Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 2 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge: 

Students can practice reading about the appearance and characters of people. 

 Describe people’s characters

* Grammar: 

* Revise:    Present simple 


           * Structures:    (not)adjective +  enough + to -infinitive

2. Skills: 

           Focus on reading skill. 

3. Attitude:

           Students work hard 

II. Teaching aids: 

  Tape and cassette player

III.  Procedures:

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 2 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 2 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
Week: 2	Date of planning: 15/8/2017
Period: 4 
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: 
Students can practice reading about the appearance and characters of people. 
 Describe people’s characters
* Grammar: 
* Revise: Present simple 
 	* Structures: (not)adjective + enough + to -infinitive
2. Skills: 
 	Focus on reading skill. 
3. Attitude:
 	Students work hard 
II. Teaching aids: 
 Tape and cassette player
III. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1) Warm-up : (5')
Have Ss some questions
2) Pre - reading: (10')
- Ask Ss to look at the picture and answer
- Elicits
3.While - reading:(22')
- Play the tape
- Introduce some new lesson
- Read model
- Ask some Ss to reread the new words.
- Play the tape again
- Have some Ss read the passage
- Have Ss to work in groups to do exercise.
- Have Ss answer the question.
- Correct. 
- Answer
- Look at the picture
- Think and answer
- Give the meaning of words
- Listen and copy down.
- Listen and repeat
- Read aloud.
- Listen
- Read
 - Practice in group
- Answer. Then write the answers on the board.
1. Do you have close friends?
2. How many close friends do you have?
3. Can you tell me the name of them? 
4. What does he/she look like?
* Questions : 
1) Who is he?
2) How many close friends does Ba have?
3) What do they look like? 
4) Do all of them have the same character?
 - character (n): tính cách
- social (a): dễ gần gũi,hòa đồng,chan hòa
- generous(a):rộng lượng, hào phóng
- hard – working (a):chăm chỉ
- reserved (a): dè dặt
- out going (a): thân thiện, cởi mở
- sense of humor (n) = humorous (a): hài hước
- kind (a): tử tế, tốt bụng	
1. Choose the best answer and write. 
Part 1:
Ba talks about three of his friends
Bao’s volunteer work does not affect his school work.
Khai and Song don’t talk much in public.
Bao’s friends sometimes get tired of his jokes.
a.A ; b. C ; c.A ; d. D
2. Now answer the questions.
a) He feels lucky enough to have a lot of friends.
b) Bao is the most sociable.
c) Khai likes reading.
d) Ba's jokes sometimes annoy them.
e)A local orphanage
f)(students' answer)
4. Post - reading:(5') 
- Have Ss read the answers.
- Tell some things about Ba, Bao and Khai 
+ Ba is lucky enough to have a lot of friends.
+ Bao is the most sociable.
+Khai is peace and quiet of the local library.
- Answer the questions
 	1. Who are Ba’s friends?
2. Are they very close friends?
3.Do they have the same characters
5. Homework :(3')
- Learn new words and structures by heart.
- Copy the answers into the notebooks.
- Prepare “Write” of unit 1.
IV) Feedback: 
Part: Write
Period: 5 
I. Objectives: 	
1) Knowledge 
Students will be able to practice writing a short paragraph about someone’s appearance and character.
 Write about oneself and about the other people
 	Wh-questions with present simple 
 2. Skills: 
 	 Focus on writing skill. 
3. Attitude:
 	 Students work hard 
II. Teaching aids:
 	 Extra - board
III. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1. Warm-up :(5')
- Have Ss look at the picture on page 
- Divide the class into four groups 
- Have some questions 
2.Pre-writing: (10')
- Introduce some new words
- Have Ss read the information about Tam 
3. While-writing (20')
- Elicits some words and phrases
- Ask Ss look at the form 
- Give the task to the students 
- Have Ss answer some questions 
