Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 14 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã


(speak - listen)

I) Objectives:

    1) Knowledge: 

       - Ask for information and assistance

       - Listen to dialogues for general or detailed information

     * Grammar: 

      + Present simple tense

      + Comparatives

   2) Skills : 

       - Focus on speaking and listening  skills.

    3) Attitude:

       - Students review old lesson, prepare words and content of new lesson.

       - Students practice in individual, pairwork, groupwork.

II) Teaching aids:

    -  Extra - boards, pictures, cassette player and tape.

    -  T / F - statements, information gap activity

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 14 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 14 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
Week: 14	Date of planning: 8.11.2017
Period: 40	Date of teaching: 
(speak - listen)
I) Objectives:
 1) Knowledge: 
 - Ask for information and assistance
 - Listen to dialogues for general or detailed information
 * Grammar: 
 + Present simple tense
 + Comparatives
 2) Skills : 
 - Focus on speaking and listening skills.
 3) Attitude:
 - Students review old lesson, prepare words and content of new lesson.
 - Students practice in individual, pairwork, groupwork.
II) Teaching aids:
 - Extra - boards, pictures, cassette player and tape.
 - T / F - statements, information gap activity
III) Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1. Warm up: (4ms)
* Show a letter and ask students some questions
- Introduce situations of lesson.
2.Pre - speaking: (5ms) 
 - Elicits
- Introduce the new lesson.
3.While – speaking: (10ms)
- Use pictures to present new words.
- Guide Ss to read new words
- Guide Ss to make new dialogues
- Tell some pairs of Ss say in front of class
- T goes around and helps students
- Correct Ss’ pronunciation
4. Post - speaking: (3ms)
 - T asks Ss to make similar dialogues as models and practice in front of class.
5.Pre - listening: ( 5ms) 
- Introduce situation
- Explain the vocabulary.
- Guide the task.
6.While - listening: (10ms)
* Explain and play the tape (twice).
- Ask some Ss to work with their partners 
- Play the tape again and ask Ss to give result
-Play the tape one more
and ask Ss to check
- Corrects
* Shows extra board
T continues to give task 2 to students
- Play the tape again 
- Ask some Ss to do exercise 2 
- Correct and give feedback
Have some Ss practice more dialogues.
 - Answer the questions.
- Listen
 - Give meaning of words.
- Listen
- Can discuss with their classmates and answer
- Ss give the meaning of words
- Take notes
repeat, then reread. (Chorally, Individually)
- Read the dialogue model.
- Work in pairs to prepare the dialogues.
- Practice before the class.
- Take notes, repeat, then reread. (Chorally, Individually)
- Read the advertisement and the phrases in the box.
* Listen and discuss the answers with their partners.
- Fill in the blanks of the advertisement.
- Listen and check.
- Copy
* Students exchange with their friends
- Do the task.
- Give the answers on the board.
- Copy results into their notebooks
- Role-play again
+ What is this? (a letter)
+ Where can I post it to my friend? 
(at the post office)
+ How can I post it? (Stick stamp on it)
+ How much? (800 VN dong)
+ Is it more expensive when I send a parcel? (Yes. Of course)
+ Have you ever sent a letter or a parcel? ( Students’ answers)
* Speak
 Vocabulary :
- parcel (n) : 
- surface mail (n) :
- airmail (n) :
- charge (n) :
Clerk: Can I help |you?
Mrs. Lan: I want to send a letter to Kontum.
Clerk: Do you want to send it airmail or 	surface mail?
Mrs. Lan: I send it airmail. How much is it?
Clerk: Let me see. Mmm, 15 grams. That’’ll be 1,200 dongs.
Mrs.Lan: Oh! That’s expensive.
Clerk : Surface mail is much cheaper.It’s only 800dongs
Mrs.Lan: That’s better. I’ll send it surface mail
Clerk : All right.
* Listen
 Vocabulary :
advertisement (n) :
Town Ground : 
The Newcomer : 
English Speaking Contest : 
Culture House : 
Millenniun cinema : 
young protographers : 
 performance (n).
1.Listen to the conversation
(1) The Newcomer.
(2) Town Ground.
(3) English speaking contest.
(4) Culture House.
2. Listen to the conversation again
And check..
No Information
* Dành cho lớp khá - giỏi.
a) parcel / Hai phong / surface mail / 3kg / 33,000đ
b) postcard / Da Lat / airmail / 20g / 3200đ
 7. Post - listening: (4 ms)
- Have Ss read the lesson again.
- Have Ss make similar dialogue
- Ask Ss to practice asking and answering about Na
1. Where did Na see the film “The Newcomer”?
2. What time does the soccer match start?
3. What time will Na and Nam meet?
8. Homework: (4ms)
 - Write new dialogues in Ss’ notebooks.
 - Write the answers (listening) in the notebooks
 - Prepare Unit 7 “Read”.
	+ Read the lesson and find new words.
	+Do exercises page 68
IV) Feedback:
Period: 41	 
I) Objectives:
 1) Knowledge: 
 - Read a passage for general or detailed information.
 * Grammar: 
 + Simple progressive (Future meaning)
 + Simple Future
 + Present perfect
 2) Skills: 
 - Focus on reading skill.
 3) Attitude:
