Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 27 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge 

   By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen and rewrite information from A weather forecast


*Vocabulary:   minus degree; Zero degree; Degree centigrade; snowy (adj); cloudy (adj); dry (adj):

2. Skills:  Focus on Listening skills. 

3. Attitude:  -Students must work hard and try to listen teacher’s instruction.

                                -Take the content of the lesson and contribute to built the lesson. 

II. Teaching aids:   

                      Cassette tape and player

III. Procedures:

  1. Warm up 5’
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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 27 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 27 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
Week: 27 	Date of planning: 19//2/2018
Period:79 	Date of teaching:
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge 
 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen and rewrite information from A weather forecast
*Vocabulary: - minus degree; Zero degree; Degree centigrade; snowy (adj); cloudy (adj); dry (adj):
2. Skills: Focus on Listening skills. 
3. Attitude: -Students must work hard and try to listen teacher’s instruction.
 	-Take the content of the lesson and contribute to built the lesson. 
II. Teaching aids: 
 	Cassette tape and player
III. Procedures:
Warm up 5’
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- Have students work in pairs, make a conversation, talk about the plan to go to Ha Noi
- Give feedback and mark
- Work in pairs, make a conversation, talk about the plan to go to Ha Noi
- Take note
 *Make a conversation
A: We are going to Ha Noi. Where will we stay?
B: We will stay in the hotel
A: What time will we arrive Ha Noi?
B: We will arrive there about 2pm
A: What are we going to do?
B: We are going to visit Ho Chi Minh Mausolum, Hoan Kiem lake..
2. Pre - listening:10’
- Let students play games networks about words relate to the weather forecast.
- Notice some new words.
 - Ask students some questions
- Elicit
We are going to listen to a weather broadcast you listen and complete the table with the weather information you hear about the big cities in the world. The information includes weather characteristics and the details of temperature in the cities
- Play games networks about words relate to the weather forecast.
- Copy in the book
- Answer
- Take note
Listen to the weather reports. Then fill in the blanks in the table with the information you hear. The words in the box may help you
*The game net work
 cold hot
 Windy sunny..
*New words:
- minus degree:
- Zero degree:
- Degree centigrade:
- snowy (adj):
- cloudy (adj):
- dry (adj):
- What’s the weather like today?
- What’s the weather like in Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter in Viet Nam?
- Which season do you like best? Why?
- Do you often listen or watch the weather forecast?
- What does the weather forecast give you to know about?
* Listen to a weather broadcast and complete the table with the weather information you hear about the big cities in the world. 
3. While - listening:22’
- Play the tape twice to three times if necessary
- Have students compare the answers
- Call some students to state the answers.
- Play the tape again and check the answers.
- Listen to the tape
- Compare the answers
- State the answers.
- Listen to the tape and check the answer
Listen to the weather reports. Then fill in the blanks in the table with the information you hear. The words in the box may help you
1. Sydney
dry, windy
2. Tokyo
dry, windy
3. London
humid, cold
- 3
4. Bangkok
warn, dry
5. New York
windy, cloudy
6. Paris
cold, dry
4. Post - listening:5’
- Have students ask and answer in pairs about the weather and temperature of cities in the part listen
- Give feedback.
- Have students work in pairs, talk about the weather forecast in some countries
- Have some students talk about the weather forecast in some countries in front of the class 
- Give feedback
- Ask and answer in pairs about the weather and temperature of cities in the part listen
- Work in pairs, talk about the weather forecast in some countries
- Talk about the weather forecast in some countries in front of the class 
- Take note
- What the weather like in Sydney, Tokyo?
- How about the temperature in Sydney?
Talk about the weather forecast in some countries
Eliciting answers:
- Tokyo will be dry and windy. The low will be fifteen and the high will be twenty two
- London is going to have a humid day. The low will be minus three and the high will be seven.
- Bangkok will be warm and dry. The low will be twenty four degree centigrade and a high of fifteen.
5. Home work:3’
- Have students learn new words by heart
- Have students practice asking and answering about the weather forecast, temperature
- Have students prepare the new lesson 
- Learn new words by heart
- Practice asking and answering about the weather forecast, temperature.
- Prepare the new lesson
*New words in the part Listen
*What’s the weather like in Bac Lieu tomorrow?
