Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 17 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

I) Objectives:

       1) Knowledge: 

        * Grammar: 

       + Present Progressive:   - to talk about the future.

                                     - to show changes with get and become.

        + Comparative and superlative adjectives.

       2) Skills: 

      - Focus on writing skill.

      3) Attitude:

       - Students work hard, actively, happily

     II) Teaching aids:

        - Extra – boards, Textbook

        - Overhead machine, Pictures

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 17 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 17 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
 Week: 17	 	 Date of planning: 24/11/2018
Period: 49	
(Language Focus)
I) Objectives:
 1) Knowledge: 
 * Grammar: 
 + Present Progressive: - to talk about the future.
 - to show changes with get and become.
 + Comparative and superlative adjectives.
 2) Skills: 
 - Focus on writing skill.
 3) Attitude:
 - Students work hard, actively, happily
 II) Teaching aids:
 - Extra – boards, Textbook
 - Overhead machine, Pictures
 III) Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1) Warm-up : (5’)
Have Ss remind some grammatical structures and tenses 
2) Practice : (23’)
- Explain the grammar
- Have Ss remind how to use this tense
- Ask Ss to give some examples
- Have students to write grammar into their notebooks
*Activity 1 :
- Give the task 2 to Ss
- Explain the task
- Ask Ss to do exercises 
- Ask some pairs to repeat 
* Activity 2 : 
- Explain the exercise.
- Have Ss to fill in the blanks with right words
- Call some pairs to role-play in front of class
* Activity 3 : 
- Give task 3 to students
Explain new task
- Ask Ss say first
 Then go to the board and write the answers
- Give feedback
- Call some Ss to repeat
* Activity 4 : 
- Explain & guide students how to do this exercise
Have Ss give the result
- Call some Ss repeat
* Activity 5 : 
- Have Ss remember two kinds of comparisons
- Explain & guide how to do this task
Have students use two forms of comparisons
- Then give result on the board
- Correct
- Call some Ss 
3) Consolidation: (6’)
Have students retell how to use “ get and become” and make new sentences in :
4) Homework:(5’)
Teacher asks Ss to repairs
Ss concentrate and listen
Ss say in front of class
Ss copy
Ss listen and think
- Look at the “Shipping information” on the extra board.
- Work in pairs to practice the dialogues. Then make similar dialogues.
Ss listen
- Work in pairs to complete the dialogues.
- Practice before class.
Ss discuss with their partners
Go to the board
- Give their answers.
Some repeat in front of class
- Work in pairs to compare between the city and the country with the adjectives in the box.
- Give their answers
Some say again
- Speak out before class.
- Look at the advertisement. Using 
“Comparative and superlative adjectives” to compare the house, the villa and the apartment. 
- Work in pairs to write new sentences.
- Copy
-Work in groups
1) Present progressive : 
a)to talk about the future
Ex : 
Nga is booking for summer tour for this month.
 b)to show changes with get and become. 
Ex : 
The streets are becoming cleaner.
2) Comparatives and superlatives 
- Equal degree
- Comparatives
- Superlatives 
1. Read the dialogue. 
Students’ dialogues
A: Is the boat to Quy Nhon leaving at 11.30?
B: are you talking about Good Fortune?
A: That’s right.
B: I’m very sorry, madam / Sir, it’s been delayed.
A: Oh, no!
B: Now, it’s leaving at 13.55.
2.Complete the dialogue
b. We are doing our homework.
c. I am watching a program on rainforests.
d. I am practicing to my violin 
e. I are cleaning
3.Complete the sentences
a. The boys are getting tall.
b. The old men are getting weak.
c. We should go home. It is getting dark.
d. The weather is getting cold.
e. The students are becoming better.
4.Make comparisons between
- The food in the country is fresher than in the city.
- The traffic in the city in busier than in the country.
- The air in the city is worse than in the country.
5.Look at the advertisements.
 The villa is older than the apartment.
- The apartment is older than the house.
