclusion.
Activity 3:
a. Purpose:
 Read the text and complete sentences.
 * Content:
 Complete the table
b. Activity organization form.
 - Have students compare the answers
- Call some students to read the answer and write the answers on the board
- Give correct answers
- Have students work in groups, read the questions in the exercise
c. Result of Ss
 The table has finished
d. Teacher’s conclusion.
Write the answer on the board.
- Read
- Copy in the book
- Repeat new words in chorus and individual.
- Listen to the tape
- Read the passage
 - Compare the answers
- Read the answer and write the answers on the board
- Copy in the book 
Some famous wonders.
- The Taj Mahal 
- The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Angkor Wat
- The Golden Gate Bridge
- The Pyramid of Cheops
- The Statue of Zeus 
* Vocabulary:
Ancient Greece: 
compile (v): 
claim (v):
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon:
The Statue of Zeus: 
religion (adj):
ruler (n):
God (n):
surround (adv) à surrounding (n) : 
Egypt (n):
Greece (n):
Greek (n):
a) C. The only surviving wonder on Antipater's list is the Pyramid of Cheops.
 b) A. Angkor Wat was originally built for Hindus.
c) D. Angkor Wat was part of a royal Khmer city a long time ago.
d) B. In the 1400s, the Khmer King chose Phnom Penh as the new capital.
4. Homework: 3’ 
* Purpose: Help students consolidate the knowledge which they have learnt And prepare part write.
* Activity organization form: Planning new lesson at home. 
* Students activity productions: Find new words and do exercise at home.
* Teacher’s conclusion: Conclude students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes.
IV. Test and evaluate the lesson: 5’
 - Guide Ss to play “ Yes / No-Questions ” 
 1. Is New York in Viet Nam?
2. Is Chicago in USA?
- Teacher evaluates and summarizes about the lesson.
V. Feedback
Period: 93 	
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge, skill and attitude.
 - Knowledge: Write a letter to a friend
 - Skills: Developing reading & writing skills.
 - Attitude: Study in a serious and strict manner.
2. Quality, ability needs forming and developing for the students. 
 - Ability for shelf – study: Students have to write a letter.
 - Ability for creation: Students will be able to add some good information for a letter
 - Ability to join into the groups: Students practice in groups.
 II. Preparation:
 Teacher: English book 8 and teacher’s English book, chalks, extra board.
 Students: Extra-boards, text books, exercise books.
 III. Teaching activities organization:
 1. Class organization: Checking the number of students.
 2. Checking up old lesson: 5’
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
 - Ask Ss some questions
- Give feedback and give marks.
- Answer.
- Listen.
1. Is New York in Viet Nam?
2. Is Chicago in USA?
3. New lesson: 32’
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
Activity 1: 
a. Purpose:
 Introduce new lesson
 * Content:
 A letter in the book
b. Activity organization form.
 Ask Ss some questions
1. Who wrote this letter?
2. What date did he write?
3. Who did he want to send to?
c. Result of Ss
d. Teacher’s conclusion.
- Concludes students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Activity 2
a. Purpose:
 Introduce new words
 * Content:
 New words in the lesson
b. Activity organization form.
 - Have Ss read the letter, then answer some questions 
- Introduce the vocabulary and content of the letter Tim sent to Hoa.
- Guide new words and how to read them
c. Result of Ss
 Give meaning of the words 
d. Teacher’s conclusion.
Correct Ss’ pronunciation.
Activity 3:
a. Purpose:
 Explain the exercise and have Ss complete Tim’s letter 
* Content:
 Exercises 1,2 in the book
b. Activity organization form.
 - Show extra board and have Ss complete Tim’s letter 
- Goes around and helps if necessary.
- Call some Ss to give their answers.
- Correct and give feedback
c. Result of Ss
 The exercises have finished
d. Teacher’s conclusion.
 - Ss scan the letter quickly. Then answer the questions 
- Ss listen and take notes
Ss give the meaning 
Copy, repeat, then reread (chorally, Individually)
 Give meaning of the words and read the words fluently 
- Work in pairs to insert letters of missing sentences.
- Go to the board and fill in the blanks of the letter 
- Copy the answers into their notebooks 
* Ss exchange with their friends 
- Go to the board to hang up their extra- boards.
* Vocabulary :
canyon (n) :
Grand canyon (n) :
Although (adv.) : 
park ranger (n) :
inhabitant (n) :
guided like : 
edge (n) : 
temperate (adj) :
1. Complete the letter Tim sent to Hoa about his trip to the Grand Canyon. Insert the letters of the missing sentences.
May 29, 2003
Dear Hoa,
How are you? (1) C I hope you are studying hard for your exams next week.
My class has just returned from a trip to the Grand Canyon in Arizona. (2) B The Canyon is part of Grand Canyon National Park and it was fermed by the Colorado River over millions of years. We spent a week there and I didn't want to leave.
Although it was summer, it was quite cool at night because the area is more than 2,000 meters above sea level.
On our first day, a park ranger led us on a guided hike along the edge of the Canyon. He talked about the history of the area. (3) D He also talked about the original inhabitants who lived there during the Stone Age.
(4) A That's all I have time to tell you about. What do you plan to do during the summer vacation? Write to me after your exams.
Your friend,
2. Write a letter to a friend. Tell him/her about a place you have visited recently. Use the following prompts to help you.
October 19, 2016
Dear Hoa,
I'm writing this letter to tell you that I've just returned from a trip to Ha Long Bay with my family. The sight was extremely magnificent.
It took us five or six hours by car to get there from Ha Noi. We spent more than a week there.
The weather was perfect. It was sunny, cool and windy. We enjoyed walking along the seaside at night very much.
It was really interesting when we knew about the legenda of Ha Long Bay. We really want to come back there when we have time next year.
How are you getting with your study at home? Where are you going for your holiday? Let me know.
4. Homework: 3’ 
* Purpose: Help students consolidate the knowledge which they have learnt And prepare language Focus.
* Activity organization form: Planning new lesson at home. 
* Students activity productions: Find new words and do exercise at home.
* Teacher’s conclusion: Conclude students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes.
IV. Test and evaluate the lesson: 5’
- Teacher asks Ss:
 	 reread the complete letter.
- Teacher evaluates and summarizes about the lesson.
V. Feedback

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