Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 13 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

I/ Objectives:


  After the lesson, the students can be able to:

- Remember the grammar notes in unit 4, 5, 6.

- Do exercises in the lesson.

  Grammar:  - Present progressive tense.

                     - Adverbs of frequency.

                     - Making suggestions.

                     - Ask and answer about the time.                              

                     - That, this, those, these.

2. SKILL:   Writing skill. 

3. ATTITUDE: Ss love subjects


           T: Lesson plan, Extra board.

           Ss: Vocabulary

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 13 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 13 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
Week: 13	Date of preparation: 30.10.2017
Period: 37	 	Date of planning:
I/ Objectives:
 After the lesson, the students can be able to:
- Remember the grammar notes in unit 4, 5, 6.
- Do exercises in the lesson.
 Grammar: - Present progressive tense.
	- Adverbs of frequency.
	- Making suggestions.
	- Ask and answer about the time.	
	- That, this, those, these.
2. SKILL: Writing skill. 
3. ATTITUDE: Ss love subjects
	T: Lesson plan, Extra board.
	Ss: Vocabulary
 T’s activities
 Ss’ activities
1/ Warm up:(5ms)
- Stick some picture on the board.
- Ask questions
- Listen and give points.
2/ Practice: (32ms)
- Ask Ss remind the structure of present progressive tense.
- Listen and correct.
* Activity 1
- Ask Ss remind the structure of present progressive tense.
- Listen and correct.
* Activity 2
- Ask Ss look at the pictures in the book and work in pair to complete these sentences.
- Listen and correct.
* Activity 3
- Ask Ss work in pair to ask and answer the question about the time. Then write on the board.
- Correct.
* Activity 4
- Ask Ss look at the picture in the book say and write on the board the name of these subjects
- Correct.
* Activity 5
- Ask Ss look at the table and make sentence with some 
adverbs of frequency.
- Listen and correct.
* Activity 6
- Ask Ss work in pairs to make suggestions. 
- Listen and help.
3/ Consolidation:(5ms)
- Ask Ss practice more the exercise 6.
- Listen and help.
- Have ss remind the grammar notes and structures.
- Look at the board and guess.
- Answer.
- Listen. 
- Feed back.
- Remind.
- Give example.
- Feedback.
- Complete the passage.( write on the board each Ss)
- Feed back.
- Pair works.
- Give keys.
- Feed back.
- Pair works.
- Ask and answer. Then write on the board.
- Give feed back.
- Say and write on the board.
- Feed back.
- Make sentences. 
- Feed back.
- Practice in pairs.
- Listen.
- Practice.
- Listen.
- remind.
óThe question and the answers.
- What time is it?
¨ It is nine forty.
¨ It is seven fifteen.
¨ It is six forty-five.
¨ It is ten thirty.
1. Present progressive tense.
S + BE + Ving
S + BE not + Ving
BE + S + Ving?
Yes/ No + S + BE/BE not
ó Complete the passage.
It is six thirty in the evening. Lan is doing her home work. She is writing an English essay. Mr. Thanh is reading the newspaper and Mrs. Quyen is cooking dinner. Liem and Tien, Lan’s brother is playing soccer in the back yard. Liem is kicking the ball and Tien is running after it. 
2. This and that, these and those.
a) This room is very untidy.
b) Put this bag away.
 That isn’t my bag. Mom, this is my bag.
c) Put those socks in the washing basket
 These socks?
 No, Those socks on the bed.
d) Throw away those comics.
 But I like these comics Mom.
3. Time.
a) It’s nine forty. It’s twenty to ten.
b) It starts at seven fifteen. / a quarter past seven.
c) I’ll be home at ten thirty. / half past ten.