- The villa is the oldest home.
- The house is more expensive than the apartment
- The apartment is smaller than the villa
- The house is the newest one in three of 
+ Present Progressive : 
 - to talk about the future.
 - to show changes with get and become.
+ Comparatives and superlatives 
- Learn by heart structures and Present Progressive 
- Write the exercises on the notebooks
 IV) Feedback: 
 Period: 50 
I) Objectives:
1) Knowledge: 
 	Students sum up some grammatical points and do exercises fluently.
 Grammar: 	*. The simple past
	* Prepositions of time
	* Used to 
	* Commands, requests and advice in reported speech.
	* Gerunds.	
	* Present perfect	
2) Skills: 
 - Focus on writing skill. 
3) Attitude:
 - Students work hard, actively, happily
II) Preparation:
 - Textbook
 - Exercise books 8
 - Reference books 8
III) Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1)Warm up: (5’)
Have Ss remind some grammatical structures which they learnt in three units 
2. Practice : (35’)
- Have Ss remember how to use the simple past tense, Enough ... to, Gerund, Reflexive pronouns, present perfect , commands, requests and advice in reported speech 
 that they learnt
- Explains and reminds 
Ss reminds
some grammatical structures 
- reminds the simple past tense, Enough .. to, Gerund, Reflexive pronouns, present perfect , commands, requests and advice in reported speech in front of class 
- Some Ss say before class
- Ss remember and copy down.
I. The simple past tense:
1. Khẳng định: 
*To be
 S + was/ were + O
* Ordinary verbs:
	S+ V(2/ed)
Ex: - I was in grade 6 last year.
- They were good students last year. 
- She went to the movie theater last week.
- Nam and Hung played soccer yesterday.
 2.Phủ định:
*Tobe: S+ Wasn’t/ weren’t
* Ordinary verbs: S + did not/ didn’t + V(inf)
3. Nghi vấn: 
* Tobe: Was/Were +S..?
	Yes/ No.
* Ordinary verbs:
 Did + S = V(bare- inf)..?
* Note: Last; yesterday; ...ago; in(year).
* Cách đọc động cùng “ed” có 3 cách:
- Đọc /t/ p,k,f,s,ch,sh.
- Đọc / id/ t,d.
- Đọc /d/ còn lại.
* Qui tắc them ‘ed”
- Khi động từ chấm dứt bằng 1 phụ âm mà trước phụ âm là 1 nguyên âm thì ta gấp đôi phụ âm cuối.
	Ex: stop à stopped.
- Khi động từ chấm dứt là “y” mà trước nó là 1 phụ âm thì ta đổi “y”à “i” +ed.
	Ex: carry à carried.
Nhưng nếu “y” đứng sau 1 nguyên âm thì không thay đổi. 
II. Enough .. to: 
S+be (not) + adj+ enough +to inf .
Ex1 : Loan is not old. She is in my class.
Loan is not old enough to be in my class.
Ex2 : 
Phong is strong. He can lift this suitcase.
Phong is strong enough to lift this suitcase.
III. Gerund: V- ing
Smoking is not good for you.
One of his hobbies is playing chess.
I like playing football.
IV. Reflexive pronouns : 
Reflexive pronouns
Yourself/ yourselves
- Theo sau các động từ (enjoy, look at, cut, dress, serve ); cho biết chủ ngữ và tân ngữ là một người
Ex: I cut myself. 
- Làm tân ngữ cho giới từ
Ex : She look at herself in the mirror.
- Đặt ngay sau chủ ngữ hay tân ngữ để bổ nghĩa cho chủ ngữ hay tân ngữ đó.
( dùng để nhấ mạnh từ)
	I myself was new here last year. 
 I saw Tan himself yesterday.
- Đặt ngay sau từ BY mang ý nghĩa là một mình( alone).
Ex : You should do it by yourself.
V. Prepositions of time :
in / on / at / before / after 
VI. Commands, requests and advice in reported speech 
S + told / asked + O + to-infinitive
S + told / asked + O +not to-infinitive
VII. Present perfect
1. Khẳng định: 
S + have/has + V3/ed
2.Phủ định:
S + have/has + not + V3/ed
3. Nghi vấn: 
Have/Has + S +V3/ed?
Consolidation: 3’ 
Have Ss learn the structures by heart
Homework : (2’)
- Have Ss write the exercises into their notebooks 
 - Prepare: Revision for the next period 
Do the exercises.
 IV. Feedback:
 Period: 51
I) Objectives:
1) Knowledge: 
 Students sum up some grammatical points and do exercises fluently.
 Grammar : 	*. The simple past
	* Prepositions of time
	* Used to 
	* Commands, requests and advice in reported speech.
	* Gerunds.	
	* Present perfect	
2) Skills: 
 - Focus on writing skill. 
3) Attitude:
 - Students work hard, actively, happily
II) Teaching aids:
 - Textbook
 - Exercise books 8
 - Reference books 8
III) Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1)Warm up: (5’)
