Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 29 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

I/ Objective:

1. knowledge.

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen and fill information about preparation for Tet


Focus on speaking, and listening skills.


- Related to this lesson……

4. Attitude: 

 -Students must work hard and try to listen teacher’s instruction.

 -Take the content of the lesson and contribute to build the lesson.

 II/Teaching aids

-English book, chalk ,extra board, Cassette player, pictures. 

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 29 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 29 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
Week: 29	Date of planning: 1/3/2018
Period: 85
I) Objectives:
1) Knowledge: 
 + Give an account of something
 * Grammar: 
 + Present simple tense.
 + Present perfect tense
 2) Skills: 
 - Focus on speaking skill.
3) Attitude 
 - Students work hard, actively, happily
II) Teaching aids:
 - Extra-boards
 - Pictures, textbook
III) Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1. Warm- up: 5’
- Have students practice the dialogue. Answer some questions and write some new words.
- summarize the content of three contest in the lesson.
- Give feedback and mark
- Present the dialogue, answer some questions and write some new words on the board. 
- summarize the content of three contest in the lesson.
- Take note
*The dialogue pages 123, 124
- What are Ba and lan talking about?
- How many competitions are there?
- What do they do in the water-fetching?
- What do they do in the fire making?
*New words
- rice cooking festival :
- water fetching contest :
- fire-making :
- competition ( n):
- starting position :
-yell (v):
- teammate (n):
-Water-fetching: Run to the river bank to take the bottles of water and return to the starting position.
-Fire-making: Rub pieces of bamboo together to make fire.
-Rice-cooking: Separate the husk and then cook the rice.
2. Pre - speaking: 10’
- Ask students some questions.
- Elicit
Mrs. Quyen and Lan are preparing for Tet. You now work in pairs rearrange. These sentences in the correct order to make a complete dialogue.
- Call some pairs to read the dialogue which they have just arranged loudly
- Give correct answer
- Answer the questions
- Listen to the teacher
- Read the dialogue which they have just arranged loudly.
- Copy in the book
*Questions :
- What do you always do before Tet?
- What is the most important to prepare for Tet?
1. Work with a patner. Mrs. Quyen is talking to Lan about their preparations for Tet. Put their sentences in the correct order
A: Have you tidied the bedroom?
F: yes, I have. Where are you going mom?
C: To the market to buy some oranges and some pomegranates
H: Could you collect my new Ao Dai at the tailor round the corner?
D: Sure, I will
J: Thank mom. Is there anything you want me to do while you’re out?
B: Not really. But I want our house t cook rice at the festival.
G: Mon. I know what to do now. I’ll clean all the glass windows.
E: That’s very good bye sweetie
L: bye mom
3. While - speaking: 22’
- Have students work in pairs, make a similar dialogue for one of the following festivals
- Call some pairs to state the dialogue in front of the class
- Give eliciting answer
- Work in pairs, make a similar dialogue for one of the following festivals
- State the dialogue in front of the class
- Copy in the book
2. Make up your own dialogue. Talk about preparations for another festival. The list below will help you
A village festival
A school festival
A spring festival
A harvest festival
A flower festival
Eliciting answers
A: You see all the students in our school are activity prepare for our school festival for our school festival. What have you had in mind this important event?
B: Sure. It is very important because it’s the 40th founding anniversary of our school
B: I think we should decorate our classroom first.
A: That’s right. We will clean all the windows cover the teacher’s table with the plastic towel.
B: good idea. And the table should be decorated with some fresh flowers
4. Post - speaking:5’
- Call some pairs make another dialogue for another festival
- Give feedback.
- Have students work in pairs, talk about one of the festivals they know 
- Have students practice 5 minutes 
- Call some pairs to talk in front of the class. 
- Give feedback
- Make another dialogue for another festival
- Copy in the book
- Work in pairs, talk about one of the festivals they know
- Practice 5 minutes 
- Talk in front of the class.
- Take note
 Make another dialogue for another festival
Talk about a popular festival
Eliciting answers:
A: Hello lan. What are you doing? 
B. Hi, Mai. I am going to the market to buy some flowers
A: Why do you want to buy flowers
B: Because It is going to women’s day. I want to give it to my teachers
A: I remember. I will buy flower to 
I think we should sing some songs to teachers on these days.
B. Good idea and we should study hard to make our teacher happy to
A: That’s right. I have to go now bye
B. bye.
5. Home work:3’
- Have students talk about for the preparations for the festival at home 
- Have students prepare the new lesson at home 
- Talk about for the preparations for the festival at home
- Prepare the new lesson at home
*Base on the dialogue in the part speak
*Unit 13: listen
( Guess and complete the answer in part1 )
IV. Feedback:
Period: 86
I/ Objective:
1. knowledge.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen and fill information about preparation for Tet
Focus on speaking, and listening skills.
- Related to this lesson
4. Attitude: 
 -Students must work hard and try to listen teacher’s instruction.
 -Take the content of the lesson and contribute to build the lesson.
 II/Teaching aids: 
-English book, chalk ,extra board, Cassette player, pictures. 
III/ Procedures.
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1.Warm up:5’
- Call one pair of students to role play about a preparation for a festival 
- Give feedback and mark
- Role play about a preparation for a festival
- Take note
*The preparation for the festival
( base on the dialogue in the part speak)
2. Pre - listening:10’
- Have students work in pairs, discuss preparation for Tet
- Ask students questions.