What will be the temperature tomorrow?...
*Unit 12: Read
+ Pick out new words and meanings
IV. Feedback:
Period: 80	 
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge 
 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more than about famous landcapes in the United States of America such as: Hawaii, New York, Chicago, Mount Rushmore, San Francisco.
*Grammar.	 - Past simple 
 	- Passive of present simple tense 
*Vocabulary: - lava (n); pour out (v); fisherman’s wharf (n); Napa valley (n); carve (v); the windy city (n); on the shore of ; statue of liberty (n); the Empire state building (n): 
2. Skills: Focus on listening, speaking, reading skills. 
3. Attitude: -Students must work hard and try to listen teacher’s instruction.
 	-Take the content of the lesson and contribute to built the lesson.
II. Teaching aids: 
 	Cassette tape and player
III. Procedures:
Warm up 5’
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- Have students write some new words.
- Have students talk to guess the weather forecast today 
- Give feedback and mark 
- Write some new words
- Guess the weather forecast today
- Take note
 *New words
- minus degree:
- Zero degree:
- Degree centigrade:
- snowy (adj):
- cloudy (adj):
- dry (adj):
*Talk about the weather forecast today
2. Pre - reading:10’
 - Ask students some questions
- Introduce
As we know, Mrs. Quyen and her husband went on holiday to USA. They visited lots of famous places of interest. You look at the pictures and guess which places she visited.
- Play the tape 
- Explain some new words. 
- Teacher reads model
- Call some students to read new words in front of the class.
- Answer
- Listen
- Listen to the tape
- Copy in the book.
- Ss practice the new words in chorus and individual.
- Read new words in front of the class.
- Do you remember Mrs. Quyen? 
- What plan did she have?
New words:
- lava (n): 
- pour out (v): 
- fisherman’s wharf (n): 
- Napa valley (n): 
- carve (v): 
- the windy city (n): 
- on the shore of : 
- statue of liberty (n): 
- the Empire state building (n): 
3. While - reading: 22’
- Have students read the passage
- Elicit
Our reading is the words postcards that Mrs. Quyen gave her children. You do exercise 1. write what Mrs. Quyen did and saw in each of these places
- Call some students to read and write the answers on the board
- Give correct answer.
- Have students reread the passage and answer the questions
- Have students compare the answers
- Call some students to read and write the answers
- Give correct answers.
- Read the passage
- Do exercise 1. write what Mrs. Quyen did and saw in each of these places
- Read and write the answers on the board
- Copy in the book.
- Reread the passage and answer the questions
- Compare the answers
- Read and write the answers
- Copy in the book
1. Write what Mrs. Quyen did and saw in each of these places
What she did and saw
a. Hawaii
Went shopping visited Kilauea Volcano
b. New York
Went shopping, bought lots of souvenirs
c. Chicago
Saw lake Michigan
d. Mount Rushmore
Saw the heads of four American presidents.
e. San Francisco
Visited Fisherman’s Wharf, the Napa Valley, wine growing area and the Alcatraz prison.
2. Answer the following questions
She took a small plane to
Kilauea Volcano
She went there by plane
She saw the famous prison
on the island of Alcatraz in the middle of San Francisco bay.
It is mount where the heads
of four American presidents are carved into the rock (it can be seen from more than 100 miles away)
The other name of Chicago
is the ‘The Windy City’
She went shopping.
4. Post - reading:5’
- Have students practice asking and answering the questions
- Call one student to read the passage.
- Notice student’s pronunciation.
- Stick the extra board with questions on the board 
- Have students work in pairs, ask and answer the questions 
- Call two pairs to ask and answer the questions in front of the class.
- Give feedback
- Practice asking and answering the questions
- Read the passage.
- Take note
- Look at the extra board
- Work in pairs, ask and answer the questions 
- Ask and answer the questions in front of the class.
- Take note
* Ask and answer the 
( questions in part 2)
*Read the passage
- How many places did Mrs. Quyen visit?
- What are they?
- What did she visit in New York?
- What did she do in Hawaii?
5. Home work:3’	
- Have students read the passage and learn new words by heart 
- Have students practice asking and answering the questions at home 
- Have students prepare the new lesson 
- Read the passage and learn new words by heart 
- Practice asking and answering the questions at home 
- Prepare the new lesson
*The passage and new words in the part read
*The questions and answers in the part read 
*Unit 12: Write 
+ Prepare the extra board
+ Complete the postcard page 118
IV. Feedback:
Period: 81	 
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge 
 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write the postcard and give to somebody by writing greetings.
*Grammar.	 + Write a postcard
 	 + Present perfect
 	+ Past simple.
 	+ Present progressive 
