Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 31 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

I) Objectives:

  1) Knowledge: 

          + Prepare and complete a questionnaire

+ Recognize and correct mistakes.

          + Know more famous places in the world.

       * Grammar: 

+ Yes / No - Questions in present simple tense

          + Reported speech with “If / whether”

+ Imperative sentences

   2) Skills: 

      - Focus on  Speaking and listening skills.

  3) Attitude:

      - Students work hard, actively, happily

II)  Teaching aids:

   - Cassette player & tape

   - Extra-boards

   - Pictures about beautiful sea 

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 31 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 31 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
Week: 31	Date of planning: 14/3/2018
Period: 91
(Speak + Listen) 
I) Objectives:
 1) Knowledge: 
 + Prepare and complete a questionnaire
+ Recognize and correct mistakes.
 	+ Know more famous places in the world.
 * Grammar: 
+ Yes / No - Questions in present simple tense
 	+ Reported speech with “If / whether”
+ Imperative sentences
 2) Skills: 
 - Focus on Speaking and listening skills.
 3) Attitude:
 - Students work hard, actively, happily
II) Teaching aids:
 - Cassette player & tape
 - Extra-boards
 - Pictures about beautiful sea 
III) Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1) Warm up : (5’)
Have Ss close their books, then listen and answer
2) Pre - speaking : (7’)
* T shows extra board 
Give the requirement of the task
 T asks Ss answer some questions
T corrects 
3) While - speaking :(12’)
- Use pictures to introduce 10 famous places in the pictures.
- T asks Ss to match the pictures with ten places
- The teacher corrects 
- T gives the answers
* T uses to introduce new words
- Guide Ss to read new words
- Give the task to students 
- Guide the requirement of the task. and explain how to do the task 
- T and one student do model
- Ask Ss work in pairs 
- T corrects 
- Ask some pairs of Ss to repeat
-Correct the pronunciation.
* Explain “Reported speech of Yes / No questions”.
- T and one student do model
- Call some students practice in front of class
- Give feedback and correct 
4)Post - Speaking :(3’)
Teacher asks Ss to practice
5)Pre - Listening : (5’)
- T sets the sentence
- Introduce some vocabulary
- Guide Ss to read.
- Have Ss read in chorus
- T corrects 
6. While – Listening :(7’)
- Introduce the advertisement. 
- Explain the task, then play the tape. (Twice)
- Have Ss discuss with their friends
- Ask some Ss write the answers on the board. 
- Play the tape again in order to check
- Give feedback
7) Post – listening :(4’)
- Have Ss read the lesson again.
- Have Ss answer the questions.
Ss close their books and work in pairs.
 Ss exchange with their classmates
Then ask and answer in front of class 
Ss take notes
*For not good students
-Practice in pairs
*For normal students:
-Controlled practice
-Practice in pairs
*For good students:
-Free practice
* Ss concentrate and listen
- Ss go to the board and match 
- Ss listen and take notes
* Ss give the meaning of words
- Take notes, repeat, then reread. (Chorally, Individually)
- Ss concentrate and take notes
- Work in pairs to play “Guessing game” and find out the correct place.
- Do the task on page 132-133 
- Practice asking and answering Y/ N questions to find out the places.
+ One asks
+ One answers 
* Listen and take notes
- Ss discuss with their classmates
- Ss copy the results
-Work in groups 
- Ss listen and take notes
- Ss give the meaning of the words 
- Copy, repeat, then reread (chorally, Individually)
-Practice in pairs
*For normal students:
-Practice in pairs
-Mind mapping
* Ss concentrate and take notes
Listen to the tape and work in pairs to correct the mistakes.
- Give out the answers on the board
* Ss concentrate and listen
- Read
- Answer
A: You might know this place, I will give you a clue. It isn’t in the USA.
B: Is it in Australia?
A: No
B: Is it in Vietnam?
A: Yes
B: Is it Nha Rong harbor ? 
A: Oh ! You’re right.
+ Is Ha Long Bay a World Heritage Site ?
+ Can you list some famous places in the world?
Vocabulary :
* Great Wall of China
* Empire State Building USA
* PETRONAS Twin Towers
* Great Barrier Reef (Australia)
* Hue citadel
* Ha Long Bay
* Phong Nha Cave
* Eiffel Tower
* Mount Everest
* Big Ben
Vocabulary : 
southern (adj.) : 
northern (adj.) : 
Great Barrier Reef : 
Eiffel Tower :
Mount Everest :
Big Ben : 
1.Think of 10 famous places
Ex : 
- Is Phong Nha cave in southern Viet Nam ? 
Yes, it is / No, it isn’t.
- Is PETRONAS Twin Towers the tallest building in the world ? 
- Is the Great Barrier Reef a World Heritage Site ?
2. Talk about your 
 S said to O “”
à S asked O if / whether ...
Ex :
S1 : “ Is Phong Nha cave in southern Vietnam.”
S2 : “ Yes, it is”
- I asked Hoa if Phong Nha cave was in southern Vietnam. She said it wasn’t.
Ex : 
S1 : “..?”
S2 : “”
- I asked Nga whether PETRONAS Twin Towers in Malaysia was the highest building in the world. She said it was.
- Practice asking and answering, then report.
 - More exercises about Reported speech :
* Vocabulary:
- inn (n)
- Crystal clear water
- Coral sea 
- snorkel (v)
- marine (adj)
* Mistakes:
(1) southern à far north 
(2) jungle à rainforest
(3) Inn à hotel
(4) 68243927 à 69243927
Questions : 
+ Where is Queensland?
+ Where is the Coconut Palm Hotel?
+ Are there a lot of mosquitoes there?
