Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 25 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

    I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge 

  By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know the way how to write a narrative writing. 


                      + Past simple tense

                      + Complete a narrative

                     *Vocabulary:  adventure (n): chuyến phiêu lưu;  paddle (n)/ (v) : tay chèo;  canoe (n): ca nô; dark cloud : mây đen

2. Skills: Focus on writing skills. 

3. Attitude:  Students work hard, actively, happily

    II)  Preparation:

          - Extra - boards, pictures or real things

     III. Procedures:

  1. Warm up 5’ 


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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 25 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 25 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
Week: 25	 	 	Date of planning: 21/1/2018
Period: 73	 	 	Date of teaching
( Write)
 I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge 
 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know the way how to write a narrative writing. 
 	 + Past simple tense
 	 + Complete a narrative
 	*Vocabulary: adventure (n): chuyến phiêu lưu; paddle (n)/ (v) : tay chèo; canoe (n): ca nô; dark cloud : mây đen
2. Skills: Focus on writing skills. 
3. Attitude: Students work hard, actively, happily
 II) Preparation:
 - Extra - boards, pictures or real things
 III. Procedures:
Warm up 5’ 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
 - Ask Ss some questions.
- Introduce new lesson.
- Answer
- Listen
* The question.
 1.Tell me some famous places do you know in Viet Nam? 
2. Which places do you like best? Why?
2. Pre - writing: 10’
- Introduce about the narration and explain
- Have students read the passage and answer the questions
- Explain the new words.
- Elicit
The above paragraph bases on chronological order. Why do you know? (last week, one afternoon, after)
- Listen to the teacher
- Read the passage and answer the questions
- Copy in the book
- Take note
* Explaining
Narration is a land of writing in which you report events (you tell some one about something that happened) Narration is used in many different situations. A narrative paragraph is usually organized in chronological order. That means the exact name and place are introduced right in the topic sentence and the details are written in the same order that really happened
Read the first part of a story about traveling around Viet Nam
New words:
- adventure (n): chuyến phiêu lưu
- paddle (n)/ (v) : tay chèo
- canoe (n): ca nô
- dark cloud : mây đen
3. While - writing:20’
- Have students read the next part of the story and complete the story by rewriting the sentences in the correct chronological order.
- Call some students to read the passage that they arranged
- Give the correct answer
- Continue eliciting
Look at the pictures in the book, these picture are about Uyen’s memorable day. You put the events in the correct chronological order and complete the story by using the pictures and words as prompts.
- Have students compare the answer with partner
- Call some students to read the completed story.
- Give feedback.
- Read the next part of the story and complete the story by rewriting the sentences in the correct chronological order.
- Read the passage that they arranged
- Copy in the book
- Listen to teacher.
- Compare the answer with partner
- Read the completed story.
- Copy in the book
1.Now, put the sentences below in the correct chronological order to complete the story
1c. The wind started to blow and the rain became heavier
2a. The canoe moved up and down the water
3g. Shannon dropped her paddle
4d. She learned over and tried to pick it up
5f. The canoe overturned and everyone fell into the deep and dangerous
6b. A bout appeared and rescued them
7e. The family was very lucky
2. Put the events below in the correct chronological order and write the story. Start with the sentences below
Uyen had a day to remember last week
1d. She had a math exam on Friday and she got up late
2b. She realized her alarm clock did not go off
3e. As she was leaving home it started to rain heavily.
4h. Uyen tried to run as fast as she could.
5a. Suddenly she stumbled against a rock (and fell onto the road)
6f. Her schoolbag went into a pool and everything got wet.
7c. Strangely, the rain stopped as she got to her classroom.
8g. Luckily, Uyen had enough time to finish her exam.
4. Post - writing:7’
- Teacher emphasizes on the key point of the lesson.
- Provide some events of the paragraph
