Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 20 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

    I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge 

 After the lesson, the students can be able to:

You know what you do when you see an accident.


                     Review:        - Simple present tense  

                                            - Simple past tense 

                                            - Future simple tense 


                      - bleed (v);conscious (adj); bee sting; wound (n); emergency (n); pressure (n); ambulance (n); calm down 

2. Skills: Focus on Listening and Reading skills. 

3. Attitude:  Students work hard, actively, happily

     II) Preparation

         - Extra - boards, pictures or real things

          - Tape and stereo

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 20 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 20 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
Week: 20	 	 	Date of planning: 20/12/2018
Period: 58	 	 	Date of teaching
(Getting started- Listen and read)
 I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge 
 After the lesson, the students can be able to:
You know what you do when you see an accident.
 	Review: 	- Simple present tense 
 	 - Simple past tense 
 	 - Future simple tense 
 	 - bleed (v);conscious (adj); bee sting; wound (n); emergency (n); pressure (n); ambulance (n); calm down 
2. Skills: Focus on Listening and Reading skills. 
3. Attitude: Students work hard, actively, happily
 II) Preparation
 - Extra - boards, pictures or real things
 - Tape and stereo
 III. Procedures:
Warm up 5’
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
Ask Ss to talk about necessary first - aids in some situations.
- Have Ss talk about some things which are often used for first-aid 
- Have Ss solve some situations in the book
- Correct if necessary.
 - Have Ss look at picture and introduce new words
- Elicit new words.
- Have Ss give meaning of words.
 - Have Ss read new words fluently. 
3. Practice :(22’)
- Introduce new lesson 
- Play the tape twice.
- Have Ss practice with their friends 
- Ask some pairs of Ss role-play before class. 
- Have Ss select the topics covered in the 
- Go around and help 
- Correct
-Talk about necessary first - aids 
- Give the result 
- Look at
- Guess and give meaning of words.
- Read.
- Listen
- Let Ss listen to the tape (Twice)
-Role play
- Work in pairs to play the roles of nurse and Lan in front of class 
-Practice in groups about 2 minutes
- Discuss with their friends and give the answer.
* Getting started:
- A girl has a burn on her arm.
- A boy has a bad cut on his leg.
- A girl has a nose bleed.
- A boy has a bee sting
* Listen and read:
- bleed (v) 
- conscious (adj)
- bee sting	 
- wound (n)
- emergency (n) 
- pressure (n)
- ambulance (n) 
- calm down 
1. Practice the dialogue with a partner. 
2. Select the topics covered in the 
a. describing the condition of the injured person.
b. asking for the address
c. asking the condition of the injured
e. giving first-aid instructions
f. arrange for an ambulance
4. Consolidation: (5’)
	- Have Ss read the new words again.
	- Have Ss answer the question.
	“ If you see an accident on the street. What will you do?”
5) Homework: (3’)
Teacher asks Ss to
- Copy the answers into Ss’ notebooks.
- Learn by heart new words.
 	- Prepare Unit 9 part Speak.
IV. Feedback.
_________________________________________________________________________Period: 59
 I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge 
 After the lesson, the students can be able to:
 Make a respond to offers, promises and request
 	Modal will to make requests, offers and promises. 
2. Skills: Focus on speaking skills. 
3. Attitude: Students work hard, actively, happily
 II) Preparation
 - Extra - boards, pictures or real things
 - Tape and stereo
 III. Procedures:
Warm up 5’
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- Have Ss solve some situations in emergency.
- Listen and give marks 
2) Pre - speaking:(12’)
 - Remind some expressions about requests, offers and promises.
- Shows extra board
- Explains some expressions in the table.
- Explains how to use 
- Ask Ss to write some models into their notebooks 
- Explains some new words 
3. While - speaking:(20’)
- Ask Ss to practice by some speaking in front of class 
- Go around the class and help. 
- Correct 
- Give feedback.
 Ss close their books and solve some situations in emergency
- Remind some expressions about requests, offers and promises
- Listen and read.
*For not good students:
-Guided practice
-Practice in pairs.
*For normal students:
-Guided practice
-Information gap activity
-Practice in groups
*For good students
- Work in pairs to do the task after looking at the pictures.
- Speak out before class.
- Some Ss will say in front of class 
- bad cut
- bee sting 
- nose bleed
Ex : 
In this case, we should
* Requests : 
- Can / Could you .....?
- Will / Would you ?
à Sure./ Ok/ All right.
àI’m sorry, I can’t./ I’m afraid not.
* Offers:
- Would you like .?
- What can I get for you?
- Shall I .?
- Will/Won’t you have.?
- Can I get you?
à Yes, please./ That would be nice.
à No, thank you.
* Promises:
- I promise I will 
- I willI promise.
- I promise I won’t .
- I promise to.
à I hope so./ Good./ I’m glad.
à Don’t forget.
“Look at the phrases and the pictures to make respond to requests, offers and promises.
a. Could you give me a bandage, please?
à Sure. Here you are.
b. Can I get you some medicine?
à Yes. Please./ That would be nice.
c. Will you take me to the nearest clinic, please?
- Would you go to the hospital with me?
- Can you get me some bandage?
à Sure.
à Ok. Let’s go
d. You must have a fever. Would you like some medicine? Can I get you some medicine?
à Yes. Please.
e. I promise I won’t play soccer in the house.
à I hope so
- I’m sorry I have broken the vase.
à All right
4) Post – speaking: (5’)
 	Remind some expressions about requests, offers and promises.
5) Homework: (3’)
Teacher asks Ss to
- Copy the answers into Ss’ notebooks.
- Learn by heart new words.
 	- Prepare Unit 9 part Listen.
IV. Feedback.
Period: 60
 I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge. 
 After the lesson, the students can be able to:
 Know name equipments in the hospital. 
 	 - stretcher (n) ; scale (n); crutches (n); eye chart; wheelchair (n)
2. Skills: Focus on Listening skills. 
3. Attitude: Students work hard, actively, happily
 II) Preparation
 - Tape and stereo
 III. Procedures:
Warm up 5’
Look at the pictures to make respond to requests, offers and promises.
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
2. Pre – Listening: (7’)
T shows extra board and pictures
Have Ss look at pictures
- Introduce new words by explanation.
- Guide Ss to read
- Have Ss go to the board and guess
3. While – Listening: (25’)
- Gives the task to students
- Explain the task.
- Play the tape twice
-Have Ss exchange with their friends 
- Correct 
- Give feedback.
- Concentrate and look at the board 
- Give the meaning of words
- Copy, repeat, then reread (chorally, Individually)
- Listen to the tape.
- Work in pairs to match the letters to the correct words.
- Go to the board and give the result 
- stretcher (n) 	
- scale (n)
- crutches (n)	
- eye chart
- wheelchair (n)
Match the letters A,B,C,or D.
1. F Stretcher
2. B Wheelchair
3. A Ambulance
4.D Eye chart
5. E Scale
6. C Crutches
4) Post – Listening: (5’)
	- Have Ss read the lesson again
- Play game “Rub out and remember.
 	 - Ss listen to the tape again. Then answer the questions.
1. What is wheelchair used for? 
2. What is the eye chart on the wall used for?
3. How many letters are there on the eye chart?
5) Homework:3’
- Write the answers in the notebooks.
- Learn new words by heart.
- Prepare Unit 9 “Read”.
	+ Read. Then find new words.
	+ Do exercises.
IV. Feedback.
 Duyệt tuần 20

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  • docxgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_8_tuan_20_nam_hoc_2018_2019_truong_thc.docx