+ Is The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park a World Heritage Site? 
8) Homework :(2’)
- Have Ss write exercises in their notebooks.
 - Do exercise in exercise book 8
 - Prepare: Unit 14 (Read)
IV. Feedback:
Period: 92
I) Objectives:
 1) Knowledge: 
 + The famous wonders of the world.
 * Grammar: 
 + Past simple tense 
 + Passive of past simple tense
 2) Skills: 
 - Focus on reading skill.
 3) Attitude:
 - Students work hard, actively, happily
II) Teaching aids:
 - Cassette player & tape 
 - Textbook & extra board
 - Many pictures about famous wonders of the world.
III) Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1) Warm up :(5’)
 Teacher uses network to introduce famous wonders. 
2) Pre – reading :(10’)
- T shows extra board
- T explains 
- Have Ss decide if the statements are true or false
- T elicits
3) While - reading: (22’)
- Set the scene
- Play the tape twice
- Introduce vocabulary by explanation, then guide Ss to read.
- Correct the pronunciation.
- Play the tape again. 
- Ask Ss to read the passage.
- Call some Ss to repeat
* Give the task to Ss and explain 
- T goes around and helps
- Have Ss go to the board
- Correct and give feedback
4) Post – reading :(5’) Guide Ss to play “ Yes / No-Questions ” 
-Ss answer
* Ss concentrate and listen
- Ss close their books
- Ss will go to the board and give true or false sentences
-Skimming questions
-Practice in pairs
-Practice in pairs
-Free practice
* Ss look at their books and listen
- Ss give the meaning of words
- Ss listen and repeat (in chorally and individually)
- Ss concentrate and listen again
- Ss practice reading in front of class
- Some students repeat
* Ss take notes
- Ss exchange with their classmates
The Taj Mahal 
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Angkor Wat
The Golden Gate Bridge
The Pyramid of Cheops
The Statue of Zeus 
True / False statements.
Ex : 
___ An Egyptian man compiled a list of what he thought were the seven wonders of the world. 
____ Many people claim that there weren’t others wonders. 
____ Angkor Wat was orginally built to honor a Hindu God.
* Vocabulary:
Ancient Greece: 
compile (v): 
claim (v):
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon:
The Statue of Zeus: 
religion (adj):
ruler (n):
God (n):
surround (adv) à surrounding (n) : 
Egypt (n):
Greece (n):
Greek (n):
* Complete the sentences: 
 a) à C
 b) à A
 c) à D
 d) à B
Is New York in Viet Nam ?
Is Chicago in USA?
 5) Homework :(3’)
Teacher asks Ss to remember
- Practice reading many times and remember wonders of countries.
 - Write the answers in their notebooks. 
 - Prepare Unit 14 “Write”
IV. Feedback
Period: 93	
I) Objectives:
 1) Knowledge: 
 + Write a letter to a friend
 * Grammar: 
 + Past simple.
 + Present perfect.
 2) Skills: 
 - Focus on writing skill.
 3) Attitude:
 - Students work hard, actively, happily
II) Teaching aids:
 - Extra - boards, some films
 - Overhead machine 
III) Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1) Warm up :(5’)
- T asks 2 Ss to practice asking and answering about some wonders of the world they have learnt.
2) Pre – writing :(10’)
- Have Ss read the letter, then answer some questions 
- Introduce the vocabulary and content of the letter Tim sent to Hoa.
- Guide new words and how to read them
3) While – writing :(20’)
- Show extra board
- Explain the exercise. Have Ss complete Tim’s letter 
- Call some Ss to give their answers.
- Correct and give feedback
* Explain the requirement of the task 2 
- Teacher goes around and helps 
- Ask some groups show the result on the board
- Teacher corrects 
- Give feedback. 
4) Post – writing :(7’)
 - Ask some Ss to reread the complete letters.
 - Have Ss write a letter to their relatives 
- Work in pairs
- Ss scan the letter quickly. Then answer the questions 
- Ss listen and take notes
Ss give the meaning 
Copy, repeat, then reread (chorally, Individually)
-Cue words
-Practice in pairs
*For normal students:
-Practice in pairs
*For good students:
-Retelling (pictures)
* Ss concentrate, look at the board and listen
- Work in pairs to insert the letters of missing sentences..
- Go to the board and fill in the blanks of the letter 
- Copy the answers into their notebooks 
* Ss exchange with their friends 
- Go to the board to hang up their extra- boards.
- Tell in front of class
- Write
Make questions : Yes / No-Questions or question 
Ex :
- Who wrote this letter? 
- What date did he write? 
- Who did he want to send to? 
* Vocabulary :
canyon (n) :
Grand canyon (n) :
Although (adv.) : 
park ranger (n) :
inhabitant (n) :
guided like : 
edge (n) : 
temperate (adj) :
1.Complete the letter Tim sent to Hoa..
2. Write a letter to a friend 
 Dear ______,
 How are you? I hope you are studying hard for your exams next week.
 My family has just returned from a trip to DaLat. It is far from BL. It is about 600 km, so we got there by minibus. The sights in DaLat are very beautiful and romantic. ..
Write the letter with the cues given.
Ex : Dear ______,
How / be / you? I / hope / you / studying hard / your exams / next week.
 My family / just return / from a trip / Dalat. It /far from / BL. It /be /about 600 km, ..
Tell about a place you have visited 
 recently). The letter is based on words given (on page 135).
5) Homework (2)
Teacher asks Ss to remember
- Learn the lesson and vocabulary
- Prepare Unit 14 part language focus for the next period.
IV. Feedback:
Ss: .

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