Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 23 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

    I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge 

 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to complete the recycling instructions. 


                                 + Present simple tense

                                + Write a set of instructions

           *Vocabulary:  soak (v); bucket (n); wooden (adj); mash (v); firmly(adv); scatter (v)     

2. Skills: Focus on writing skills. 

3. Attitude:  Students work hard, actively, happily

     II) Preparation:

          - Extra - boards, pictures or real things

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 23 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 23 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
Week: 23	 	 	Date of planning: 10/1/2019
Period: 67	 	 	Date of teaching
 I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge 
 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to complete the recycling instructions. 
 	 + Present simple tense
 	+ Write a set of instructions
 	*Vocabulary: soak (v); bucket (n); wooden (adj); mash (v); firmly(adv); scatter (v)	 
2. Skills: Focus on writing skills. 
3. Attitude: Students work hard, actively, happily
 II) Preparation:
 - Extra - boards, pictures or real things
 III. Procedures:
Warm up 5’	
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
 Ask Ss some questions
2)Pre - writing (10’) 
- Introduce vocabulary by explanation 
- Then guide Ss to read.
3)While – writing:(22’)
- Shows extra board
- Explain the task.
- Have Ss do the task
- Have some Ss read result, then write answers on the board 
- Correct and gives feedback.
- Explain the task 2 Have Ss do exercises as requirement.
- Have some Ss write result 
- Correct and give feedback
Answer the questions
- Say the meaning of the words
- Take notes, repeat, then reread. (Chorally, Individually)
-Cue words 
-Practice in groups
 - Write the answers on the board
 - Work in groups to complete the instructions.
- Give their answers in front of class
- Copy.
1. What do people do with empty milk bottles? 
2. What is compost made from?
* Vocabulary:
soak (v)
bucket (n)
wooden (adj)
mash (v)
firmly (adv)
scatter (v)
1. Complete the recycling instructions.
Use the verbs in the box.
 (0) soak (4) press
 (1) use (5) wrap
 (2) mix (6) wait
 (3) place (7) dry
2. In some areas people burn..words in the box.
a. First, take the used tea leaves from the tea pot.
b. Next, scatter the tea leaves on the tray.
c. Then, dry the leaves in the sun.
d. Finally, put the dry leaves on the pot for future use.
4) Post - writing:(5’) 
- Read the lesson again
- Teacher asks Ss to close their books, teacher shows from one picture to another picture and make instructions again. 
- Retell all the instructions on page 94.
5)Homework (3’):
Teacher asks Ss to remember 
- Practice reading letters at home.
- Prepare Unit 10 “Language Focus”.
IV) Feedback:
Period: 68
(Language Focus)
 I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge 
 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write passive voice and adjective followed by infinitive structures.
 	+ Passive form.
 	+ Adjectives followed by: - an infinitive.
	 	- a noun clause.
2. Skills: Focus on writing skills. 
3. Attitude: Students work hard, actively, happily
 II) Preparation:
 - Text book
 - Extra-boards
 - Pictures
 III. Procedures:
Warm up 5’
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
T asks Ss to remember the whole grammar in unit 10 
Teacher explains 
Teacher gives some examples
2) Practice :(30’)
- Introduce vocabulary by explanation
- Then guide Ss to read.
* Guide Ss how to change from Active into Passive.
*Activity 1:
- T explains 
- Have Ss work in pairs
- Ask Ss to give the 
- T corrects and gives feedback 
*Activity 2:
- Guides Ss how to change active sentence into passive sentence in
Future Simple 
- Ask some Ss to complete the dialogue 
- Corrects
- Give feedback.
*Activity 3:
Explains and guides
Ss how to do the exercise
- Have Ss give result on the board
- Give feedback.
*Activity 4:
* Remind the structure again
- Ask some pairs of Ss to complete the letter 
- Give feedback.
Ss remind two grammatical points
Ss say in front of class
Ss listen and take notes
-Multiple choice
-Practice in groups
Say the meaning of words
- Take notes, repeat, then reread. (Chorally, Individually)
