Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 12 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã


  1. Knowledge : 

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more about a youth organization - the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) 

             ó New words: organization, communist Youth Union, citizenship, personal fitness, encourage, federation, awareness, establish, campaign, guideline.

             ó Grammar: - Present simple tense with future meaning

                           - Gerunds

                          -  Modal: may, can, could

      2) Skills: 

          - Focus on reading and writing skills.

      3) Attitude:

          - Students work hard, actively, happily

II) Teaching aids:

          - Extra - boards, pictures or real things.

- Textbook, lesson plan and cassette player.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 12 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 12 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
Week: 12	Date of preparation: 22.10.2017
Period: 34	Date of teaching: 
Knowledge : 
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more about a youth organization - the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) 
 ó New words: organization, communist Youth Union, citizenship, personal fitness, encourage, federation, awareness, establish, campaign, guideline.
 ó Grammar: - Present simple tense with future meaning
 - Gerunds
 - Modal: may, can, could
 2) Skills: 
 - Focus on reading and writing skills.
 3) Attitude:
 - Students work hard, actively, happily
II) Teaching aids:
 - Extra - boards, pictures or real things.
- Textbook, lesson plan and cassette player.
III) Procedures: 
 Teacher’s activities
 Students’ activities
1/ Warm up:(5’)
- Ask 2 Ss make the dialogues.
- Listen and give points.
2/ Pre-Reading:(12’)
- Introduce the situation of the reading.
- Elicit new words.
- Read new words.
- Have Ss practice themselves.
- Listen and help.
3/ While-Reading:(20’)
- Play the tape twice.
- Have Ss read the reading silently.
- Have Ss work in pairs to do exercise.
- Check their answers and correct
- Have Ss to do exercice2
- Have Ss compare their answers.
- Check.
- Role play the dialogue.
- Listen. 
- Correct.
- Listen.
- Guess.
- Answer.
- Listen and take notes.
- Listen to the T.
- Repeat.
- Practice reading new words in individual. 
- Listen.
- Look at their books and listen
- Read silently.
- Work in pairs to do exercise 1 and then say answer keys.
- Feed back.
- Work in groups to answer the questions. ( write on group boards)
- Stick on the board and compare.
- Correct.
A: May I help you?
B: Yes. Can you show me the way to the nearest bank?
A: Sure. Turn right when you get out of the hotel. Turn left at the first corner. It’s on your right. 
B: Thank you very much.
ó New words:
- organization (n)
- communist Youth Union (n)
- citizenship (n)
- personal fitness (n)
- encourage (v)
- federation (n)
- awareness (n)
- establish (v)
- campaign (n)
- guideline (n)
1. Fill in the missing dates.
a. 1931
b. 1976
c. their public awareness and form their personality.
d. guidlined
 2. Answer the questions:
a) People can join the Youth Union at the age from 16 to 30
b) The Union was founded on March 26 1931.
c) The complete name of the Youth Union is Ho Chi Minh communist Youth Union.
d) Helping the handicapped, Cleaning the Environment, Green Summer Volunteers Campaign, and other similar movements.
e) These activities aim to help the young develop their public awareness and form their personality.
f) Uncle Ho established the guidelines for Vietnamese Youth.
 g) The Youth Union has had many names such as: Ho Chi Minh communist Youth Union, Youth Union, The youmg pioneers club.
4/ Post-Reading: (4’)
- Have Ss read the lesson again
- Have Ss practice the questions.
- Have Ss tell something about Ho Chi Minh communist Youth Union.
The Union was founded on March 26 1931, the complete name of the Youth Union is Ho Chi Minh communist Youth Union. They help the handicapped, clean up the Environment, Green Summer Volunteers Campaign, and other similar movements. These activities aim to help the young develop their public awareness and form their personality.
5/ Homework: (4’)
 Ask Ss to:
	 Practice the exercises again at home.
	 Prepare part Write for the next period.
	. Prepare new words
	. Do exercises
IV/ Feedback:
Period: 35	 
Knowledge :
 By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able towrite a letter about a future plan using “be going to” 
 ó Grammar: - Present simple tense with future meaning
 - Gerunds
 - Modal: may, can, could
 	 ó New words: participate, natural resources, 
 2) Skills: 
 - Focus on writing and reading skills.
 3) Attitude:
 - Students work hard, actively, happily
II) Teaching aids:
 - Extra – boards.
- Textbook, lesson plan.
III) Procedures: 
 Teacher’s activities
 Students’ activities
1/ Warm up:(5’)
- Ask Ss read a paragraph in the reading and ask some questions.
- Listen and give points.
2/ Pre-Writing:(7’)
 - Have the Ss read the Notice. 
- Ask Ss some questions.
- Listen and correct.
3/ While-Writing:(25’)
- Explain the way to complete the letter. Then ask Ss give keys.
- Ask Ss work in groups to write the letter.
- Check.
- Read and answer the questions
- listen.
- Answer.
- Listen and take notes.
- Complete the letter
- Read the detail.
- Work in groups to write the letter.
- Stick the writing on the board.
