Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 30 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

I/ Objective :

1. knowledge.

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand more than about the traditional festivals in Viet Nam such as: Rice- cooking contest, water-fetching contest and fire-making contest and write to describe about other festivals. 


Focus on writing skill.


.- Related to this lesson……

4. Attitude : 

 -Students must work hard and try to listen teacher’s instruction.

 -Take the content of the lesson and contribute to build the lesson.

 II/Teaching aids

-English book, chalk, extra board, pictures. 

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 30 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 30 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
Week: 30	Date of planning: 7/3/2018
Period: 88
I/ Objective :
1. knowledge.
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand more than about the traditional festivals in Viet Nam such as: Rice- cooking contest, water-fetching contest and fire-making contest and write to describe about other festivals. 
Focus on writing skill.
.- Related to this lesson
4. Attitude : 
 -Students must work hard and try to listen teacher’s instruction.
 -Take the content of the lesson and contribute to build the lesson.
 II/Teaching aids: 
-English book, chalk, extra board, pictures. 
III/ Procedures.
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1. Warm-up: 5’
- Call some students to read the texts in the last period. Then answer some questions.
- Have students write some new words.
-Teacher asks some Ss to present the main details at the Christmas. And give their feeling about this day
- Read the texts in the last period. Then answer some questions.
- write some new words.
*New words:
-Christmas tree
-Christmas card
-Christmas carols
-Santa Claus
-Patron Saint
* Read the texts
1. How long ago did the Christmas tree came to the USA?
2. Why did the English man have someone design a card?
3. When were Christmas songs first performed?
4.Who wrote the poem a visit from Saint Nicholas?
5.What is Santa Claus based on?
* Represent the main details at the Christmas.
*Give their feeling about this day.
2. Pre - writing:10’
- Teacher guides
(Now you look at the picture. Then tell me this picture to describe about)
- After the Ss answer. The teacher asks them to use the information in the dialogue on page 121 to fill in the gap in this report. 
- Teacher calls some Ss to give their answer before class.
- Teacher corrects if there are any mistakes.
-The Ss listen and answer.
- The Ss practice as requirement.
- Ss present their answer before class.
- The Ss take-notes. Then write on.
àThis picture describe about 
the rice-cooking contest.
1. Use the information in the dialogue on page 121 to fill in the gaps in this report.
* The Answer
1. rice-cooking
2. one
3. water-fetching
4. run
5. water
6. traditional
7. bamboo
8. six
9. separate
10. added
3. While - writing:22’
- Teacher guides
Now you base on the writing above then you rewrite the passage to describe about the festival which you take part in nearly. First you answer the questions in the lesson. The answers can help you.
- Teacher asks them to compare and correct together.
- Some Ss present the passage before class then write on the board.
- Teacher corrects and remarks.
- The Ss listen teacher’s guiding then write the passage to describe about the festival.
- The Ss compare and correct together.
- Some Ss present the passage before class then write on the board.
- The Ss listen, recheck, and write on.
*Answer for these questions.
- Name : tên
- Place : địa điểm
- Lengh : thời gian
- Activities: hoạt động
- How: cách chơi
- Comments: cảm nhận
*Suggested writing 
 This report shows how the Mid-autumn festival was held in my neighborhood.
 The Mid-autumn festival was held on the 15th of August (according to Lunar Calendar). This festival was specially organized for children.
 It was held in the yard of The Cultural House in my village. The main festival lasted for about three hours when the moon is at fullest, during the festival, children took part in various activities like: singing and shouting, wearing masks, parading on the roads and banging the drums.
 Beside, children ate a very special cake called Moon Cakes. They are filled with lotus seeds, orange peel, ground beans, and sometimes egg and pork fat for flavor.
 Children went on playing traditional games until mid-night
 I think this festival is a very special occasion for Vietnamese people and especially for children to play and enjoy on a variety of activities. Moreover, children would understand more about Vietnamese traditions.
4. Post - writing:5’
- T reminds the structure of the report.
- Remind the content of the report
- Have students work in pairs to write another report to another friend for other occasion
- Call some students to read the report loudly.
- Give eliciting answer
- Take note
- Take note
- Work in pairs to write another report to another friend for other occasion
- Read the report loudly.
- Take-notes
*The structure of the report
- opening
- body of the letter
- closing
*The conten of the report
- Name : tên
- Place : địa điểm
- Lengh : thời gian
- Activities: hoạt động
- How: cách chơi
- Comments: cảm nhận
Do writing 3:
 Use the same format to write another report to another friend for other vacations
5. Home work: 3’
 - Have students rewrite the report at home 
- Have students prepare the new lesson
- Rewrite the report at home
- Prepare the new lesson
- Rewrite the report ( part 2 and 3)
-Unit 13: lesson 6: Language Focus
 IV. Feedback:
Period: 89
I/ Objective :
1. knowledge.
 - T helps students to revise the structures and grammars
 + Reported Speech
 + Passive voice
 + Compound- words
 - Students can revise all the structures they have already learnt.
 -Focus on writing skill.
. - Related to this lesson
4. Attitude: 
 -Students must work hard and try to listen teacher’s instruction.
 -Take the content of the lesson and contribute to built the lesson.
 II/Teaching aids: 
 -English book, chalk ,extra board, Cassette player, pictures. 
III/ Procedures.
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1. Warm - up:5’
- Call one student to state the report in home work
- T asks some questions about the report.
- Give feedback and mark
- State the report in home work
- Answer the questions
- Take note
*A report that is prepared at home
- What is the name of the festival?
-Where was the festival held?
- How long did the festival last?
- How many activities were there? Were there any competitions?
- How were the activities organized?
- How many people took part in each activity?
- What did you think about the festival?
2. Pre- practice: 32’
-Teacher talks about the main structures of the lesson.
*Activity 1.
- Teacher explains the passive form in the past simple tense and reviews the present simple tense and future simple tense in the passive form.
- Teacher asks the Ss to do exercise 1
- Teacher calls some Ss to present their answer before class. 
- Teacher corrects.
- Write the request on the board and ask students to make three sentences with passive voice.
- Have students write the answers on the board
- Give feedback and eliciting answer
*Activity 2
-Teacher explains the passive form in the present perfect tense.
- Teacher asks the Ss to read the dialogue then complete the dialogue with verbs in the box according to the present perfect tense in the passive form
- Some pairs present the dialogue before class.
- Teacher corrects if there are any mistakes
*Activity 3
- Teacher explains the way how to make compound noun.
-Teacher suggests
(Now you rewrite the sentences in book. Use the compound word)
- Teacher asks them to compare their answer with their friends.
- Call some Ss to present their answer before class then write on the board
- Teacher corrects.
*Activity 4
- Teacher reviews the reported speech
-Teacher asks them to compare their answer with their friends.
- Call some Ss to present their answer before class.
- Teacher corrects if there are any mistakes.
- Teacher emphasizes on the key point of the lesson.
 3. Consolidation: 5’
- Write the exercise on the board and ask students to use suitable structures to do exercise
- Have students write the answers on the board
- Give feedback and eliciting answer
-The Ss listen.
- The Ss listen and write on their note-books
- The Ss listen teacher’s guiding then practice to do exercise 1.
- Some Ss present their answer before class.
- The Ss take-notes
- Make three sentences with passive voice.
- Write the answers on the board
- Take note
- The Ss listen and write on their note-books
- The Ss read the dialogue then complete the dialogue with verbs in the box according to the present perfect tense in the passive form.
- Some pairs presentthe dialogue before class.
- The Ss take-notes. Recheck then write on their note-books
- The Ss listen.
- The Ss listen teacher’s suggestion. Then practice to do exercise 3.
- The Ss compare their answer with their friends.
- Some Ss present their answer before class then write on the board.
- The Ss take-notes.
- The Ss related Unit 5. page 177 part language focus 5.
- The Ss compare their result with their friends.
- Some Ss present their answer before class.
- The Ss recheck before write on.
- Listen teacher’s revision.
- Ask students to use suitable structures to do exercise
- Write the answers on the board
- Take note
 *The main structures of the lesson.
* Passive form: be + past participle.
* Compound words: rice-cooking, fire- making, etc..
* Reported speech.
Ac: S + V2 + O + (M) 
1. Complete the sentences use the passive forms of the verbs in the box. Decide whether the time is past, present, future
* The answer 1
a. were performed
b. was decorated – put
c. is made
d. will be held
e. was a warded
f. was written
Make three sentences with passive voice.
Eliciting answers:
2.The present perfect tense in the passive form
Ac: S + have/ has+ V3 + O+(M) 
Pa:S+have/has+been+V3+M+by+ O
* New words
- Jumble (v) nhảy
- scatter (v) rãi rác
*Answer 2
1. jumbled
2. broken
3. broken 
4. scattered
5. pulled
* Use a compound word in your.
* The way to make compound noun
 Compound Noun = Noun + Ving ( tính từ ghép)
-It is the contest in which participants have to cook rice 
à It is a rice cooking contest
*Tim động từ và danh từ làm tân ngữ cho động từ đó để tạo thành Noun+Ving
* Sau đó tìm danh từ chính của cụm danh từ đó để sau tính từ
* The answer 3
a. It is a fire-making contest.
b. It is a bull- fighting festival.
c.It is a car-making industry.
d. It is a flower- arranging contest.
e.It is a rice-exporting country.
f.It is clothes-washing machine.
