Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 24 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

    I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge 

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know the way how to ask somebody to do something by polite speech and show the places on the maps through a trip of Tim’s family.


                                      - Present simple

          - Structures: + Do you mind + Ving?

         + Would you mind + Ving?

         + Do you mind if I + V…..?

          + Would you mind if I + Ved-V2?

         - Expressions:

                                + That sounds interesting

                                + How about going ……..?

                                          + I suggest going…….


2. Skills: Focus on speaking skill. 

3. Attitude:   -Students must work hard and try to listen teacher’s instruction.

 -Take the content of the lesson and contribute to built the lesson.

     II)  Preparation:

                     English book, chalk, extra board,  pictures.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 24 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 24 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
Week 24 	 	Date of planning: 18/1/2019 
Period : 70	 	 	Date of teaching : 
 I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge 
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know the way how to ask somebody to do something by polite speech and show the places on the maps through a trip of Tim’s family.
 	 - Present simple
 	- Structures: + Do you mind + Ving?
	 + Would you mind + Ving?
	 + Do you mind if I + V..?
 + Would you mind if I + Ved-V2?
 	- Expressions:
	+ That sounds interesting
	+ How about going ..?
	+ I suggest going.
2. Skills: Focus on speaking skill. 
3. Attitude: -Students must work hard and try to listen teacher’s instruction.
 -Take the content of the lesson and contribute to built the lesson.
 II) Preparation:
 	English book, chalk, extra board, pictures.
 III. Procedures:
Warm up 5’	
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- Call two students to role play the dialogue.
-Ask them some questions
1. Where does Hoa meet Tim?
2.Who does Tim come to Vietnam with?
3. How do they travel to VN?
4. How long does it take them to get to Ha Noi?
5. What does Tim like to do on the way to Ha Noi?
 2. Pre -speaking:10’
- Review structure with mind
- Have students copy in the book
3. While-speaking:20’
- Elicit the situation.
Now you work in pairs one of you is student A and other student B. look at the information about your role and use it to make requests and suggestions.
- Call some pairs to state the situation
- Give eliciting answer
- Two students role play the dialogue.
- Answer some questions
Take note
-Copy in the book
- Work in pairs
- State the situation
- Copy in the book
Hoa meets Tim at the airport
Tim comes to VN with his parents and his sister (Mr. and Mrs. Jones and Shannon)
They travel to Ha Noi by taxi.
It takes them 40 minutes.
He likes to take a photograph.
Use “mind” in request
- Do You mind closing the door?
- Would you mind opening the window?
- No, I don’t mind.
- No, of course not.
- Not at all
Please do
- Please go ahead
- I’m sorry, I can’t
- I’m sorry that is not possible.
- I’d like prefer you didn’t
Work with a partner. One of you is student A and the other is student B. Look at the information about your role and use it to make requests and suggestions.
A: Excuse me. Can you help me?
B: Yes, sir. What can I do for you ?
A: Could you give me some information please?
B: Yes, of course. What information do you want?
A: I want to visit a museum. Would you mind suggesting one?
B: I suggest you to go to the History museum
A: That sounds interesting. Do you mind telling me? What time it opens?
B: It opens from 8 a.m. to 4 pm. Every day except Monday.
A: Thank you very much.
B: you’re welcome. Have a nice day.
4. Post - speaking: 7’
- Call Ss retell structure “ mind”
- Write sentences with mind
Eliciting answer:
- Do you mind cleaning the board?
- Do you mind giving me a book?
- Would you mind if I took a photo?
- Do you mind If I speak English?
- Give situation
Suppose that you meet a tourist who visit town for the first time. The tourist wants to know some place in your town. You work in pairs one of you is the tourist and the other is the students of the town you make similar conversation using the place of interest in the town.
- Call some students to read the completed dialogue
Make similar conversation
You: Can I help you?
Tourist: That’s great. This is the first time I have been to Hai Phong city. Do you mind telling me some places that can visit?
You: Yes, certainly. I suggest you go to see Le Chan Statue in the center of the city. It’s the biggest statue in Hai Phong. You can take beautiful photos there beside the statue.
Tourist: How can I get there?
You: You can get a taxi it about 3 kms from here 
Tourist: Thank.
You: It’s my pleasure.
 5. Home work:3’
- Have students practice the speaking at home 
- Have students learn new words by heart
- Have students practice the structures with mind at home 
- Have students prepare the new lesson 
IV) Feedback:
T: .
 Period: 71	 	 	 
 I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge 
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know the way how to ask somebody to do something by polite speech and show the places on the maps through a trip of Tim’s family.
- Expressions:
 	 + Check the map.
 	 + I’m starving.
 	 + Can you book seats ?
2. Skills: Focus on Listening skill. 
3. Attitude: -Students must work hard and try to listen teacher’s instruction.