d) I’ ll come at six forty- five. / a quarter to seven.
4. Vocabulary: subjects.
a) Physical Education.
b) Chemistry.
c) Math.
d) Geography.
e) English.
f) History.
5. Adverbs of frequency.
- Ba never goes to the cafeteria at lunch time.
- Ba sometimes rides bike to school.
- Ba always practices guitar after school.
- Ba usually does homework in the evening.
- Ba often plays computer games.
6. Making suggestions.
Lan: Let’s go swimming.
Hoa: OK
Minh: Should we play table tennis.
Nam: I’m sorry. I can’t.
Ba: Would you like to play basketball?
Nga: I’d love to.
* S + BE + Ving
S + BE not + Ving
BE + S + Ving?
Yes/ No + S + BE/BE not
* Adverbs of frequency
* Suggestions
4/ Homework: (3ms)
 Ask Ss to:
	 - Write the lesson at home.
	 - Learn the lesson at home.
	 - Review unit 4, 5, 6 for the test.
IV/ Feedback:
Week: 13	Date of preparation: 30.10.2017
Period: 38	 	Date of planning:
I/ Objectives:
Have Ss revise the grammar note and structures. 
Develop the skill of doing test.
II/ Preparation:
	- Pieces of papers
III/ Procedures:
	1/ Checking the attendants:
2/ Oral checking:
3/ New lesson:
a) Matrix:
 Cấp độ
Nội dung từ
 bài 4- bài 6
Nhận biết
Thông hiểu
Vận dụng
 Cấp độ thấp
Cấp độ cao
 ( 20%)
4 câu
0,5 điểm
4 câu
 2 điểm
Language focus (40%)
- Knowledge.
- present progressive tense.
- V- ing.
- preposition.
- Occupations
- Time.
- Subject.
- Activity.
0,5 điểm
0,5 điểm 
0,5 điểm
2 câu
0,5 điểm
8 câu
 4 điểm
Read ( 20%)
-Yes/ no questions.
- WH- questions.
4 câu
 0,25 điểm
1 câu
0,5 điểm
1 câu
0,5 điểm
6 câu
2 điểm
Write (20%)
4 câu 0,5điểm
4 câu
 2 điểm
Tổng số câu 
Tổng số điểm
Tỉ lệ %(100%)
Số câu 10
Số điểm 5
Số câu 3
Số điểm 1,5
Số câu 9
Số điểm 3,5
Số câu 22
Số điểm 10
b) Content:	Đề 1
I/ Listen. Match each name to an activity. (2pts)	
1. Mai:	• go to the circus
2. Nam:	• watch a movie
3. Lan:	• tidy the classroom
4. Kien:	• rehearse a play
II/ Language.(4pts)	
	a) Choose the correct words to complete the sentences: (2pts)
1. She has English  Saturday morning.
a. in	b. for	c. at	d. on
	2. Ba is  a letter now.
	a. writes	b. write	c. writing	d. to write
	3. In  , we study past and present events.
	a. History	b. Literature	c. English	d. Music
	4. She enjoys TV in the evening.
	a. watch	b. to watch	c. watching	d. watches
	b) Match the column (A) with the column (B): (2pts)
1. What do you do after school?
a. It’s half past four.
2. What time is it?
b. I play soccer.
3. What is Lan studying?
c. He likes Electronics best.
4. Which Subject does he like best?
d. Lan is studying Math.
	1	2. ..	3. .	4. ..
III/Read. Then answer the questions.(2pts)
	In the summer holiday, Thu, Minh and their parents go to Vung Tau for two weeks. They usually stay in a small house or a flat by the sea, but sometimes they stay in a hotel.
	Every morning, Minh goes swimming but he doesn’t stay in the water very long because it’s very cold. Thu never swims. She plays with sand on the beach. In the evening, they often go to the cinema.
a) Questions: (1pt)
a. Where do they go for two weeks?
b. What does Minh do every morning?
b) Stick (T) if it is true or (F) if it is false (1pt)
True (T)
False (F)
a. They go to Vung Tau for two weeks.
b. Thu often swims.
c. They usually stay in a small house or a flat by the sea
d. In the evening, they go to the market.
III/ Order the words into sentences. (1pt)
1. English/ I/ have/ on Monday.
2. usually/ Lan/ watches/ TV/ after school.
IV. Answer the questions (1pt).
	1. What do you usually do after school?
	à................................................................................................................................ 	2. Do you like playing football? 
I/ (2pts)
1. Mai:	• go to the circus