- Correct. 
- Ss keep their closed 
- Ss discuss their friends 
- Then give the result 
- Listen and repeat
- Read aloud.
- Look at the form
- Compare the information on the form with the passage to make certain it 
- Answer and write the answer on the board.
1.Read the information about Tam. 
Name: Le Van Tam Age: 14
Appearance: tall, thin, short black hair.
Characters: sociable, humorous, helpful.
Address: 26 Tran Phu street, Hanoi.
Family: mother, father, elder brother – Hung.
Friends: Ba, Bao.
- appearance (n)
- elder brother (n)
What is his mane? 
(Le Van Tam)
How old is he? 
What does he look like?
(He is tall and thin. He has short black hair)
What is he like?
(He is social, humorous and helpful)
Where does he live?
(He lives at 26 Tran Phu Street, Hanoi)
Whom does he live with?
(He lives with her mother, father and an elder brother)
Who is his friend?
 (Ba and Bao)
4. Post – Writing: (8') 
3. Now write a paragraph about your partner.
- Have Ss read the lesson again.
- Call some students read their paragraph.
- Ask students to write a similar paragraph about one of their relatives.
5. Homework: (2')
- Prepare a form of Ss’ partners, then write it.
- Do the exercises (Workbook)
- Prepare: Unit 1 “Language focus” 
IV) Feedback : 
 Period: 6	 
Unit1: My friends.
 ( Language focus)
I) Objectives:
 1) Knowledge: 
 * Grammar: 
 + Present simple tense.
 + (not) adjective + enough + to- infinitive .
 2) Skills: 
 	 Focus on reading and writing skills.
 3) Attitude:
 	Students work hard, actively, happily
 II) Teaching aids:
 	 Extra - boards, pictures or real things
 III) Procedures:
 Teacher's activities
 Students' activities 
1 Warm up: 5’
- Have ss introduce present simple tense. 
- Have ss give example.
- The past simple.
- Repeat the use and forms.
- Introduce structure " Enough + to - infinitive."
- Write structure on the board and ask them to make sentences.
2. Practice: 32’
*Activity 1:
 - Ask students to complete the paragraph.
- Call some students read their answers.
- Check.
*Activity 2:
- Explain this exercise and ask them to do.
- Check.
*Activity 3:
- Ask them to look at picture part 3 and answer the questions.
- Call some students practice.
- Give some suggestions
*Activity 4:
 - Ask them to work in pairs.
- Give answer key.
- Ask them to use these structures and make sentences.
- Answer.
- Give example.
- Describe your close friend.
- Listen and repeat the use and forms. Then write and make sentences with them.
- Do in groups.
- Correct.
- Work in pairs.
- Write on the board.
- Work in pairs.
- Write on the board.
- Write down.
- Work in pairs.
- Write on the board.
- Write down.
1. Present simple to talk about general truths.
 S + V(es/s) + O
Example: The Sun rises in the East and sets in the West.
2. The past simple tense.
a, The use.
b, Forms
3. Structure:
S + be (not) + adj + enough + to- inf.
- He isn't old enough to drive a car.
- This box is small enough for me to carry.
1. Complete the paragraph.
a, 0 - lived
 1 - lives 3 - was
 2 - sent 4 - is
b, 0 - is
 1 - are 3 - shower
 2 - came 4 - introduced
2. Complete the dialogue.
 0 - rises 4 - is
1 - sets 5 - is
2 - goes 6 - is
3 - moves
3. Look at the picture and describe.
a, There are four people in the picture.
b, The man standing next to the car is tall, heavy- set man. He is wearing yellow shirt and black trousers.
- There is a tall, thin woman with short hair. She is wearing a green skirt and red blouse and is carrying a shoulder bag.
4. Complete the dialogues.
 Answer key
a, not big enough
b, not old enough
c, strong enough
d, good enough
3. Consolidation: 5’
	Have ss tell some structures again.
S + be (not) + adj + enough + to- inf.
The past simple tense.
4. Homework: 3’
Do execises at home.
Prepare unit 2 (getting started + listen and read).
V. Feedback:
	Duyệt tuan 2

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  • docgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_8_tuan_2_nam_hoc_2017_2018_truong_thcs.doc