Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 1 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

I) Objectives:

       1) Knowledge: 

       * Grammar: 

      + Simple present tense (review)

      + Past simple tense (review)

      + either/ neither; too/ so

      + Adjectives/ adverbs.

      2) Skills: 

          - Focus on writing and reading skills.

      3) Attitude:

          - Students work hard, actively, happily

     II) Teaching aids:

          - Extra - boards, structures.

     III) Procedures:

     1. Warm - up: 5’

 * Ask Ss some questions:

a. How are you?

b. How do you feel?

c. Which grade / class was you in last  year?

d. What did you do yesterday?

e. Where did you go last summer vacation?

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 1 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tuần 1 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
Week: 1	Date of planning: 09/8/2018
Period: 1	Date of teaching: 
 I) Objectives:
 1) Knowledge: 
 * Grammar: 
 + Simple present tense (review)
 + Past simple tense (review)
 + either/ neither; too/ so
 + Adjectives/ adverbs.
 2) Skills: 
 - Focus on writing and reading skills.
 3) Attitude:
 - Students work hard, actively, happily
 II) Teaching aids:
 - Extra - boards, structures.
 III) Procedures:
 1. Warm - up: 5’
 * Ask Ss some questions:
a. How are you?
b. How do you feel?
c. Which grade / class was you in last year?
d. What did you do yesterday?
e. Where did you go last summer vacation?
 Teacher's activities
Students' activities 
2. Practice: 32’
- Review some tenses. 
- Ask Ss to give examples.
- Check.
- Review some structure 
and form.
- Ask Ss to give examples. 
- Check.
- Have Ss do exercises.
- Check.
- Have Ss give how
to use Adjectives/ Adverbs.
- Check.
- Remind
- Give example.
- Correct.
- Give example.
- Correct.
- Do exercises.
- Correct.
- Do exercises.
- Correct.
1/ The present simple:	
	S + V(es/s) + O + A
- She goes to school every morning.
- She doesn’t go to school every morning.
- Does she go to school every morning?
	à Yes, she does.
	à No, she doesn’t.
2/ The past simple:
	S + V(2/ed) + O + A
Ex:	- Lan bought a new bike last year.
- Lan didn’t buy a new bike last year.
- Did Lan buy a new bike last year?
à Yes, she did.
à No, she didn’t.
Note: last, yesterday,.ago, in..
3/ Too/so/either/neither:
- I’m hungry and so is she.
- Lan doesn’t like beef and Hoa does, either.
- I like durians and Hoa likes durians, too.
- They don’t play soccer on Monday. Neither do I.
4/ Adjectives/ Adverbs:
- He is a good soccer player. He plays well.
- Tom’s father drives safely.
- She is a quick runner.
3. Consolidation 5’
	Have Ss read the lesson 
4. Homework: 3’
	- Review the old lesson.
- Prepare unit 1. (Getting started + listen and read)
IV. Feedback:
Period: 2 
(Getting started- listen and read)
 I). Objectives:
 1) Knowledge: 
 * Grammar: 
 + Simple present tense (review)
 + S + be (not) + adj + enough + to - inf.
 + Past simple tense (review)
 2) Skills: 
 - Focus on listening and reading skills.
 3) Attitude:
 - Students work hard, actively, happily
 II) Teaching aids:
 - Extra - boards, pictures or real things
 - Tape and stereo
 III) Procedures:
 1) Warm - up: 5’
 - Describe these groups of friends and their favorite activities.
a. They are playing soccer.
b. They are reading books.
c. They are playing chess.
d. They are playing volleyball.
 Teacher's activities
 Students' activities 
2. Presentation: 10’ 
- Ask Ss look at picture in their books
- Ask some questions.
 - Introduce new lesson
- Elicit new words
3. Practice: 25’
- Have Ss listen to the tape.
- Have Ss read the lesson.
- Explain structure
- Have Ss practice in pair to read the dialogue.
- Have Ss answer the questions.
- Check.
- Look at
- Answer
- Listen
- Give meaning of new words. Then write down
- Listen twice.
- Practice in pairs.
- Listen
- Answer
- Check and correct.
- Write down.
1. Who's Hoa?
àShe's .
2. Where's she from?
à She's from ..
- Some students find out the new words
* Listen and read:
New words:
- to seem (v): 
- smile (n/v): 
- enough (adv):
- Photograph (n)
- receive (v)
2. Structures:
* S + be (not) + adj + enough + to - inf.
- She isn't old enough to be in my class. 
Answer key.
a. Nien lives in Hue.
b. No, she doesn't know Nien.
c. She wasn't old enough to be in my class.
d. She is going to visit Hoa at Christmas.
4. Consolidation: 3’
- Have Ss read the answers.
- Have Ss ask and answer the questions again.
- Have Ss tell some things about Nien 
5. Homework: 2’
- Memorize new words and structures.
- Prepare part speak+ listen for the next period.
V. Feedback:
 Period: 3	
(Speak + Listen)
 I) Objectives:
 1) Knowledge: 
 * Grammar: 
 + Simple present tense.
 + Adjectives of appearance
 + Respond to introductions
 2) Skills: 
 - Focus on listening and reading skills.
 3) Attitude:
 - Students work hard, actively, happily
 II) Teaching aids:
 - Extra - boards, pictures or real things
 - Tape and stereo
 III) Procedures:
 1) Warm - up: 5’
 - Have Ss tell some things about Nien.
Nien lives in Hue. She was Hoa’s next-door neighbor in Hue. She wasn't old enough to be in my class. She is going to visit Hoa at Christmas.
Teacher's activities
Students' activities
2. Pre- speaking: 5’
- Have Ss read the new words in the box.
- Introduce the way to describe.
3.While- speaking: 12’
- Look at six pictures.
- Explain the new words.
- Introduce the person and describe.
4. Post- speaking: 2’
- Have Ss describe one of their friends.
5. Pre- listening: 4’
- Explain some ways to listen to the lesson.
- Ask them to read dialogue guess words need filling in the gaps.
6. While-listening:12’
- Listen to the tape and complete the dialogues.
- Have Ss fill in the blanks.
- Check.
- Look at and read some words in the box.
- Repeat and write.
- Work in pairs to read the dialogue.
- Practice the similar dialogue.
- Correct.
- Describe.
- Listen to the tape.
- Read and fill in the blanks.
- Compare with friends.
- Check and correct
- Practice in pairs
- Write down
* New words:
- Build (n): 
- Slim (adj): 
- Straight (adj): 
- Curly (adj): 
- Blond (adj): 
- Fair (adj):
- Bald (adj): 
* Practice in pairs
- Hoa: The person is short and thin. She has long blond hair.
Lan: Is this Mary?
Hoa: Yes. 
- Hoa: The person is tall and thin. He has short black hair.
Lan: Is this Van?
Hoa: Yes. 
- Hoa: The person is tall and thin. She has long black hair.
Lan: Is this Miss Lien?
Hoa: Yes. 
* Answer key.
1. I'd like you to meet
2. Nice to meet you
3. I'd like you to meet .
4. It's pleasure to meet you
5. Come and meet
6. How do you do
7. Post- listening: 3’
- Have Ss read the answer again.
- Have Ss read the dialogues in listening.
8. Homework: 2’
- Learn by heart the new words.
- Write a dialogue to describe a person.
- Prepare part “Read”.
	+ Write new words.
	+ Do exercise.
IV. Feedback:
	Duyệt tuần1

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