Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 16 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

I) Objectives:

 1) Knowledge:

 - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about the differences of the town after five years.

   * Grammar: 

     +  Present progressive to show changes.

      +  Comparatives ( short and long adjectives).

   2) Skills: 

  - Focus on speaking and listening skills.

  3) Attitude:

   - Students work hard, actively, happily

II)  Preparation:

 - Extra – boards, Pictures

 - Cassette tape & player.

III)  Procedures:

  1)Warm up :(5’)

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 16 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 16 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
Week: 16	Date of planning: 21/11/2018
Period: 46
Unit 8: Country Life And City Life
( Speak And listen)
I) Objectives:
 1) Knowledge:
 - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about the differences of the town after five years.
 * Grammar: 
 + Present progressive to show changes.
 + Comparatives ( short and long adjectives).
 2) Skills: 
 - Focus on speaking and listening skills.
 3) Attitude:
 - Students work hard, actively, happily
II) Preparation:
 - Extra – boards, Pictures
 - Cassette tape & player.
III) Procedures:
 1)Warm up :(5’)
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- Have Ss talk about country life and city life.
2) Pre – speaking: (5’)
 - Have Ss look at pictures and talk about the changes of the town.
- Elicit new words
- Explain affirmative form of present progressive
with “get/ become”
3)While - speaking:(16’)
- Asks Ss to remind affirmative form of present progressive
- Explains grammar
 - Have Ss give out some example 
- Give the task to students 
- Explain the task.
- Ask Ss to work with their friends 
-Ask Ss say in front of the class 
- Correct and give feedback
- Tell some Ss to repeat
4)Post – speaking: (4’)
- Ask some students to tell about changes in their hometown.
- Have Ss say in front of class
 - Corrects Ss’ pronunciation
5. Pre– Listening: (3’)
- Give some questions.
- Have Ss not to look at their books 
6.While–Listening: 5’
- Show extra board
- Explain the task, then play the tape twice 
- Play the tape again 
- Correct and give feedback
Students talk in front of class
-Personalized opinions.
 - Listen
- Read examples
- Look at the two pictures 
- Listen and take notes
- Work in pairs to talk about the changes of the town.
-Speak out their sentences.
Ss can discuss with their classmates
-Practice in pairs
- Ss close their books and answer 
- Listen to the tape, then work in pairs to fill in the blanks.
- Fill in the missing words.
- Listen to the tape again and check what they hear.
- Copy these answers into notebooks 
Ss practice in front of class
Ss close their books and say
* Speak
*Country life
*City life
- quiet
- fresh air 
- a little traffic 
- polluted air
- noisy 
- traffic jam
1. Work with a partner.
- Houses / buildings
- Traffic 
- Means of transports
- Streets
- Atmosphere 
Grammar : 
 S + be getting / becoming + Adj (comparative)
*Answer :
- The town is becoming busier.
- The houses are becoming taller.
- The streets are getting more beautiful.
- The traffic is becoming more modern.
- The town is getting noisier.
- The air is getting dirtier.
- The streets are becoming cleaner, larger and noisier
- people’s life is getting more modern
2. Work with a partner. Talk about changes in your hometown.
Ex :
- The streets of our town are wider.
- The streets are more beautiful.
Life in our town is more comfortable
* Questions :
- Who are talking on the phone?
- Who is caller?
- Who is receiver?
- Where is she?
* Listen
Fill in the missing words.
* The content of completed dialogue
Ex : 
Miss Hang is Lan’s aunt. She and uncle Chi stay in Hue. Today she is calling to
7’) Post – listening:4’
- Tell some students to role-play to read the dialogue
- Have Ss summarize part: Listen”
8) Homework :2’
 - Write the sentences ( in part “speak”) into Ss’ notebooks.
 - Do the exercises in exercise book 8.
IV. Feedback:
Period: 47	 
 I) Objectives:
 1) Knowledge: 
 - Get information about the differences between country and city life
 * Grammar: 
 + Present progressive 
 + Present simple
 * New words: rural, plentiful, struggle, typhoon, flood, drought, urban, facility, migrants
 2) Skills: 
 - Focus on reading skill.
 3) Attitude:
 - Students review old lesson, prepare new lesson.