 - Students review old lesson, prepare content of new lesson.
 - Students practise in individual, pairwork, groupwork.
II) Teaching aids:
 - Extra - boards
 - Cassette player and tape.
III) Procedures:
1) Warm up (6 ms):
 - Ask Ss to answer some questions.
2) Pre – reading ( 8ms):
* Have Ss think about the convenience of the shopping mall 
- Elicits
3)While -reading (22ms): 
* Play the tape twice.
- Introduce vocabulary by explanation.
Guides Ss to read new words 
- Ask some Ss to repeat 
- Play the tape again
- Ask Ss to read the text 
- Correct pronunciation 
- Explain exercise 1
- Ask Ss to do exercises 
- Correct 
* Have Ss to read the passage silently. Then discuss the questions 
Have Ss say in front of class
- Ask students write the result on the board
- Corrects 
- Tell some pairs to repeat 
- Answer.
* Concentrate and think
Ss go to the board and give their idea 
* Listen silently 
- Give the meaning of words
- Take notes, repeat, then reread. (Chorally, Individually)
- Have some Ss read the passage
- Work in pairs to read the text, then check (ü) in the boxes.
- Go to the board and give the answers
- Copy.
- Work in pairs to ask and answer the questions.
- Practice before class.
+ One asks
+ One answers
- Give the answers
- Copy the exercises 
Some Ss repeat
1) Do you often go shopping ?
2) Who do you go there with ?
3) Which shopping mall do you know in Bac Lieu?
 cool weather shop in comfort
The convenience of new shopping 
to buy buy low prices
*Vocabulary :
mall (n) :
goods (n) :
comfort (n) :
notice (v) :
change (n) :
selection (n) :
resident (n) :
discount (n) :
1. True or false ?
a. F : six à seven
b. F : leave “more than”
c. F : leave “not”
d. T
e. T
2. Answers.
a) All the shops are under one roof.
That will be very convenient, especially during the hot and humid summer months. Customers will shop in comfort and won’t notice the weather 
b) There are 50 air conditioned specialty stores, 4 movie theaters and 10 restaurants. There is also a children's play area. 
c) 	They think the mall will take their business. 
d) 	The stores in the mall will offer a wider selection of products, some goods are at lower prices.
4) Post – reading (5 ms):
- Have Ss read the lesson again.
- Have Ss practice asking and answering the questions again.
- Ask some Ss to summarize the passage (retell main idea)
5) Homework (4ms):
 - Practice reading the text fluently and remember content.
 - Write the answers in their notebooks.
 - Prepare Unit 7 “ Write ”
IV) Feedback: 
Period: 42	 
I) Objectives:
 1) Knowledge: 
 - Write a community notice
 * Grammar: 
 + Present future
 + Be going to
 + How to write a notice in English
 2) Skills: 
 - Focus on writing skill.
 3) Attitude:
 - Students review old lesson, prepare new lesson.
 - Students practice in individual, pairwork, groupwork.
II) Teaching aids:
 - Extra - boards, network (key words), cue words
 - Comprehension questions
III) Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1. Warm up (5ms) :
 Ask Ss to reread the passage and answer the questions.
2. Pre – writing (7 ms):
* Introduce new part and vocabulary
- Elicits
- Have Ss read the orange board
- Have Ss answer some questions 
3. While – writing 
(25 ms): 
* Ask Ss to read the sample notice 
- Give the task 2 to students
- Tell Ss to work with their friends 
- Ask some groups of Ss to give result on the board 
- Correct and give feedback 
- Ask Ss to work in groups in order to write a notice about their class meeting 
- Goes around and helps
- Comment.
- Read. Then answer the questions
* Give the meaning of words
- Copy, repeat, then reread (chorally, Individually)
- Answer 
* Reread the sample notice & recognize each part.
- Work in groups to write the notice as orange one
- Hang up their extra boards.
- Copy the result into their notebooks
- Work in groups to write out the notices for their class meeting and sports.
- Go to the board and give answers
- Copy right answers
1.Read the community notice
* Vocabulary: 
effect (n) :
hardware store (n) :
contact (v) : 
resident (n) : 
discuss (v) : 
Questions : 
1) Why are the residents and store owners on Tran Phu street going to hold a meeting?
2) When will they hold a meeting?
3) Where will they hold the meeting? 
2.Use the similar format to write a notice about the English Speaking contest below 
All the members of the school E club
Date: Nov. 15
Time:7.30 – 10.0p.m
Place: Hall 204, Building G
Please contact Tran Thi Thu Hang at the above address for more information
3. Write one or two notices about your class meeting and / or your Sports Club meeting 
Students of class 8A
Date:  Time: 
Place: Classroom of class 8A
Please contact 
 4. Post – writing (4ms):
 - Have Ss to complete the notice
 -Ask Ss to reread their notices.
 - Give more some exercises (Write passage from the box or on the contrary)
 5. Homework (4ms):
 - Practice reading notices.
 - Write all the notices into notebooks.
 - Prepare Unit 7 “Language Focus”.
IV) Feedback :
Duyet Tuan 14

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  • docgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_8_tuan_14_nam_hoc_2017_2018_truong_thc.doc