 -Take the content of the lesson and contribute to built the lesson.
 II) Preparation:
 	English book, chalk, extra board, pictures.
 III. Procedures:
Warm up 5’
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- Call some Ss to complete the sentences with the words given.
- Correct and give marks. 
2. Pre - listening:10’
- Ask students some questions
- Introduce place in the map
- Elicit.
You are going to listen to the tape about the position of the places mentioned above on the map. You study the map and listen to the tape to match the places to their correct positions a, b, c, d or e which are market on the map
3. While - listening:20’
- Play the tape twice or three times
- Have students compare the answer
- Call some students state the answers
- Play the tape again and check the answer.
 - Complete
- Listen
- Answer the questions
- Copy in the book
- Take note
- Listen to the tape
- Compare the answer
- State the answers
- Copy in the book
- Do you mind ..the board?(clean)
- Do you mind a book?( give)
- Would you mind if I..a photo?( take)
- Do you mind If I .English?( speak)
* Listen
Listen. Match the places in the box to their correct positions on the map
- What do you see in the map?
- How many roads / streets/ office are there?
- bus station (n)
- hotel (n):
- pagode (n):
- temple (n):
- restaurant (n) :
- highway (n):
- tourist information center(n):
Listen. Match the places in the box to their correct positions on the map
Bus station
4. Post - listening:7’
- Have student ask for the way and answer
- Have students ask and answer about the way from school to the post office, market, post office
 5. Home work:3’
- Have students learn the places in the part listen at home
- Have students prepare the new lesson
Unit 11: part: read
(pick out new words and meanings)
 IV) Feedback:
Period : 72	 	 	 
( Read)
 I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge 
 	By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know the way how to ask and answer about some information of landscapes in VN such as NT, DL, SP, VHL.
- Present simple
 	- Some phrases about travelling 
 	 seaside resort (n); oceanic institute (n); Giant Buddha (n); offshore island (n); external spring (n); waterfall (n); Mountainous resort (n); tribal village (n); mountain slopes (n); World Heritage (n); Magnificent (n); limestone island (n)
2. Skills: Focus on Reading skill. 
3. Attitude: -Students must work hard and try to listen teacher’s instruction.
 -Take the content of the lesson and contribute to built the lesson.
 II) Preparation:
 	English book, chalk, extra board, pictures.
 III. Procedures:
Warm up 5’
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- Have two students write three sentences with “ Would you mind/ Do you mind?”
 - Give feedback
2. Pre- reading:10’
- Introduce the lesson 
( Today we will study four famous places in Viet Nam)
- Explain some new words
- Read new words in chorus and individual.
3. While - reading:20’
- Play the tape twice
- Have students read the passage in silent
- Call some students to read the passage in front of the class
- Have students read the advertisements again and check the topics mentioned in the brochures about the resorts.
- Have students compare the answer
- Have students work in groups and do exercise 2. There are 5 people who want to go to Vietnam on their holiday. Each person has different hobby you find a suitable place
- Call a representative
- Write
- Take note
- Copy in the book
- Repeat new words
- Read new words in chorus and individual
- Listen to the tape
- Read the passage in silent
- Read the passage in front of the class
- Read the advertisements again and check the topics mentioned in the brochures about the resorts.
- Compare the answer
- Work in groups and do exercise 2. there are 5 people who want to go to Vietnam on their holiday. Each person has different hobby you find a suitable place
- Give the answer
*New words:
- seaside resort (n): 
- oceanic institute (n): 
- Giant Buddha (n): 
- offshore island (n): 
- external spring (n): 
- waterfall (n): 
- Mountainous resort (n):
- tribal village (n): 
- mountain slopes (n): 
- World Heritage (n): 
- Magnificent (n): 
- limestone island (n):
1. Check (P)the topics mentioned in the brochures about the resorts
SGK page 104
2. Answer. Where should these people go?
These people want to spend their coming summer vacation in Viet Nam. Help them find a suitable place. Check (v) the boxes
Nha trang
Da Lat
Sa pa
Ha Long Bay
Nha Rong Harbor
 4. Post - reading: 7’
- Organize the game giving advice
- Have students play in 2 teams:
One team gives the work that they like in the next summer, Then others team give advice.
- Have students ask and answer the questions in pairs
- Call some pairs to ask and answer the questions in front of the class
- Check and give the eliciting answers
1/ Have you ever gone to Nha Trang?
2/ Which places do you want to spend on your holidays?
3/ What do you know about Ha Long Bay?
4/ Is there snow in Sa Pa?
5/ What is the weather like in Da Lat
6/ What is the city of Da Lat?
Eliciting answers:
1/ Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t
2/ I want to spend my holiday in Dalat.
3/ Ha Long Bay is recognized by UNISCO as a world Heritage Site
4/ Yes, there is 
5/ It is cool.
6/ The city of Da Lat is Lam Dong
5. Home work:3’
- Have students learn new words at home 
- Have students read the advertisements and understand the content at home
- Have students prepare the new lesson
Unit 11: Write
+ Pick out new words and meaning
+ Prepare the extra board
IV) Feedback:
T: ..

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