Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 3 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

I) Objectives:

1) Knowledge:

           Student will be able to talk about “Intention with be going to”. 

           Students know how to take the messages and arrange a plan on the phone


   Revise: be going to

               : Present progressive 

 2) Skills: 

     Develop listening and reading skills.

 3) Attitude: 

    Students work hard

 II. Preparation

T: English8 (students’ book and exercise book)

Ss: Read the lesson and do the exercises in Unit 2.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 3 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 3 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
 Week: 3	Date of planning: 22/8/2018
Period: 7	Date of teaching: 
Unit 2: Making Arrangements
( Getting started – Listen and read)
I) Objectives:
1) Knowledge: 
 	Student will be able to talk about “Intention with be going to”. 
 	Students know how to take the messages and arrange a plan on the phone
 Revise: be going to
	 : Present progressive 
 2) Skills: 
 Develop listening and reading skills.
 3) Attitude: 
 Students work hard
 II. Preparation
T: English8 (students’ book and exercise book)
Ss: Read the lesson and do the exercises in Unit 2.
III) Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1. Warm up: (7')
- Introduce the pictures.
- Guide.
- Call on some pairs of Ss to check.
2. Presentation:(10')
- Introduce and explain the dialogue. 
- Play the tape
-Introduce and explain new words.
- Read model.
- Correct Ss’ pronunciation.
3. Practice:(20')
- Have the Ss practice the dialogue.
- Ask some pairs of Ss to present the dialogue before the class.
-Correct Ss’ pronunciation.
- Explain 
- Guide
- Ask and answer about the pictures in pairs.
- Present the answers before the class.
-Listen and give the meaning of the words 
- Listen.
- Listen and copy down.
- Read aloud.
-Students work in pairs
-Practice in pairs part 2(ask and answer)
-Role play
* Getting started - Listen and read 
Match each object with its name
a. an answering machine
b. a mobile phone
c. a fax machine
d. a telephone directory
e. a public telephone
f. an address book
- hold on (v): giữ máy
- pick up: đón
- a bit : a little
- downstairs (adv): dưới gác
- upstairs (adv): trên gác
Expressions :
- Where’s it on?
- That’s fine 
- Can I speak to,please ?
Notes :
- I’m going to see the movie Dream City at 6.45 this evening.
- I’m using my cousin’s bike tonight
( present progressive is used to say future meaning)
1/ Practice the dialogue with a partner.
2/ Read the dialogue again. Decide who did and said each of the following things. Then ask a partner these questions to check your answers.
a. Nga made the call.
b. Nga introduced herself.
c. Nga invited Hoa to the movies.
d. Nga arranged a meeting place.
e. Hoa arranged the time.
f. Nga agreed the time.
4. Consolidation:(5') 
 - Read the lesson again.
 - Have some pairs of Ss to practice asking and answering the questions.
 	 a.Did Nga make the call ?
 	b.Did she visit Lan to the movies?
- Make similar dialogue
5. Homework: (3')
- Learn new words and structures by heart.
- Copy the correct answers onto the notebooks.
- Prepare “Speak and Listen” of unit 2.
Period: 8	
Unit 2: Making Arrangements
(Speak - Listen)
I. Objectives:
 1) Knowledge: 
Ss can practice by making certain arrangements through
 the telephone.
 	Students listen a short dialogue and fill information in message card.
 Revise: present progressive 
 : Wh – questions
 : Suggestion (Would you like.?)
 2) Skills: 
 - Develop listening and speaking skills.
 3) Attitude: 
 - Students work hard and make their arrangements.
 II. Preparation
T: English8 (students’ book and exercise book)
Ss: Read the lesson and do the exercises in Unit 2.
III) Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1. Warm up: (5')
 - Have Ss read the lesson.
- Ask Ss some questions.
- Give correction and give marks.
2. Pre - Speaking:(5')
- Have Ss guess “ who one is calling and who one is answer”
- Introduce the new part
- Read model.
- Have Ss read new words before the class.
- Correct Ss’ pronunciation.
3. While-Speaking: (18')
 + Who can repeat the steps of making arrangements?
- Introduce the new lesson.
- Ask them to read the sentences in Exercise 1.
- Can you guess who calls the phone? What for?
- Who can put the sentences in the correct order.
- Give the answer key.
+ Who can practice the dialogues again?
* Explain exercise 2 page 20.
- Ask them to complete the dialogue.
-Teacher calls some pairs to present the dialogue in front of class.
-Teacher gives suggestion
4. Post - Speaking:(4')
 Ask some pairs to build their own dialogues (Practice before the class.)