- Have Ss remember how to use the simple past tense, Enough .. to, Gerund, Reflexive pronouns, present perfect , commands, requests and advice in reported speech 
 that they learnt
2. Practice : (35’)
 * Activity 1
- Have Ss write the answer on the board
- Correct and explain if necessary.
* Activity 2
- Have Ss read the passage then answer the questions
- Correct and explain if necessary.
* Activity 3
- Have Ss write the answer on the board
- Correct and explain.
- Reminds the simple past tense, Enough .. to, Gerund, Reflexive pronouns, present perfect , commands, requests and advice in reported speech in front of class 
- Some Ss say before class
- Write
- Listen and copy down
 - Write the answer on the board.
- Listen and copy down
- Write the answer on the board
- Listen and copy down
 DE 1
I. Choose the best option (A,B,C or D) to complete each sentence
 1. Nam hates_______to the market. go 	 B. goes C.go D. going
2.. Can you fill____this form for me ? 
A.out 	B. on 	 D. of
3..They have studied_______seven o’clock. 
A.for 	B. at 
C.since 	D. to
4. ________have you lived in this town ? For nearly 20 years. 
A.When 	B. Where 	
C.How long D. how
5. She has_______over 10 pages since yesterday. 
A.written B. wrote 
C.write 	D. writing
6. Living in the country is not expensive. And it isn’t complex________.
A. either B. too 
C.neither D. so
7. Minh________in this town since 1980. 
A.lives B. has lived C.lived D. is living 
8. My father_______me a new bike two days ago. 
A.took B. had C.bought D. brought
9. He was born in England, but his family_______to the USA when he was only ten years old.
A.delivered B. fitted 	 C.affected D. emigrated
10. My brother and I_________e-mail to each other every day. 
A.sending B. send C.sends D. is sending 
11. What’s_______at the city theater tonight ? 	B. about 	
C.on 	D. at 
12. There is an oven_________to the refrigerator. 
A.beside B. on 	D. at 
13. Linda ought______to her parents more often. 
A.write B. writing write D. written 
14. Why mustn’t children________with matches ? play 	 	B. play 	 C.playing 	D. have to play 
15.I don't have_________ to buy the schoolbag.
A. money enough 	
B. to money enough 	
C. enough money 
D. money
16.He is_________ to carry the box.
A.strong 	 B. strong enough C.enough strong 	D.strong to 
17. My grandfather used _______ us to the zoo when we were young.
 A. took	B. taking	
C. to take	D. take
18. We must be there_________7.30 and 10.30. 
A. at	 B.before C.between	D. after 
19. Nam hates_______to the market. 
A. to go	B. goes	 C.go 	D. going
20.They have studied_______seven o’clock. 
A.for 	B. at 	
C.since	D. to
 Read the passage then answer the questions: 
 Mr. Thanh is a teacher and he lives in a small apartment in the city. He has one living-room, a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen. There is a bed on the left-hand side in his bedroom. There is an armchair beside the bed. The desk is opposite the bed and there is a closet on the right side of the room. Above the desk, there is a bookshelf and above the bed there is a clock. He has a television and a DVD player. There is a cooker on the right-hand side in the kitchen. The cooker is near the sink. There is a small table and four chairs in the center. The kitchen is small, but it’s OK. Mr. Thanh likes his apartment very much. 
Task1: True/false statements
1 Mr. Thanh lives in the city
2...There are four rooms in his apartment.
3. . The bed is opposite the desk.
4.  There is a cooker on the left-hand side in the kitchen.
5..  Mr. Thanh likes his apartment very much. 
Task2: Answer the questions
 1. Is Mr. Thanh an engineer ? 
2. How many rooms are there in his apartment?
3. Where is the desk?
4. Where are the small table and the four chairs? 
III. Put the words or phrases in the right order to make meaningful sentences.
1. has/London/1985/in/she/lived/since
2. going/ HCM City/Minh/ to/in/is/February
5. like / house /would /come / my / tonight?/ to/ you/ 
3. Consolidation: 3’
Read the lesson again. 
4. Homework : (2’)
- Have Ss learn the structures by heart
- Have Ss write the exercises into their notebooks 
 - Prepare: Revision for the next period 
Do the exercises.
 IV. Feedback:

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