- Introduce
We are going to listen to a conversation between Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and Liz about their preparations for Tet. You listen to the tape and complete the sentences.
- Work in pairs, discuss preparation for Tet
- Answer the questions
- Listen to the teacher
1. Listen to the conversation and fill in the gaps.
- What kind of food do we have to prepare for Tet?
- Chung cake, candies, dried watermelon seeds, jam
- What kind of fruits do we have to prepare for Tet?
- banana, grape fruits apples, papaya, mango 
- What kinds of flowers do we need to buy?
- Peach blossoms, marigold, violet.
3. While – listening:22’
- Play the tape page 124 
- Have students listen to the tape and complete the sentences.
- Call some students to read the complete sentences
- Give the correct answers.
- Have students listen to the tape again and complete the “Things to do” note of the Robinsons before Tet.
- Give correct answers
- Listen to the tape
- Listen to the tape and complete the sentences
- Read the complete sentences
- Copy in the book
- Listen to the tape again and complete the “Things to do” note of the Robinsons before Tet.
- Copy in the book
1. Listen to the conversation and fill in the gaps.
Dire watermelon seeds
2. Listen and complete the listening 2
Things to do
Mr. Robinson
Go to the flower market to buy peach blossom and bunch of marigold
Go to the market to buy some candies and a packet of dried watermelon seeds
Mrs. Robison
Go to Mr. Nga’s to learn how to make spring rolls
4. Post - listening:5’
 Have Ss tell the things Ss prepare for Tet
- Tell
5. Home work:3’
-Have students listen to the tape again at home 
- Have students prepare the new lesson 
- Listen to the tape again at home
- Prepare the new lesson
*The part listen 1 and 2
*Unit 13:Read
- Pick out new words and meaning
- Guess the answers at home
IV. Feedback:
 Period: 87
I/ Objective :
1. knowledge.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand more than about the biggest festival in foreign countries like Noel festival.
Focus on speaking, listening and reading skills.
*Vocabulaly. Christmas tree ( n); Christmas card (n); Christmas carols (n); Santa Claus (n); unsuitable ( adj ); jolly ( adj); spread through ( v)
3. Attitude: 
 -Students must work hard and try to listen teacher’s instruction.
 -Take the content of the lesson and contribute to build the lesson.
 II/Teaching aids: 
-English book, chalk , extra board, Cassette player, pictures. 
III/ Procedures
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1. Warm - up:5’
- Organize students to plays guessing game
- Give some clue
- Play game 
- Guess
*The guessing game:
-1st clue: This is the biggest festival in western countries
-2nd clue people often decorate a tree and exchanged best wishes by giving cards to each other
-3rd clue: it is on December 25
Answer: -Christmas
Christmas tree
Christmas card
Christmas carols
Santa claus
Patron saint
2. Pre - reading:10’
- Have students work in groups the things they know about novel festival
- Explain new words
- Read new words in chorus and individual.
- Play the tape twice
- Call some students to read the passage.
- Work in groups the things they know about novel festival
- Copy in the book
- Repeat new words in chorus and individual.
- Listen to the tape
- Read the passage
New words:
- Christmas tree ( n) :
- Christmas card (n) :
- Christmas carols (n) :
- Santa Claus (n) :
- unsuitable ( adj ):
- jolly ( adj) :
- spread through ( v): 
3. While - reading:22’
- Introduce
We are going to read about Christmas. You read the text and complete the table about the history and organizes of Christmas specials
- Have students compare the answers
- Call some students to read the answer and write the answers on the board
- Give correct answers
- Have students work in groups, read the questions in the exercise 2
- Call some pairs to read the answers
- Give the correct answers
- Read the text and complete the table about the history and origins Christmas special
- Compare the answers
- Read the answer and write the answers on the board
- Copy in the book
- Read the questions in the exercise 2
- Read the answers
- Copy in the book
1. Complete the table:
Christmas specials
Place of origin
The Christmas tree
Early 1500s
The Christmas
Mid 19th century
Christmas carols
No information
800 years ago
Santa Claus
2. Answer the questions:
More than a century ago 
He wanted to send charismas greeting to his friends
800 years ago
An America professor clement Clarke Moore
On the description of Saint Nicholas in Professor Moore’s poem.
4. Post - reading:5’
- Orangnize students to complete the famous Christmas song
- Let student to listen to the song and complete the song 
- Give feed back
- Stick the extra board on the board with questions
- Have students work in pairs, answer the questions 
- Call students to read the answers in front of the class 
- Give feedback
- Complete the famous Christmas song
- Listen to the song and complete the song 
- Take note
- Look at the extra board 
- Work in pairs, answer the questions
- Read the answers in front of the class 
- Take note
*Complete the song
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas and (1). New year good tidings we (2) . To you and your skin 
Good tidings for (3). and a happy New year
Answers: happy, bring, Christmas
1/ When is the Christmas Day?
2/ What is the symbol of the Christmas Day?
3/ Who often give children present on Christmas Day?
4/ What do people often do on Christmas Day?
Eliciting answers:
1/ It is on December 24th
2/ The symbol of the Christmas Day is the Christmas trees
3/ The Santa Claus often give children present on Christmas Day
4/ They often give presents/ cards to their friends/ go to the church.
5. Home work: 3’
- Have students read and learn new words by heart
- Have students answer the questions at home 
- Have students prepare the new lesson 
- Read and learn new words by heart
- Answer the questions at home
- Prepare the new lesson 
*New words and passage in the part Read
*Rewatch the answers 
*Unit 13: Write 
- Prepare the extra board
- Read the dialogue in the part Getting Started then compete the exercise in part Write 1 at home 
IV. Feedback:

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