2. Nam:	• watch a movie
3. Lan:	• tidy the classroom
4. Kien:	• rehearse a play
II/ 4(pts)
a), b) (4pts)
Đề 1
Đề 2
Đề 3
Đề 4
b) (2pts)
	1. b	2. a	3. d	4. c
III/ (2pts)
	* Answer:
	a. They go to Vung Tau for two weeks.
	b. Minh goes swimming every morning.
* True or False:
	a. T	b. F	c. T	d. F
III/ (1pt)
a. I have English on Monday.
b. Lan usually watches TV after school.
(Student’s answer)
- end -
4/ Consolidation:
	- Take students’ papers.
	5/ Homework:
	- Prepare unit 7( A1+A2)
IV/ Feedback:
......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................
Ngo Quang Nha Junior high school	Đề 1
Class: 7 	A TEST: 45’
The teacher’s comments
I/ Listen. Match each name to an activity. (2pts)	
1. Mai:	• go to the circus
2. Nam:	• watch a movie	
3. Lan:	• tidy the classroom
4. Kien:	• rehearse a play
II/ Language.(4pts)	
	a) Choose the correct words to complete the sentences: (2pts)
1. She has English  Saturday morning.
a. in	b. for	c. at	d. on
	2. Ba is  a letter now.
	a. writes	b. write	c. writing	d. to write
	3. In  , we study past and present events.
	a. History	b. Literature	c. English	d. Music
	4. She enjoys TV in the evening.
	a. watch	b. to watch	c. watching	d. watches
	b) Match the column (A) with the column (B): (2pts)
1. What do you do after school?
a. It’s half past four.
2. What time is it?
b. I play soccer.
3. What is Lan studying?
c. He likes Electronics best.
4. Which Subject does he like best?
d. Lan is studying Math.
	1	2. ..	3. .	4. ..
III/Read. Then answer the questions.(2pts)
	In the summer holiday, Thu, Minh and their parents go to Vung Tau for two weeks. They usually stay in a small house or a flat by the sea, but sometimes they stay in a hotel.
	Every morning, Minh goes swimming but he doesn’t stay in the water very long because it’s very cold. Thu never swims. She plays with sand on the beach. In the evening, they often go to the cinema.
a) Questions: (1pt)
a. Where do they go for two weeks?
b. What does Minh do every morning?
b) Stick (T) if it is true or (F) if it is false (1pt)
True (T)
False (F)
a. They go to Vung Tau for two weeks.
b. Thu often swims.
c. They usually stay in a small house or a flat by the sea
d. In the evening, they often go to the market.
III/ Order the words into sentences. (1pt)
1. English/ I/ have/ on Monday.
2. usually/ Lan/ watches/ TV/ after school.
IV. Answer the questions. (1pt)
	1. What do you usually do after school?
2. Do you like playing football? 
Ngo Quang Nha Junior high school	Đề 2
Class: 7 	A TEST: 45’
The teacher’s comments
I/ Listen. Match each name to an activity. (2pts)	
1. Mai:	• go to the circus
2. Nam:	• watch a movie	
3. Lan:	• tidy the classroom
4. Kien:	• rehearse a play
II/ Language.(4pts)	
	a) Choose the correct words to complete the sentences: (2pts)
	1. In  , we study past and present events.
	a. History	b. Literature	c. English	d. Music
	2. She enjoys TV in the evening.
	a. watch	b. to watch	c. watching	d. watches
3. She has English  Saturday morning.
a. in	b. for	c. at	d. on
	4. Ba is  a letter now.
	a. writes	b. write	c. writing	d. to write
b) Match the column (A) with the column (B): (2pts)
1. What do you do after school?
a. It’s half past four.
2. What is Lan studying?
b. I play soccer.
3. What time is it?
c. He likes Electronics best.
4. Which Subject does he like best?
d. Lan is studying Math.
	1	2. ..	3. .	4. ..
III/Read. Then answer the questions.(2pts)
	In the summer holiday, Thu, Minh and their parents go to Vung Tau for two weeks. They usually stay in a small house or a flat by the sea, but sometimes they stay in a hotel.