- Have students work in pairs, develop into a narration.
- Call a representative group to state a paragraph.
- Have students work in individual, talk about things they do yesterday
- Call some students to talk about things they do yesterday in front of the class
- Give feedback
- The Ss take-notes
- Take note
- Work in pairs, develop into a narration.
- State a paragraph
- Take note
- Work in individual, talk about things they do yesterday
- Talk about things they do yesterday in front of the class
* The way how to write a narrative writing
*Complete the paragraph
Last week. I visited Ha Long Bay. It rained a lot. I visited a lot of caves. I took many photographs. I felt very happy. I had a wonderful trip there
-Talk about things you do yesterday
Eliciting answer:
 Yesterday I got up, I took a shower, I did morning exercise, I brushed my teeth, I had breakfast, I did the homework, I took a nap, I had lunch, Then I went to school.
5. Home work:3’
- Have students learn new words by heart
- Have students rewrite the exercises in part 1 and part 2 on their notebooks.
- Have students prepare the new lesson
- Learn new words by heart
- Rewrite the exercises in part 1 and part 2 on their notebooks.
- Prepare the new lesson
*New words in the part Writer
*Exercises in part 1 and part 2 in the part Writing
*Lesson 5: Language Focus
+Review the structure with mind
+ write what people are doing in part 1
+ Pick out new words and meaning in part 2
IV) Feedback:
Period: 74
 1) Knowledge : 
 * Grammar : 
 + Ved and Ving participles.
 + Requests : - Would / Do you mind + V-ing?
 	 - Do you mind if I + V .?
 	 - Would you mind if I + Ved / V2 .?
 2) Skills: 
 - Focus on reading skill. 
 3) Attitude:
 - Students work hard, actively, happily
II) Preparation:
 - Textbook
 - Pictures
 - Extra – boards.
III) Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1) Warm-up : (5’)
Teacher asks Ss to remind some grammar points
2) Practice : (32’)
* Activity1 :
- Explain how to use “Past and Present participles”
- Teacher gives some examples
* Activity 2 :
- Have Ss do exercises : 1,2,3,4 (page 108 → 110)
- Have Ss look at picture 1
- Explain and guide Ss how to do 
- Call some Ss to read loudly in front of class 
- Correct
- Give feedback 
* Activity3 :
* Guide Ss how to do task 2 
- Explain and give examples
- Call some Ss to read loudly in front of class 
- Have Ss write the result on the board
- Correct
- Give feedback 
* Activity 4 :
Have Ss remind structures
- Explain the exercise how to do this exercise
- Have some Ss role the play in front of class 
- T corrects Students’ pronunciation 
* T shows six pictures on the board
- Ask Ss give the result 
- T corrects 3) 3)Consolidation :(5’)
 T retells how to use:
 * V-ed and V-ing participles.
4) Homework :(3’)
Teacher asks Ss to remember
Ss explains some grammar points
-Practice in groups
*For normal students:
-Practice in groups
*For good students:
Further practice
- Ss concentrate and listen 
- Students take notes 
* Ss concentrate and listen
- Students take notes
- Work in pairs to do the exercises.
- Ss read result before class
- Give their answers on the board 
- Copy the answers into their notebooks 
* Ss listen 
- Exchange with partners and speak out their answers.
- Go to the board, then write the answers on the board
- Copy.
* Ss remember grammatical points
- Discuss in pairs to do the task
- Speak out their answers before class.
* Ss look at 6 pictures 
-Ss copy right sentences into their notebooks
Listen and write
Ex : 
- His job is boring. 
- Tom is interesting to talk to Peter.
- This lamp is broken. 
- She found her lost dog yesterday. 
* Notes : 
+ -ed participle : diển tả nghĩa bị động
+ -ing participle : diển tả nghĩa tác động
 1.Look at the people..
Ex :
The boy reading the book is Ba.
(V- ing participle)
- The man walking up the stairs is Mr Quang.
- The boy talking to Miss Lien is Nam.
- The two girls playing chess are Nga and Hoa.
- The woman carrying a bag is Miss Lien.
- The girl standing by the table is Lan.
2.Look at this stall
Ex : 
- The old lamp made in China is 5 dollars.
- The doll dressed in pink dress is two dollars. 
- The trunk painted green is one dollar.
- The truck made from recycled aluminum cans is 2 dollars.
3. Work with a partner.
a. Would you mind moving your car?
à No, of course not.
b. Would you mind putting out your cigarette?
à No, I don’t mind.
c. Would you mind getting me some coffee?
à I’m sorry. I can’t.
4. Work with a partner.
Ex : 
a) Do you mind if I sit here?
 à Please do.
b) Would you mind if I smoked ?
 à I’d rather you didn’t.
c) Do you mind if I use your telephone ? 