*Vocabulary: - lava (n); pour out (v); fisherman’s wharf (n); Napa valley (n); carve (v); the windy city (n); on the shore of ; statue of liberty (n); the Empire state building (n): 
2. Skills: Focus on listening, speaking, reading skills. 
3. Attitude: -Students must work hard and try to listen teacher’s instruction.
 	-Take the content of the lesson and contribute to built the lesson.
II. Teaching aids: 
 	Cassette tape and player
III. Procedures:
Warm up 5’
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
 - Call one student to read the postcard in the last period.
- Have students answer some questions 
- Read the postcard in the last period.
- Answer some questions 
*Read the postcard
- How many places did Mrs Quyen visit? What are they?
- How did she go to Kilauea Volcano?
- What is the other name of Chicago?
- What did she do while her husband was visiting the Statute of Liberty?
2. Pre - writing:10’
- Elicit by asking some questions
- Introduce
In daily life, we usually send and receive postcards. In this lesson, we will learn how to write on a postcard. First you look at the postcard that Mrs. Quyen sent to Vietnam from USA. You read the post card and complete it by filling word in the blanks.
- Call some students to read the completed postcard
- Give eliciting answer
- Elicit
Imagine that you are a tourist on vacation in a certain place/ city in Vietnam write a postcard to a friend about your trip you need to cover the information.
- Answer
- Listen to teacher’s introduce
- Read the completed postcard
- Copy in the book.
- Take note
- Do you always send postcard to your friend or relatives when you are on holiday?
- What do you write on the postcard?
1. Complete the postcard Mrs. Quyen sent from the USA
1 in, 2 people, 3 weather, 4 visited, 5 her , 6 nice , 7 bought , 8 for , 9 heaviness, 10 soon
2. Imagine you are a tourist on vacation in a certain place/city in Viet Nam. Write a postcard to a friend about your trip. You need to cover the information about:
Place: name of the plane you visit
- How do you feel about the people: friendly, hospital, helpful 
- What the weather is like: warm, cold, windy, sunny
- Who you meet/ see: old friend, teachers, relatives, neighbors
- What you see: museums, libraries, parks, zoos 
- what you buy souvenirs: books, photos, postcards
3. While - writing:22’
- Have students work in groups, write a postcard to a friend about your trip
- Elicit to write a postcard
- Have students write the postcard on the extra board
- Have students write a postcard in 8 groups 
- Call two groups to stick their postcard on the extra board 
- Give feedback 
- Stick the extra board with the questions on the board 
- Have students answer the questions in individual 
- Call students to ask and answer the questions in pairs 
- Give feedback
- Work in pairs, write a postcard to a friend about your trip
- Take note and remember
- Write the postcard on the extra board
- Write a postcard in 8 groups
- Stick their postcard on the extra board
- Take note
- Look at the extra board 
- Answer the questions in individual
- Ask and answer the questions in pairs 
- Take note
2. Imagine you are a tourist on vacation in a certain place/city in Viet Nam. Write a postcard to a friend about your trip. You need to cover the information about:
Dear John.
I’m having a wonderful time in Ha long Bay. The people here are very hospitable and friendly. We’re lucky; the weather has been fine and sunny during the trip. I saw a lot of cave here. They are really beautiful. I bought lots of souvenirs and a book about Ha Long Bay
See you soon
Your friend
Ask and answer about your trip
- The name of place you are visiting
- How do you feel about the people?
- What’s the weather like?
- Who did you meet?
- What did you see?
- What did you buy?
4. Post - writing: 5’
- Organize the game Error hunter
- Give a postcard
- Have students work in groups. Find the mistakes in the postcard
- Have students write the mistakes on the board 
- Check and give the correct answers
- Play game Error hunter
- Work in groups. Find the mistakes in the postcard
- Write the mistakes on the board
- Take note
The game Error hunter
Dear Lan.
We’re having a well time on Cat Ba island. The island is very friendship and helpful. The weather has been sunny and wind.
In Cat Ba town. I visited my aunt, Mrs Lien and his children. I spend the whole morning to play with the kids I bought lots of sourness and two bottle of fish sauce shopping here are wonderful. There are a lot of to buying
See you soon
well – good
is – are
friendship – friendly
wind - windy
his – her
spend – spent
to play – playing
bottle – bottles
are – is
buying - buy
5. Home work:3’
- Have students write the postcard to your friend about your trip in Ho Chi Minh City at home 
- Have students prepare the new lesson
- Write the postcard to your friend about your trip in Ho Chi Minh City at home
- Prepare the new lesson
*The postcard about your trip to Ho Chi Minh City
*Unit 12: Language Focus 
+ Review the present progressive tense
+ Match the exercise in part 2 page 120 at home 
IV. Feedback:

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