	Every morning, Minh goes swimming but he doesn’t stay in the water very long because it’s very cold. Thu never swims. She plays with sand on the beach. In the evening, they often go to the cinema.
a) Questions: (1pt)
a. Where do they go for two weeks?
b. What does Minh do every morning?
b) Stick (T) if it is true or (F) if it is false (1pt)
True (T)
False (F)
a. They go to Vung Tau for two weeks.
b. Thu often swims.
c. They usually stay in a small house or a flat by the sea
d. In the evening, they often go to the market.
III/ Order the words into sentences. (1pt)
1. English/ I/ have/ on Monday.
2. usually/ Lan/ watches/ TV/ after school.
IV. Answer the questions. (1pt)
	1. What do you usually do after school?
 	2. Do you like playing football? 
Ngo Quang Nha Junior high school	Đề 3
Class: 7 	A TEST: 45’
The teacher’s comments
I/ Listen. Match each name to an activity. (2pts)	
1. Mai:	• go to the circus
2. Nam:	• watch a movie	
3. Lan:	• tidy the classroom
4. Kien:	• rehearse a play
II/ Language.(4pts)	
	a) Choose the correct words to complete the sentences: (2pts)
1. In  , we study past and present events.
	a. History	b. Literature	c. English	d. Music
2. She has English  Saturday morning.
a. in	b. for	c. at	d. on
	3. Ba is  a letter now.
	a. writes	b. write	c. writing	d. to write
	4. She enjoys TV in the evening.
	a. watch	b. to watch	c. watching	d. watches
	b) Match the column (A) with the column (B): (2pts)
1. Which Subject does he like best?
a. It’s half past four.
2. What time is it?
b. I play soccer.
3. What is Lan studying?
c. He likes Electronics best.
4. What do you do after school?
d. Lan is studying Math.
	1	2. ..	3. .	4. ..
III/Read. Then answer the questions.(2pts)
	In the summer holiday, Thu, Minh and their parents go to Vung Tau for two weeks. They usually stay in a small house or a flat by the sea, but sometimes they stay in a hotel.
	Every morning, Minh goes swimming but he doesn’t stay in the water very long because it’s very cold. Thu never swims. She plays with sand on the beach. In the evening, they often go to the cinema.
a) Questions: (1pt)
a. Where do they go for two weeks?
b. What does Minh do every morning?
b) Stick (T) if it is true or (F) if it is false (1pt)
True (T)
False (F)
a. They go to Vung Tau for two weeks.
b. Thu often swims.
c. They usually stay in a small house or a flat by the sea
d. In the evening, they often go to the market.
III/ Order the words into sentences. (1pt)
1. English/ I/ have/ on Monday.
2. usually/ Lan/ watches/ TV/ after school.
IV. Answer the questions. (1pt)
	1. What do you usually do after school?
	à....................................................................................................................... 	2. Do you like playing football? 
Ngo Quang Nha Junior high school	Đề 4
Class: 7 	A TEST: 45’
The teacher’s comments
I/ Listen. Match each name to an activity. (2pts)	
1. Mai:	• go to the circus
2. Nam:	• watch a movie	
3. Lan:	• tidy the classroom
4. Kien:	• rehearse a play
II/ Language.(4pts)	
	a) Choose the correct words to complete the sentences: (2pts)
1. She enjoys TV in the evening.
	a. watch	b. to watch	c. watching	d. watches
2. She has English  Saturday morning.
a. in	b. for	c. at	d. on
	3. Ba is  a letter now.
	a. writes	b. write	c. writing	d. to write
	4. In  , we study past and present events.
	a. History	b. Literature	c. English	d. Music
	b) Match the column (A) with the column (B): (2pts)
1. What do you do after school?
a. I play soccer.
2. What time is it?
b. It’s half past four.
3. What is Lan studying?
c. He likes Electronics best.
4. Which Subject does he like best?
d. Lan is studying Math.
	1	2. ..	3. .	4. ..
III/Read. Then answer the questions.(2pts)