à Please do.
d) Do you mind if I turn off the stereo ? 
à I’d rather you didn’t.
* Requests : 
 - Would / Do you mind + V-ing?
 - Do you mind if I + V .?
 - Would you mind if I + Ved / V2 .?
- Write the exercises into the notebooks.
- Prepare : Revision and consolidation 
IV) Feedback : 
 I) Objectives:
 1) Knowledge:
 * Grammar:
 + In order to / so as to
 + Requests, offers and promises.
 + Passive from.
 + Adjectives followed by an infinitive / a noun clause.
 + Present participles and past participle.
 + Do / Would you mind + Ving?
 + Do you mind if I + V1 .?
 + Would you mind if I + Ved / V2?
	 2) Skills: 
 	 - Focus on writing and speaking skills. 
 	 3) Attitude:
 	 - Students work hard, actively, happily
 II) Preparation:
 - Textbook
 - Pictures
 - Extra – boards.
 III) Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1) Warm-up : (5’)
Teacher asks Ss to remind the whole grammatical points form unit 9 to unit 11.
2) Practice : (30’)
* Activity1 :
- Explain how to do exercises
- Teacher gives some examples
* Activity 2 :
- Have Ss do exercises - Have Ss look at picture 1
- Explain and guide Ss how to do 
- Give the task to students
- Call some Ss to read loudly in front of class 
- Ask Ss to write the result 
- Correct
- Give feedback 
* Activity3 :
 Guide Ss how to do task 3 
- Explain and give examples
- Call some Ss to read loudly in front of class 
- Have Ss write the result on the board
- Correct
- Give feedback 
3)Consolidation :(7’)
 Teacher remind grammatical points form 
4) Homework :(3’)
Teacher asks Ss to remember
Ss explains grammatical points form 
-Practice in groups
*For normal students:
-Practice in groups
*For good students:
Further practice
- Ss concentrate and listen 
- Students take notes 
* S concentrate and listen
- Students take notes
- Work in pairs to do the exercises.
- Ss read result before class
- Give their answers on the board 
- Copy the answers into thei notebooks 
- Go to the board, then write the answers on the board
- Copy.
* Ss remember grammatical points
- Discuss in pairs to do the task
- Speak out their answers before class.
- Some Ss practice again
- Ss write answers on the board 
-Ss copy right sentences into their notebooks
- Give their answers on the board 
- Copy the answers into their notebooks 
Ss listen and write
*Unit 9 to unit 11.
*Passive voice
*Would/Do mind..
*Write the sentences with the “ adjective + to-infinitive” or” adjective + a noun clause”
A. Choose the best answer to complete these sentences :
1. Cool burns immediately so as to ______ tissue damage. 
A. receive	B.burn	 C.put	 D.minimize
2. Please get me a_______. He gets a bad cut in his leg. 
A.blanket	B.wheelchair C.eyechart D.scale
3. Many new houses ________ by these workers next year. 
A. will be build	 C.will build D.will be built
 4. Household and garden waste is colleted________compost. 
A. to make have do buy 
 5. It is very important_________the environment green and clean. 
A. keep keep	 C.keeping be kept 
6. We should use close bags instead_______plastic bags. 
A. for B.with	 C.that	 D.of 
7. What is the best place_______a compost heap. 
A. for B.with	 C.that	 D.of 
8.What type of garbage can you put_______the compost. 
A. at C.on	 D.of 
 9. Would you mind______the window ? It’s very hot in here. 
A. open open C.opening D.opened
10. She promises she ________everything in the kitchen. 
A. will be broken B.will break C.break D.won’t break
B) Read the passage carefully, then answer the questions: 
Ha Long Bay of descending Dragon – is popular with both Vietnamese and international tourists. One of the attractions of Ha Long is the Bay’s calm water with limestone mountains. The Bay’s water is clear during the spring and early summer. Upon arriving Ha Long City, visitors can go along Chay Beach and hire a boat and go out to the Bay. It is here that the visitors can find some Southeast Asia’s most beautiful sites. Dau Go Cave is one of the beautiful caves at Ha Long. It was the cave in which General Tran Hung Dao hid wooden stakes to beat the Mongols on Bach Dang River in 1288.
á Questions:
1.Who is Ha Long popular with?
2.What is one of the attractions of Ha Long?
3.What is the Bay’s water like?
4.What can visitors do when they arrive in Ha Long City?
C)Put the words or phrases in the correct order to make meaningful sentences 
1.swept / These classrooms / are / by / everyday. / the teacher
2.will / This building / be / by the worker / built / next year.
3.difficult / is / It / the homework. / do / to
-Write down and prepare a test.
 IV. Feedback:
Ss: .. 

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