Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 36 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge, skills, attitude:

Knowledge:  - Revision of grammar note

                     - Modal verbs.

- Questions words.

                     - Vocabulary.

Skills: Focus on writing, speaking, listening and reading skills. 

Attitude: Students work hard, actively.

2. Quality, ability needs forming and developing for the students:

- Ability  for self – study and reading comprehension.

- Ability for  solving situations and creation.

- Ability for joining the groups.

- Communicative ability.

II. Preparation:   

           Teacher: teaching plan, cassette tape and player.

           Students: books and notebooks.


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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 36 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 36 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
Week: 36	Date of preparation: 04.0.2019
Period: 106	 
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge, skills, attitude:
Knowledge: - Revision of grammar note
 	- Modal verbs.
- Questions words.
	- Vocabulary.
Skills: Focus on writing, speaking, listening and reading skills. 
Attitude: Students work hard, actively.
2. Quality, ability needs forming and developing for the students:
- Ability for self – study and reading comprehension.
- Ability for solving situations and creation.
- Ability for joining the groups.
- Communicative ability.
II. Preparation: 
 	Teacher: teaching plan, cassette tape and player.
	Students: books and notebooks.
III. Procedures:
	1. Class organization: 1’
	Checking the attendance.
	2. Oral checking: 5’
	Have ss read the lesson and and answer the questions.	 
	3. New lesson: 39’
 T’s activities
 Ss’ activities
Activity 1
 a. Purpose: 7’
 - Have Ss give the structures.
- Have Ss give examples.
 - Check.
b. Ways of organization:
 - ask and answer.
 - Check.
c. Students’ products. 
d. Teacher’s comments.
Activity 2
 a. Purpose: 30’
 - Have Ss give the structures.
- Have Ss give examples.
 - Check.
b. Ways of organization:
 - ask and answer.
 - Check.
c. Students’ products. 
d. Teacher’s comments
- Write the exercises on the board.
- Have Ss to work in groups to do the exercises.
- Check and correct
- Have Ss Write the sentences with the cues given.
- Correct
 - Tell.
- Copy down.
- Work in groups to do the exercises.
- Go to the board and write the answers. 
- Write the sentences with the cues given.
- Give their answer.
1. Questions words./ yes/ No- questions
Who, What, Where, Which, When, How, Why?
- what do you do at recess?
- How does she go to school?
- Why didn’t you go to school yesterday?
2. Vocabulary.
- He works on a farm. He’s a ..
- she makes dresses. She’s a 
- Mr Nam takes cares of sick people. He’s a 
 * Choose the best answer.
1. I volleyball last week.
a. play b. am playing 
c. will play d. played 
2. Yesterday, She  to her grandmother.
a. talk b. take c. took d. talked 
3. Last December, mom  me a new bike
a. buy b. to buy 
c. is buying d. bought
4. Dad  in Hue a few year ago.
a. work b. worked 
c. to work 
5. He  a letter to his friend last month.
a. send b. is sending 
c. sent d. to send 
6. Lan sometimes to the zoo.
a. go b. goes c. going d.went 
7. When they  children, they often played with each other.
a. is b. are c. was d. were 
8. Next school year, Mai in grade 8.
a. am b. is c. are d. will be
9. They .. on the farm now.
a. work b. will work 
 c. are working d. worked
10. She always .. care of herself only. 
a. take b. takes 
c. is taking d. to take
11. Yesterday, Mary didn’t have any meat for dinner and I didn’t have any meat for dinner,..
 a. neither	b. too 	
 c. so	 	 d. either
12. The pineapples are ripe and . are those ones.
a. neither	b. too	
c. so	 d. either 
13. Would you like table tennis with us, Chi? 
a. played	b. play 	
c. to play 	d. playing
 14 The weather.. very hot yesterday
	a. is	 	b. was	 
c. are	d. were
15. Nam played soccer with his friends...................
a. tomorrow. b. next week. 
c. two days ago. d. at the moment.
5. Homework: (2ms)
 - Have Ss read the exercise again. 
- Learn by heart the grammar notes.
 - Do the exercises again at home.
V. Feedback:
Week: 36	Date of preparation: 04.4.2019
Period: 107 	
. Objectives:
1. Knowledge, skills, attitude:
- Modal verbs.
- Questions words.
	- Vocabulary.
Skills: Focus on writing, speaking, listening and reading skills. 
Attitude: Students work hard, actively.
2. Quality, ability needs forming and developing for the students:
- Ability for self – study and reading comprehension.
- Ability for solving situations and creation.
- Ability for joining the groups.
- Communicative ability.
II. Preparation: 
 	Teacher: teaching plan, cassette tape and player.
	Students: books and notebooks.
III. Procedures:
	1. Class organization: 1’
	Checking the attendance.
	2. Oral checking: 5’
	Have ss read the lesson and and answer the questions.	 
	3. New lesson: 39’
 T’s activities
 Ss’ activities
Activity 1
 a. Purpose: 5’
 - Have Ss give the structures.
- Have Ss give examples.
 - Check.
b. Ways of organization:
 - ask and answer.
 - Check.
c. Students’ products. 
d. Teacher’s comments
Activity 1
 a. Purpose: 5’
 - Have Ss give the structures.
- Have Ss give examples.
 - Check.
b. Ways of organization:
 - ask and answer.
 - Check.
c. Students’ products. 
d. Teacher’s comments
- Explain how to do exercise
- Write the exercises on the board.
- Have Ss to work in groups to do the exercises.
- Check and correct
 - Tell.
- Copy down.
- Work in groups to do the exercises.
- Go to the board and write the answers. 
 Write the sentences with the cues given.
1./Yesterday/ Mai’s mother/ buy/ hat/ Mai.
à Yesterday, Mai’s mother bought a hat for Mai.
2. The Robinson family/go/ Tri Nguyen Aquarium/ Nha Trang /last summer vacation.
à The Robinson family went to Tri Nguyen Aquarium in Nha Trang last summer vacation.
3. Lan/ always/ Listen/ music/ free time.
à Lan always listens to music in her free time.
4. Would you like/ play/ table tennis / me?
à. Would you like to play table tennis with me?
5. Video game/ can/ addictive.
à Video games can be addictive.
*** Answer the questions about you.
1. What do you do in the evening?
2. Do you like the city/ Why/ Why not?
3. Do you like the countryside/ Why/ Why not?
4. What kind of programs do you like?
à I like to watch cartoons.
5. What TV programs do you want to see? 
à I want to see cartoons.
**Fill in the blanks
1. Tell me more ...........your family.
2. Can you send me a photo ...........your family?
3. What’s the matter .. you?
4. He goes ..........the city ............his wife.
5. It takes 18 hours to get .........Hanoi
We write ..........each other twice a week.
 My mother works...............the father.
 We'll visit her ..........Christmas.
 9. Are you tired ..............watching TV?
5. Homework: (4ms)
 Learn by heart the grammar notes
 Do the exercises again at home.
 Have Ss read the exercise again.
V. Feedback:
	T: ..

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