Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 18+19 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

I) Objectives:

1) Knowledge: 

 Students sum up some grammatical points and do exercises fluently.

  Grammar :         *. The simple past

                                * Prepositions of time

                                * Used to 

                                * Commands, requests and advice in reported speech.

                                * Gerunds.   

                                * Present perfect    

2) Skills: 

 - Focus on writing skill. 

3) Attitude:

 - Students work hard, actively, happily

II)  Preparation:

     - Textbook

     - Exercise books 8

     - Reference books 8

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 18+19 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 18+19 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
Week: 18 	Date of planning: 28/11/2018
Period: 52
I) Objectives:
1) Knowledge: 
 Students sum up some grammatical points and do exercises fluently.
 Grammar : 	*. The simple past
	* Prepositions of time
	* Used to 
	* Commands, requests and advice in reported speech.
	* Gerunds.	
	* Present perfect	
2) Skills: 
 - Focus on writing skill. 
3) Attitude:
 - Students work hard, actively, happily
II) Preparation:
 - Textbook
 - Exercise books 8
 - Reference books 8
III) Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1)Warm up: (5’)
- Have Ss remember how to use the simple past tense, Enough .. to, Gerund, Reflexive pronouns, present perfect , commands, requests and advice in reported speech 
 that they learnt
2. Practice : (35’)
 * Activity 1
- Have Ss write the answer on the board
- Correct and explain if necessary.
* Activity 2
 - Have Ss read the passage. Then answer the questions.
- Correct
* Activity 3
- Have Ss Put the words or phrases in the right order to make meaningful sentences.
- Correct and explain
* Activity 4
- Have Ss write the answer on the board. 
- Correct and explain if necessary.
- Reminds the simple past tense, Enough .. to, Gerund, Reflexive pronouns, present perfect , commands, requests and advice in reported speech in front of class 
- Some Ss say before class
- Write
- Listen and copy down
- Practice in groups.
- Write the answer on the board
- Copy down the answer on their notebooks
- Write the answer on the board
- Listen and copy down
 - Write the answer on the board
- Listen and copy down
I. Choose the best option (A,B,C or D) to complete each sentence
1.Steve used ________a soccer player. He had to stop playing because an injury.
A. to be B. is C.was D. were 
2. My father_______me a new bike two days ago. 
A. took	B. had 	
C. bought 	D. brought
3. I can only see him______Saturday evenings. 
A. at 	 B. on C. for D. in 
4. Linda ought______to her parents more often. 
A.write 	B. writing 	
C. to write 	D. written 
5. Why mustn’t children_______with matches ? 
 A. to play	B. play	 C. playing 	D. have to play 
6. We like to watch the stars___night. 	B. at	 C.on D. after
7. When we _______young, our family used to live in the countryside. 
A. to be	 B. are 	
C. were	D. was
8. Sue can____Vietnamese very well. speak 	B. spoke	 C.speak	D. speaking 
9. My sister often _______ at herself in the mirror. look 	B. look
C.looks 	D. looked
10. She is not _________get married. 
A.enough old to	B. enough old for C.old enough to 	D. old enough for 
11. They enjoy _________jokes. tee	B. tell 
C.telling 	D. told
12. Alexander Graham Bell was born ________March 3, 1847.	B. on 	D. for
13.You must ______ your umbrella. It is raining now.
 A. take	B. to take	
C. takes	D. taking
14. My brother often ________ his free time doing volunteer work at a 
 local orphanage.
 A. to spend	B. spends	 C. spent	 D. spending
15. Our parents _________ take us to go to the pop concert tonight. 
 A. are	B. will be to	C. go to	D. are going to
16. We ought _______ the television in the corner opposite the bed. 
 A. put	B. puts
 C. to put	D. putting 
17. That boy is not _________ play volleyball
A. enough tall to B. tall enough to C. enough tall for D. tall enough for 
18. They _______ from Cadana to America to find work. 
 A. started	B. demonstrated
C. received	D. emigrated 
19. The children are old enough to look after ________. 
 A. themselves	B. himself
C. ourselves	D. herself
20. We put our clothes in the ______.
A. cupboard	B. wardrobe
C. saucepan	D. frying pan
II/ Read the passage then do the following exercises 
We move to our new house on a warm September day. It was not really a new house. It was a hundred and four years old, but it was new to us. The house had running water, gas and electricity, for some reasons, there was no electric light in the kitchen. It was something quite expensive. A house with electricity but without a kitchen light
1. True (T) or false (F):
a. .. . . They moved to their new house in the summer.
b... . . The house was more than a hundred and fourteen years old.
c... . . The house had running water, gas and electricity.
d... . . The house had electricity but without a kitchen light.
2. Answer the questions:
a. How old was the house?
 b. What did the house have? 
 III. Arrange the given words or phrases to make the meaning sentences.
1. is/ necessary/ words/revision/ learning/in
2. an/ on/ English/ I/ hour/spend/half
3. Is/Quang/ going/watch/action movie /to/ tonight/ an/ 
4. are/the /middle /kitchen / a table / four /there/in/chairs/of/the/and/. 
5. am/to/I/ strong/ enough/ this/ lift /table.
