Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 4 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã


           1. KNOWLEDGE:

 After the lesson, the students can be able to:

           + Speak, listen and write the ordinal numbers and the months of the year. 

           + Know the difference between cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers.

          + Ask and answer date of birth.

- Grammar:  Present simple tense          

 -  Vocabulary: Ordinal number; months of the year.   

2.  SKILL:   Reading, Speaking, Listening and Writing skills.

3. ATTITUDE: Ss love subjects


           T: Lesson plan, Cassette tape and player, Extra board.

           Ss: Vocabulary

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 4 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 4 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
Week: 4	Date of planning: 30.08.2018
Period: 10	 	Date of teaching:
 After the lesson, the students can be able to:
 	+ Speak, listen and write the ordinal numbers and the months of the year. 
	+ Know the difference between cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers.
 + Ask and answer date of birth.
- Grammar:	Present simple tense	 
 - Vocabulary: Ordinal number; months of the year. 
2. SKILL: Reading, Speaking, Listening and Writing skills.
3. ATTITUDE: Ss love subjects
	T: Lesson plan, Cassette tape and player, Extra board.
	Ss: Vocabulary
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1.Warm up: 5’
- Ask Ss some questions.
- Have Ss count the cardinal numbers (1à30) and introduce the ordinal numbers.
2. New lesson
- Explain how to use and write ordinal numbers.
- Play the tape twice.
+.Practice: 20’
- Have Ss read the ordinal numbers.
- Listen and correct if necessary
- Stick the extra board of the calendar.
- Play tape twice and have Ss write the dates.
- Check.
- Stick the extra board of the months and ask Ss to tell the months they know.
- Ss write the months in order from first to twelfth.
-Have Ss practice in pairs.
-Write on the board.
 3. Consolidation: 5’
 - Have Ss read the new words.
- Read the months of the year.
 Have Ss listen to teacher and write more the dates
- Count.
- Listen.
- Listen.
- Read fluently.
- Listen and copy down.
-Take notes.
-Write them on the board.
- Read in individual.
- Correct.
- Tell the months of the year.
- Practice in pairs
-Take note
1. How many students are there in this class?
à There are thirty eight students.
2. Where is your classroom?
à My classroom is on second floor.
B1. Listen and repeat.
-1st: first
-2nd: second
-3rd: third
-4th: fourth
-20th: twentieth
B2. Listen and write the dates.
- The first of July
-The nineteenth
-The sixth
-The fourteenth
-The seventeenth
-The thirty – first
B3. Write the months in order from first to twelfth.
*The extra board
4. Homework: 3’
	- Learn by heart the ordinal numbers and the month of year.
	- Prepare B4-*B5.
	Read the conversation and answer the questions.
	+ How old are you?	
	+ When is your birthday?
IV. Feedback:
Week: 4	Date of planning: 30.08.2018
Period: 11	 	Date of teaching:
 After the lesson, the students can be able to
+Ask for and give personal information. 
	+ Fill in the registration form.
 + understand and answer about the dialogue. 
- Grammar:	Future simple tense.
	- What’s your date of birth? = When is your birthday? 
	à June eighth = The eighth of June.
	- What’s your address? 
à My address is ..
	- How old will you be on your next birthday?
	à I’ll be 14 on my next birthday.	
 - Vocabulary: nervous (a); worry (v); registration form(n) worried (a)	
2. SKILL: Reading, Speaking, Listening and Writing skills.
3. ATTITUDE: Ss love subjects
	T: Lesson plan, Cassette tape and player, Extra board.
	Ss: Vocabulary
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1.Warm up:5’
- Ask some questions.
- Check.
2. New Lesson
+Presentation: 10’
- Stick picture B4 on the board and introduce the situation.
- Elicit new words.
- Explain structures and how to use prepositions “on” the future simple tense.
- Play the tape twice.
+.Practice: 22’
- Have Ss practice the dialogue
 - Listen and correct if necessary.
- Ask Ss answer the questions.
- Check.
- Stick the form and explain how to do.