5. Pre – listening :(3')
- Asks some pairs of Ss to replay their own dialogues on the phone.
- Introduces the form of a message 
6. While – listening:(5')
- Introduces the situation of the conversation on the phone between Mrs Mary Nguyen and the secretary of school.
- Practice the dialogue. Then answer the questions.
- Listen.
- Listen and repeat
- Read aloud.
 - Open the book.
- Two students repeat.
- Listen to the teacher.
- Some students read.
- Students do.
- Check and correct.
- Work in pairs.
- Listen to teacher.
- Complete the dialogue.
-Some pairs present the dialogue in front of class.
-Ss take-notes
- Make similar dialogue.
Role-play in front of class
Ss take notes
- Listen to the tape (twice) while looking at the form.
- Write the result on the board 
- Complete the message.
- Check
- Copy the message.
 a. Did Nga make the call?
b. Who invited the other to the movie?
c. Who arranged the meeting place?
- concert (n) : buổi trình diễn âm nhạc
 - band (n) :ban nhạc
- corner (n): góc
 1. Put the sentences bellow in the correct order to make a complete conversation.
 Asnwer key
1 + b 5 + i 9 + g
2 + f 6 + c 10 + h
3 + j 7 + e 11 + d
4 + a 8 + k 
* New words:
- The kid (n): thằng bé, trẻ con
- Band (n): ban nhạc
2. Complete the dialogue.
Ba and Bao are making arrangements to play chess. Practice, make the similar dialogues.
* Review: 
- Future tense with: To be going to + V- inf.
- Great. Me, too.
- I'm sorry. I can't.
 Answer key.
- May I speak to Ba, please. This is Bao.
- I'm fine, thanks. And you?
- Can you play chess tonight?
+ What about tomorrow afternoon?
- I'll meet you at the Central Chess Club.
+ Is 2 o'clock, Ok?
 Listen to the phone conversation. Fill in the missing information.
- For :
-Message: Mrs Mary Nguyen wanted to see you at 9. 45 in the morning.
 -Telephone number: 64 683 720 942
 7. Post – listening:(3')
 Ask some questions
8. Homework: (2')
- Learn by heart new words and structures 
- Copy the dialogue into notebooks 
- Prepare “Read” of unit 2.
IV) Feedback : 
Period: 9
Unit 2: Making Arrangements
I) Objectives:
1) Knowledge: Ss can know some information about Alexander Graham 
Bell (The person invented telephone).
*Get information about telephone inventor.
 Revise: past simple 
 2) Skills: 
 - Develop reading skill.
 3) Attitude: 
 -Students must work hard and try to listen teacher’s instruction.
 -Take the content of the lesson and contribute to built the lesson.
 II. Preparation
T: English8 (students’ book and exercise book)
Ss: Read the lesson and do the exercises in Unit 2.
III) Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1.Warm up : (5')
- T asks Ss talk about the telephone
2. Pre - reading:(10')
- Have Ss answer some questions
- Sticks the pictures and asks. "Who is he? ...."
- Elicit new words.
- Have Ss read new words.
3. While - reading:(20')
- Play the tape
- Guides Ss to read the new words 
- Play the tape twice
- Ask some Ss to read the passage.
- Have Ss Choose T or F. Then correct the false sentences.
Now you read the passage again and put the events in the correct order.
- Have students work in pairs do the exercise 2
- Have some pairs read the answers the others listen, give comments and correct
- Give correct answers
- Answer
- listen
- Answer
- Give meaning of words
- Read
 - Work in pairs do the exercise 2
- Read the answers the others listen give comments and correct
- Copy in the book.
What is the telephone used for? 
-To chat
-To send and receive a message 
- To play games 
-To listen to music
-To call someone 
* Questions : 
- Do you know him?
- When was he born? 
- What did he invent? 
- emigrate (v) : di cư
- deaf-mute (n) : người câm điếc
- transmit (v) : truyền, phát (tín hiệu)
- experiment (n) : cuộc thí nghiệm
- assistant (n) : người giúp đở, người phụ tá.
- device (n) : thiết bị, dụng cụ, máy móc.
- exhibition (n) : cuộc triển lãm, trưng bày
- conduct (v) : tiến hành, thực hiện( nghiên cứu, thí nghiệm
- demonstrate (v) :chứng minh, trình bày
- commercial (adj) : buôn bán, thương mại
- countless(adj) vô số, không đếm xuể 
1.Was Bell born in Ediburgh.?
2. Was he a Scotsman?
3.What is his full name?
1.Yes, he was.
2.Yes, he was.
3.His full name is Alexander Graham Bell.
*1.True or false? . 
a. F in Scotland
b. F in a university
c. T
d. F in 1976
e. F 
f. T
2. Put the events in the 
d, e, a, g, c,b,f
4. Post - reading:(7')
- Have Ss to work in groups to rearrange the sentences
- Ask some more questions about A.G. Bell.
- Say something about Alexander Graham Bell
5. Homework:(3')
 - Learn new words and structures by heart.
 - Copy the answers into the notebooks.
 - Remember Alexander Graham Bell’s biography.
 - Prepare “Write” of unit 2.
IV) Feedback : T:..

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