 - Students practice in individual, pairwork, groupwork.
 II) Preparation:
 - Extra - boards, cassette tape & player.
 - True / False - statements, skimming questions
 III) Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1) Warm up (5’) 
- Have students play games : “Jumbled words”
2) Pre – reading (5’)
- Have Ss talk about some difficulties of farmers’ life
- Elicits and guides 
3)While-reading (25’) 
- Introduce new lesson
- Elicit new words.
- Play the tape twice
- Have Ss read the passage on page 75
- Show the extra board and explain
Give the task to students 
- Ask Ss discuss with their partners 
- Ask some Ss give result in front of class 
- Correct and give feedback.
- Ask some Ss to read summary
- Continues to give task 2 to students
- Explain and ask Ss to do exercises.
- Have Ss give the answers 
- Correct 
- Play games
- Concentrate and listen
- Close their books and say
- Concentrate and listen
- Listen
- Give the meaning of words
- Listen
- Work in groups to read the summary. Then fill missing words in the passage to complete summary.
- Write the result on the board
- Ss copy result into the notebooks 
 - Read
- Concentrate and
prepare to do task 2 
- Ask Ss will discuss. partner thepartners
- Then write result on the board
- Copy right results
- dolof = flood
- roghtdu = drought
- yoontph = typhoon
- sglegtru = struggle
- renatu = nature
- granmit = imgrant
typhoons droughts
Difficulties of farmers’life
Hard life floods 
* Vocabulary:
rural (adj) :
urban (adj) :
migrant (n) :
plentiful (adj) :
struggle (n) : 
flood (n) :
drought (n) :
nature (n) :
typhoon (n) :
strain (n) :
tragedy (n) : 
create (v) :
1. Complete the summary. Use
(1) leaving (6) problem
(2) home (7) schools
(3) city (8) hospitals 
(4) rural (9) problem
(5) city (10) world
2. Find the words in the ..
a. rural
d. plentiful
c. increase
d. strain
e. tragedy
f. urban 
4) Post - reading (7’) 
 -Have Ss read the lesson again.
 - Ask some Ss to answer the question 
a) Why do many people leave their rural area to go to the city?
b) What difficulties must they struggle on their farm work? 
c) Who must children live with while their parents go and live in an urban area? 
d) What are the governments all over the world going to do to solve this problem?
5) Homework (3’)
 - Practice reading the text fluently.
 - Prepare Unit 8 “Write”.
IV) Feedback : 
Period: 48
I) Objectives:
1) Knowledge: 
 * Grammar: 
 + Out line of an informal letter.
 + Present simple
 2) Skills: 
 - Focus on writing skill.
 3) Attitude :
 - Students work hard, actively, happily
II) Teaching aids:
 - Extra - boards
 - Overhead machine
III) Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1)Warm up :(5’)
 T asks 2 Ss to reread the passage (on page 75) and answer the questions.
2) Pre - writing:(10’)
- Remind Ss how to write a letter and how many parts the letter has 
- T elicits
3)While–writing: (24’)
- Give task to students
- Explain the task and tell Ss to do
- 	Ask Ss discuss questions with their friends 
- Have Ss practice by asking and answering the questions before class
- Have Ss write letter
- Ask students give result
- T corrects and give feedback.
-Work in pairs
- Ss don’t look at the books
- Then answer 
*For not good students:
-Mind mapping
-Practice in groups
*Học sinh TB:
-Mind mapping
-Practice in groups
*For good students
Mind mapping
-Work in pairs to answer the questions in exercise 2 on page 76.
+ One asks
+ One answers
- Work in groups to finish the letter on their extra – boards.
- Hang up their products.
-Choose one of the letter and copy.
1.Put the outline for an
Outline of informal letter
- Heading: + Writer’s address.
 + Date.
- Opening
- Body of the letter 
- Closing. 
2.Write a letter for a friend.
Questions :
- Where do you live?
Ex : I live in a small house in BL with my family.
- What does your house look like ?
- What can you see from your bedroom window?
- How far is it from your house to school ?
- How do you get to school ?
- What kind of facilities are there in your neighborhood ? 
- What things in your neighborhood do you like best ? Why ?
Model letter :
I live in ...... a small town. My family has a large house with four rooms and a small garden.
I'm looking forwards to hearing from you soon.
4)Post – writing:(4’)
- Ask some Ss to reread their letters.
5) Homework:(2’)
Teacher asks Ss to remember 
IV) Feedback : 

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