	In the summer holiday, Thu, Minh and their parents go to Vung Tau for two weeks. They usually stay in a small house or a flat by the sea, but sometimes they stay in a hotel.
	Every morning, Minh goes swimming but he doesn’t stay in the water very long because it’s very cold. Thu never swims. She plays with sand on the beach. In the evening, they often go to the cinema.
a) Questions: (1pt)
a. Where do they go for two weeks?
b. What does Minh do every morning?
b) Stick (T) if it is true or (F) if it is false (1pt)
True (T)
False (F)
a. They go to Vung Tau for two weeks.
b. Thu often swims.
c. They usually stay in a small house or a flat by the sea
d. In the evening, they often go to the market.
III/ Order the words into sentences. (1pt)
1. English/ I/ have/ on Monday.
2. usually/ Lan/ watches/ TV/ after school.
IV. Answer the questions. (1pt)
	1. What do you usually do after school?
	à....................................................................................................................... 	2. Do you like playing football? 
Week: 13	Date of preparation: 30.10.2017
Period: 39	 	Date of planning:
A. Student’s work.(A1)
 After the lesson, the students can be able to:
 	 	 - Read and understand Hoa’s work.
	- Tell the works of them.
 	Grammar: - Simple future tense.
	 - Wh- questions.
 	 Vocabulary: vacation, quite hard, almost, together.
2. SKILL: Listening and Speaking skills. 
3. ATTITUDE: Ss love subjects
	T: Lesson plan, Cassette tape and player, Extra board.
	Ss: Vocabulary
 T’s activities
 Ss’ activities
1/ Warm up:(7ms)
- Ask questions
- Listen, correct and give points.
2/ New Lesson
+Presentation: (10ms)
- Elicit new words
- Lead Ss read.
- Listen and help.
+/ Practice: (20ms)
- Play the tape twice.
- Have Ss work in groups to read the dialogue. 
- Listen and help.
- ask Ss to work in groups to answer the questions
- Correct
3/ Consolidation: (4ms)
- Have Ss read the lesson again.
- Ask Ss practice the questions more.
- Have ss summarize the lesson
- Listen and help.
- Answer.
- Listen.
- Feedback.
- Elicit new words and give the meaning.
- Repeat after the teacher.
Read alone.
- Listen.
- Group words to read the dialogue.
- Listen.
- Group words to answer the questions.( write on group boards)
- Give keys.
- Feed back.
- Read
- Practice
- Listen.
ó Questions
1 What time do your classes start?
¨ They start at 1.00.
2. What time do they finish?
¨ They finish at 17.10.
3. How many hours a day do you do your home work?
¨ It is about 4 hours.
ó New words:
- vacation:
- quite hard:
- almost:
- together:
1. Listen. Then practice with a partner.
ó The questions and answers:
a) What time do Hoa’s classes start?
¨ They start at 7.00.
b) What time do they finish?
¨ They finish at 11.15.
c) For how many hours a day does Hoa do her home work?
¨ It is about 2 hours a day.
d) What will Hoa do during her vacation?
¨ She will visit her parents on their farm during her vacation.
e) What about you? Do your classes start earlier or later? Do you work fewer hours than Hoa?
¨ My classes start the same Hoa. 
 Yes, I do.
f) When does your school year start?
¨ It is in August.
g) When does it finish?
¨ It is in May.
 It’s half past six, Hoa has breakfast with her brother. Her classes start at seven and finish at a quarter past eleven. At home she often does her homework for two hours. On vacation, she usually visit her mom and dad on their farm. Thet like working together.
4/ Homework: (4ms)
	* Practice the lesson again at home.
 * Prepare Unit 7 (A2) for the next period.
 * Prepare new words.
	* Do the exercises.
IV/ Feedback:

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  • docgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_7_tuan_13_nam_hoc_2017_2018_truong_thc.doc