- Work in pairs to change the Active sentences into Passive sentences
- Go to the board to write out the answers.
- Copy the result into their notebooks
- Concentrate and listen
- Work in pairs to complete the dialogues.
- Go to the board and 
write the answers
- Write the answers into their notebooks
* Listen and copy
- Work in groups to complete the dialogue
- Listen
- Complete the letter, then read it
a) Passive form.
- Present simple : 
S + is / am / are + past participle
- Future simple :
S + will be + past participle
b) Adjectives followed by : 
- An infinitive.
S + be (not) + adj + infinitive phra.
Ex : 
It’s dangerous to play with fire.
- A noun clause.
S + be (not) + adj. + (that) S + V
Ex : A noun clause
They were very happy (that) the trip was safe.
* Vocabulary :
detergent (n) shape (n)
liquid (n) mankind (n)
drip (v) scarf (n)
blow (v) confirm (v)
*Activity 1 :
1.Work with a partner..
a) The glass is broken into small pieces
b) Then the glass is washed with a detergent liquid.
c) The glass pieces are dried completely.
d.) They are mixed with certain specific chemicals.
e) The mixture is melted until it becomes a liquid.
f) A long pipe is used and dipped the liquid, then the liquid is blown into intended shapes
1, 4, 3, 5, 2, 6 (Pictures)
*Activity 2:
2. A famous inventor,..
Passive in “Future simple”
Ex: I will clean the floor.
à The floor will be cleaned.
 Will be + P.P
(show) will be shown
(build) will it be built?
(finish) will be finished.
(make) will it be made?
*Activity 3:
3. Complete the dialouges
b. It’s easy to understand.
c. It’s hard to believe. 
d. It’s dangerous 
e. It’s important to wait.
* Activity 4:
4.Complete the letter
(1) was happy.
(2) am relieved
(3) is afraid 
(4) Are.. sure 
(5) am certain
3) Consolidation :(7’)
- T asks students to retell how to use:
+ Passive form.
 	+ Adjectives followed by: 
- an infinitive.	 
 	- a noun clause
Rewrite sentences with passive form.
1.Lan and Hoa clean the kitchen every day.
2. We send the goods to Vung Tau by coach. 
4) Homework :(3’)
- Learn by heart grammatical points.
- Write the exercises into the notebooks.
 - Prepare: Unit 11 “Getting started + Listen and read”
IV) Feedback:
T: .
Period: 69
(Getting started – listen and read)
 I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge 
 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know famous places around Viet Nam
 + Do you mind + Ving?
	 + Would you mind + Ving?
	 + Do you mind if I + V..?
	 + Would you mind if I + Ved-V2?
 	 corn (n); sugar cane(n); farmland (n); water buffalo (n) 
2. Skills: listening and speaking skills. 
3. Attitude: Students work hard, actively, happily
 II) Preparation:
 - Text book
 - Extra-boards
 - Pictures
 III. Procedures:
Warm up 5’
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
Ask Ss to do exercise
2) Presentation :(10’)
- Have Ss answer some questions
- Introduce new words and Structures by explanation.
- Guide Ss to read new words 
3) Practice :(20’)
- Let Ss listen to the tape (Twice)
- Have Ss discuss with their friends
- Ask some groups of Ss to practice. 
- Give the task to students 
- Explain the task.
- Go around and helps
- Have Ss go to the board and give result
- Correct and gives feedback
- Work in pairs to match the places of interest in Vietnam with their names 
 in English.
- Close the books 
- Listen and answer 
 - Give the meaning of the words 
- Copy, repeat, then reread (chorally, Individually)
- Ss concentrate silently
- Listen
- Work in groups of five to play the roles of Hoa, Tim, Mrs Jones, Mrs. Jones and shannon
- Role play.
- Work in pairs to do the task.
- Listen
- Then go to the board and write the answers 
- Copy.
- Some Ss will say again 
a. Ngo Mon (gate)
b. Nha Rong Harbor.
c. The Temple of Literature.
d. Ha long Bay.
Questions : 
- Who is talking in the conversation?
- Where are they now ? 
- How do they go to Ha Noi ? 
- What do Tim and Shannon see on the way ?
1.Practice the dialogue
- corn (n)
- sugar cane(n)
- farmland (n)
- water buffalo (n) 
+ Do you mind + Ving?
+ Would you mind + Ving?
+ Do you mind if I + V..?
+ Would you mind if I + Ved-V2?
2.True or False : 
a taxi
Rice, corn & sugar canes
4) Consolidation: (7’)
- Read the lesson again
- Ss practice asking and answering the questions.
-Free practice
5) Homework:(3’)
- Remind students to copy the answers into their notebooks.
- Do exercises in exercise book 8
- Prepare: Unit 11 “Speak ”
IV) Feedback:

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