4. Yesterday. Lan’s grand mother, Mrs. Thu, nedded a plumber. A man came to her door. Report what the man told Mrs. Thu.
* Answer 4
- He said he was a plumber.
- He said he could fix the faucets.
- He said the pipes were broken.
- He said new pipes were very expensive.
- He said I had to pay him then.
*The way how to use..
* Passive form: be + past participle.
* Compound words: rice-cooking, fire- making, etc..
* Reported speech.
Use suitable structures to do exercise
*Eliciting answers:
5. Home work:3’
- Have students practice the structures at home
- Have students prepare the new lesson
- Practice the structure at home
- Prepare the new lesson
*Structures in the part Language focus
* Passive form: be + past participle.
* Compound words: rice-cooking, fire- making, etc..
* Reported speech.
*unit 14 ( Getting started+ Listen and read)
+ pick out new words and meanings
IV. Feedback:
 Period: 90
 (Getting started - Listen and read)
I/ Objective:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand more than about the wonders of the world and the world heritages in foreign countries such as The Pyramids, Sydney Opera House, Stonehenge, Golden Gate Bridge, and the Statue of Liberty. 
Focus on speaking, listening, and reading skills.
3.Vocabulaly: guess (v): đoán; find out (v): tìm ra; clue (n) : manh mối; Golden Gate Bridge; Statue of Liberty (n): 
4. Attitude: 
 Students must work hard and try to listen teacher’s instruction.
 II/Teaching aids: 
English book, chalk ,extra board, Cassette player, pictures. 
III/ Procedures.
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1. Warm - up:5’
- Teacher asks the Ss change active sentences into passive sentences according to suitable tenses.
- Some Ss change active sentences according to suitable tenses into passive sentences.
1. My mother gives me a present on Sunday.
2. They spoke English very well.
3. Thu will visit Mai tomorrow.
2. Presentation:10’
- Teacher provides some pictures about the world Heritages in Viet Nam then asks the Ss to practice in group and guess pictures. 
- After finishing this game. The teacher introduces.
(We have played the game about the World Heritages in VN. Now you have one more change to know about the heritages in other countries. Each group has 5-7 pictures of the heritages in the world. You discuss with your friends and match the name with the correct heritages.)
- Call some Ss present their answer before class.
- Teacher corrects and remarks.
-Listen to the tape and find out the new words in the tape
- Read new words in chorus and individual. 
- Call some students to read new words in front of class.
- Give feed back
- The Ss practice in group.
- The Ss listen teacher’s introduction
- Some Ss present their answer before class.
-The Ss take-notes
- listen to the tape, find out the new words.
- Repeat the new words in chorus and individual.
- Read new words in front of class.
- Take-notes
* The Ss play regconizing pictures.
*. Getting Started
 The Answer
 a. Pyramids.
b. Sydney Opera House.
c. Stonehenge.
d. Eiffel Tower
e. Statue of Liberty
f. Ha Long Bay
g.The Great Wall of China
* Listen and read:
New words:
- guess (v): đoán
 - find out (v): tìm ra
- clue (n) : manh mối
- Golden Gate Bridge: 
- Statue of Liberty (n): 
* Grammar
+Question words before to- infinitives
+Verb + to-infinitives
 3)Practice : (22’)
- Introduce the situation of the dialogue of Nga, Nhi and Hoa.
- Play the tape twice 
- Guide Ss some new vocabularies 
- Guide Ss to read words
- Ask some groups of Ss practice the dialogue
- T corrects Ss’ pronunciation
* Give the task to Ss, then explain how to do
- Have Ss fill in the blanks, use words from the dialogue
- Have Ss answer the result 
- Give feedback.
* The teacher uses more pictures about wonders of the world
T uses “guessing game”
Have S practice saying
 * Ss look at their books 
-Role play
-Practice in pairs
*For normal students:
-Role play
-Practice in pairs
-Question- answer
-Game: Lucky number
Ss concentrate and listen
* Ss give the meaning of new words
- Copy, repeat, then reread (chorally, Individually)
- Listen and practice the dialogue in groups of three.
- Play the roles of Hoa, Nga and Nhi.
- Give out the answers on the board
- Copy the answers.
* Ss close their books
Ss concentrate and look at the pictures 
Ss guess in front of class
 *Listen and read:
to be bored: 
guessing game: 
correct answer:
clue (n):
rule (n):
- Reported speech.
- Passive voice (review)
- Question words before to-infi.
1.Practice the dialogue with two classmates. 
2.Complete the summary
- Many beautiful pictures about wonders of the world
4. Consolidation:5’
- Teacher repeats the way how to play guessing game
- Teacher asks them to discuss in group. Then play guessing game. 
- Remember and take note
- The Ss play the guessing game.
- Example: 
* Clue: It’s in Viet Nam
*Questions: Is it in the North? South?
 ( HL Bay)
5. Home work:3’ 
- Have students practice the dialogue at home
- Have students learn new words by heart and answer the questions at home
- Have students prepare the new lesson
- Practice the dialogue at home 
- Learn new words by heart and answer the questions at home
- Prepare the new lesson
* The dialogue pages 
*New words and questions in the part Listen and read
*Unit 14: speak and listen
+ Pick out new words at meaning
 IV. Feedback:

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