6. in/ the /the/Sun /sets/West.
 IV. Match each question in column A with a suitable answer in column B
1. How many time do you have English a week?
A. Yes. That’s very kind of you.
2. What do you do to improve your English?
B. It’s Music
3. What is your favorite subject?
C. After dinner
4. When do you do your homework?
D. We have English 4 times a week.
5. May I help you?
E. I learn by heart new words and I practice speaking English with my friends.
Consolidation: 3’
Read the lesson again. 
Homework : (2’)
- Have Ss learn the structures by heart
- Have Ss write the exercises into their notebooks 
 - Prepare: Revision for the next period 
Do the exercises.
 IV. Feedback:
 Period: 53
I) Objectives:
1) Knowledge: 
 Students sum up some grammatical points and do exercises fluently.
 Grammar : 	*. The simple past
	* Prepositions of time
	* Used to 
	* Commands, requests and advice in reported speech.
	* Gerunds.	
	* Present perfect	
2) Skills: 
 - Focus on writing skill. 
3) Attitude:
 - Students work hard, actively, happily
II) Teaching aids:
 - Textbook
 - Exercise books 8
 - Reference books 8
III) Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1)Warm up: (5’)
- Have Ss remember how to use the simple past tense, Enough ... to, Gerund, Reflexive pronouns, present perfect , commands, requests and advice in reported speech 
 that they learnt
2. Practice : (35’)
 * Activity 1
- Have Ss write the answer on the board
- Correct and explain if necessary.
* Activity 2
- Have Ss read the passage. Then answer the questions.
- Correct and explain.
* Activity 3.
- Have Ss write the answer on the board.
- Correct and explain.
* Activity 4.
- Have Ss write the answer on the board.
- Correct and explain
- Reminds the simple past tense, Enough ... to, Gerund, Reflexive pronouns, present perfect , commands, requests and advice in reported speech in front of class 
- Some Ss say before class
- Write
- Listen and copy down
 - Write the answer on the board.
- Listen and copy down
- Write answer on the board.
Listen and copy down.
- Write answer on the board.
Listen and copy down
I. Choose the best option (A,B,C or D) to complete each sentence 
1. Lan_________long black hair.
A. have B. having C. to have D. has
2. I like ___________ soccer . 
A. play B. to play	C. playing	D. plays
3. Minh and Ba___________ new fishing rods yesterday.
A. to buy B. buy C. bought	D. buying
4. Hoa is staying .. her uncle and aunt
A. in.	 	B. with	D. to 
5. I  here since last week.
A. live	 B. have lived
C.lived	 D. am living
6. She didn’t _________Mai yesterday.
A. see B.saw	 C.seen D. to see 
7. He ______ see her since yesterday.
 A. saw 	B. have saw	
C. hasn’t seen. 	D. sees
8. Miss Jackson asked me . you this dictionary. 
A. give B. giving	 C. given D. to give
 9. The children are old enough to look after .
A. them	B. their	
C. themself	D. themselves
 10. Would you like  to my house for lunch?
 A. come	B. to come	
C. coming 	D. comes
11. I am going to Laos .... January.
 A. on	 B. in C. at	 D. for
12. She  to school by car yesterday.
A. do B. goes 	C. went 	D. going
 13. . subject do you need to improve? 
 A. Which	 	B. When 	
C. Where	 D. How
 14. I spend my free time volunteer work.
A. to do 	B. on doing	
C. doing	D. for doing 
15. We used to wash clothes by hand. Now we have a ____________
A. washing machine B. dishwash
C. hair dryer 	D. steamer
II. Read the passage then do the following exercises
“ In the first year of the lower secondary school I had some difficulties in learning English. My pronunciation of English words was really bad and my English grammar was worse. I did not know how to improve them. One afternoon after the lesson, my teacher of English told me to wait for her outside the classroom. She took me to the school library and showed me the cassettes of pronunciation drills kept in a glass bookcase. She also told me how to use an English – English dictionary to improve my English grammar. “Now I think you know what you should do”, said she. I made much progress and only one year later I won the first prize in English Speaking Contest held for secondary school students in my hometown.”
	* Questions:
1. Did Nam have some difficulties in learning English?
2. Who wanted to meet him one afternoon after the lesson?
3. Where did they go after that?
4. What did the teacher show him then?
5. What did she tell him to improve?
III. Match each question in column A with a suitable answer in column B
1. How long has your sister learned English?
A. Go straight and turn right at the first corner. It’s on your left
2. What does her new cat look like?
B. For 5 months
3. Is there any post office near here?
C. What can I do for you?
4. Do you like smoking?
D. Yes. There is one at the corner of this Street.
5. Could you show me the way to the nearest market?
E. No, I don’t.
6. Could you do me a favor?
F. It is not as small as my cat.
IV. Complete the sentences, Using the cues given 
1. Would/ you/ like/leave/ her/ message?
2. Her parents/ ask/her/ work/harder/ next/ semester.
3. My/ brother/love/ play/volleyball/ but /he/not/like/play/ football.
Consolidation: 3’
Read the lesson again. 
Homework : (2’)
- Have Ss learn the structures by heart
- Have Ss write the exercises into their notebooks 
 - Prepare: Revision for the next period 
Do the exercises.
 IV. Feedback:
Tiet 54,55,56: Giảm Tải
Tiết 57: The first Examination.
 DUYET TUAN18 + 19

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