- Have Ss fill in the form and write the answer on the board.
3. Consolidation: 5’
 Have Ss practice asking and answering the questions:	
 Have Ss make new dialogue like B4
- Answer
- Correct.
- Guess.
- Listen.
- Give meaning of words.
- Listen.
- Practice.
- Work in pairs.
- Practice in groups.
- Correct and copy down.
- Listen.
- Fill in the form.
- Correct and write the answers. 
Make new dialogue like B4
1. What’s the date today?
2. When is your birthday?
B4. Listen. Then practice with a partner
* Vocabulary:
- birth (n)
- birthday (n)
- nervous (adj)
- worry (v)
- worried ( adj)
- Don’t worry
- Date of birth
- I’m sure
1. What’s your date of birth? 
 = When is your birthday? 
à June eighth
 = The eighth of June.
2. What’s your address?
= Where do you live?
3. How old will you be on your next birthday?
à I’ll be 14 on my next birthday
a.Hoa is 13 years old.
b.She’ll be 14 on her next birthday.
c. It’s on June eighth.
d/ Hoa lives uncle her aunt.
e/Hoa is worried because she doesn’t have any friends.
f/(Student’s answer)
g/(Student’s answer)
h/(Student’s answer)
B5* Read the dialogue again. Then complete this form.
 Student registration form
Name: Pham Thi Hoa
Date of birth: June 8th
Address: 12 Tran Hung Dao Street.
Telephone number:
 8 262 019
1. What’s your date of birth? = When is your birthday? 
2. What’s your address? 
3. How old will you be on your next birthday?
4. Homework:3’
- Ask Ss read the dialogue fluently. Then answer the questions.
	- Prepare B6 à B9.
	+ Read the lesson (B6).
	+ Find out the new words.
	+ Answer the questions (B7)
IV. Feedback:
Week: 4	Date of planning: 30.08.2018
Period: 12	 	Date of teaching:
 After the lesson, the students can be able to:
 	+ Read and understand the passage.
	+ Pick up main information and complete the card.
	+ Way to write the birthday cards
 - Grammar:	Review of future simple tense	 
 - Vocabulary: invite ( v); invitation (n); party ( n); join(v) ; hope(v) 
2. SKILL: Reading, Speaking, Listening and Writing skills.
3. ATTITUDE: Ss love subjects
	T: Lesson plan, Cassette tape and player, Extra board.
	Ss: Vocabulary.
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1.Warm up:5’
-Stick picture B6 on the board and ask Ss some questions
- Introduce new lesson.
New lesson
+Pre-reading: 10’
- Have Ss give some information about Lan.
- Ask Ss to find out new words.
- Have Ss read the words after T.
+.While-reading: 20’
- Play the tape. 
- Ask Ss to read the passage again and find out the information form the passage.
- Check.
-Have Ss answer the questions.
-Have Ss prepare an invitation cards.
-Have Ss listen to the tape twice.
3. Consolidation:7’
 Have Ss practice asking and answering part B7
Ask Ss write a paragraph about one of their friends like B6
- Answer
- Listen 
- Look at.
- Guess.
- Answer
- Give meaning.
- Repeat
- Listen.
- Complete the invitation card and write the answer on the board.
- Work in groups.
- Show the board.
-Arrange words expressions in the column.
-Read again.
- Practice.
- Write
1. Who is she?
2. How old is she?
3. When is her birthday?
 B6. Read. Then complete the card.
* Vocabulary:
- invite ( v)
- invitation (n)
- party (n)
- join(v)
- hope(v)
Dear Huy,
 I am having a birthday party on Sunday, May 25.
 The party will be at my house at 24 Ly Thuong Kiet street.
 From 5:00 to 9:00.
 I hope you will come and join the fun.
 Tel. 8 674 758.
B7. Think and write. Imagine you will be a guest at Lan’s birthday party.
a/ I’ll give her 
b/ I’ll get to her house.................
c/ I’ll play....................................
d/ I’ll eat......................................
e/ I’ll drink...
f/ I’ll leave.....................................
B8*.Now write an invitation to your birthday party.
Dear ......... ,
I am having a birthday party .......... , ... The party will be at my house at .............................................. .............
From ........... to ..........
I hope you will come and join the fun.
 Tel. .................
B9. Play with words
 ( Textbooks )
4. Homework: 3’
- Write an invitation to your birthday party.
- Prepare Unit 3 (A1)
	 + Read the lesson and answer the questions.
	 + Find out the new words.
IV. Feedback:

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