- Correct.
ó The questions and the answers.
1/ At what age can one join the Youth Union?
2/ Name some activities of the youth Union.
- How many parts are there in a letter?
- What are they?
+ Heading
+ Opening
+ Body of the letter
+ Closing
1. Read the passage and complete the letter.
 Dear Linh,
I’m glad to tell you that I’m going to have interesting activities. 
The Y&Y is (0)planning to help the (1) community. I will participate in its recycling program. In this program, we will collect glass, used paper and cans. Then we will send them for recycling.
I hope I can save natural resources and raise some money for my school Y&Y in these activities. I also think about participating in either planting trees and flowers or helping street children. It is really interesting, isn’t it?
Write to me soon and tell me all your news.
2. Read the dialogue between Hoa and her aunt. Then write Hoa’s lette to her parents telling what is she going to do.
Dear Mom and Dad,
I’m very happy to tell you that I’m going to join the Y&Y Green Group of my school.
The Green Group is holding an environment month plan. We are going to clean the banks of the lakes on weekends. We are going to plant trees and flowers in the school garden and water them every afternoon after class. We are planting young trees and plants to sell other school.
We hope that we can give more green color to the city and earn some money for our school Y&Y. 
The program is very interesting and useful, isn’t it?
I will tell you more about the group activities later.
4/ Post- writing: (4ms)
- Have Ss answer the questions.
1. How many parts are there in a letter?
2. What are they?
- Have Ss Read the passage (1) again
- Have Ss practice reading the writing 
5/ Homework: (4’)
 Ask Ss to:
	 Practice part Write again at home.
	. Write
	. Do the exercises again
	 Prepare Language Focus for the next period:
	. Prepare new words
	. Do exercises
IV/ Feedback:
Period: 36	 
(Language focus)
 1) Knowledge : 
 ó Grammar: - Present simple tense with future meaning
 - Gerunds
 - Modal: may, can, could
 	 ó New words: participate, natural resources.
 2) Skills : 
 - Focus on writing and reading skills.
 3) Attitude:
 - Students work hard, actively, happily
II) Teaching aids:
 - Extra – boards.
- Textbook, lesson plan.
III) Procedures: 
 Teacher’s activities
 Students’ activities
1/ Warm up:(5’)
- Ask Ss ask and answer the questions about Y&Y.
- Listen and corrects.
2/ Practice: 32’
* Activity 1
- Explain the way to do the exercise
- Have Ss work in groups.
- Check.
* Activity 2
- Explain the way to do the exercise
- Have Ss work in groups.
- Check.
* Activity 3
- Explain the way to do the exercise
- Have Ss work in groups.
- Check.
- Ask and answer.
- Listen.
- Do in groups.
- Write on the board.
- Correct.
- Do in groups.
- Write on the board.
- Correct.
- Do in groups.
- Write on the board.
- Correct. 
- What do they do every afternoon?
- What do they hope?
1. Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions Y&Y Spring activity program.
- When do they collect and empty garbage?
¨ On January 9.
- Where do the collect and empty garbage?
¨ At Dong Xuan market.
- What time do they collect and empty garbage?
¨ They start at 8 am and finish at 5 pm
- When do they plant and water the trees along the street?
¨ On February 2.
- Where do they plant and water the trees along the street?
¨ In the city center street.
- What time do they plant and water the trees along the street?
¨They start at 7 am and finish at 10 am.
- When do they help the elderly and street children?
¨On March 26.
- Where do they help the elderly and street children?
¨ In city rest home and orphanage.
- What time do they help the elderly and street children?
¨ They start at 7 am and finish at 4 am.
- When do they have big gathering to support cultural-sport program?
¨ On Aril 15.
- Where do they have big gathering to support cultural-sport program?
¨ In central stadium.
- What time do they have big gathering to support cultural-sport program?
¨ They start at 5pm and finish at 9 pm.
S + love/ like/ enjoy/ hate + V- ing
Modal: may, can, could
S + may/ can/ could + V(bare- inf)
2. Work with a partner. 
a) Look at the table. Talk about our friends’ hobbies.
A: Ba loves playing soccer, but he doesn’t like washing up.
B: Lan doesn’t like playing soccer and she doesn’t like washing up, either. 
b) Copy the table into your exercise book. Then complete it with information about you. Next ask and answer questions with your friends.
Do you like playing soccer?
No. I hate it. What about you?
Yes. I love playing soccer.
3. Work with a partner. 
a) Use the expressions in the box to ask for a favor. Then practice the dialogues with a partner.
A- Woman: Can/ could you help me, please?
Man: Yes, certainly.
Woman: Can you buy a ticket for me?
B- Old Woman: Could you do me a favor?
Boy: What can I do for you?
Old Woman: Can you take me across the road.
C- Boy: I need a favor.
Girl: How can I help?
Boy: Could you help me with this math problem?
D- Grandpa: Can you help me?
Niece: Yes. Of couse.
Grandpa: Can you water the flowers in the garden?
4/ Consolidation:(5’)
- Practice the exercise again.
- Listen and correct
5/ Homework: (3’)
 Ask Ss to:
 Practice part Language Focus again at home.
 Prepare part Getting started + Listen and read for the next period.
	 + Prepare new words
 + Do exercise
V/ Feedback:
Duyet Tuan 12

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