Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 32 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge, skills, attitude:


Give an advice and answer the advice about playing game.

-  Grammar:    Model verbs

-  Vocabulary: million, inventor, dizzy, develop, social, forget 

  Skills: Focus on writing, speaking, listening and reading skills. 

Attitude: Students work hard, actively.

2. Quality, ability needs forming and developing for the students:

- Ability  for self – study and reading comprehension.

- Ability for  solving situations and creation.

- Ability for joining the groups.

- Communicative ability.

II. Preparation:   

           Teacher: teaching plan, cassette tape and player.

           Students: books and notebooks.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 32 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 32 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
Date of planning: 22.3.2019
Period 94 to 96 week 32	 	
 Unit 15: GOING OUT
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge, skills, attitude:
Give an advice and answer the advice about playing game.
- Grammar: Model verbs
- Vocabulary: million, inventor, dizzy, develop, social, forget 
 Skills: Focus on writing, speaking, listening and reading skills. 
Attitude: Students work hard, actively.
2. Quality, ability needs forming and developing for the students:
- Ability for self – study and reading comprehension.
- Ability for solving situations and creation.
- Ability for joining the groups.
- Communicative ability.
II. Preparation: 
 	Teacher: teaching plan, cassette tape and player.
	Students: books and notebooks.
III. Procedures:
	1. Class organization: 1’
	Checking the attendance.
	2. Oral checking: 5’
	Have ss read the lesson and and answer the questions.	 
	3. New lesson: 39’
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
 Activity 1: 4’
 a. Purpose: 
- Show the pictures.
- Have Ss answer the questions.
b. Ways of organization:
 - Have Students give the answers.
 - Check.
c. Students’ products. 
d. Teacher’s comments.
 Activity 2: 26’
Knowledge 1
a. Purpose:
 - Give new words.
 - Check.
b. Ways of organization:
 - Have Ss listen to the tape.
 - Have ss answer the questions.
- Check.
c. Students’ products. 
d. Teacher’s comments.
Knowledge 2
a. Purpose:
 - Give the instructions.
 - Check.
b. Ways of organization:
 - Have fill in the blanks.
 - Have ss read the lesson.
- Check.
c. Students’ products. 
d. Teacher’s comments.
 Activity 3: 6’
- Have Ss read the lesson
a. Purpose:
- Read the lesson.
- Fill the blanks.
b. Ways of organization:
 - Fill in the blanks.
 - Check.
c. Students’ products. 
 - Have ss take notes.
d. Teacher’s comments
- guess.
- answer.
- Liten.
- write.
- Read.
- Liten
- write.
- Read.
- Liten
- write.
- Read.
Do you like playing games?
How often do you go?
Do you spend a lot of money?
A2. Listen and read: 
* New words:
Million (n)
Inventor (n)
Dizzy (adj)
Develop (v)
Social (adj)
Forget (v)
Now answer. Complete the sentences
a. D
b. A
c. D
d. B 
3. Complete the passage with the words in the box.
1. be 2. have
3. is 4. identify
5. are 6. use
7. can 8. will
9. buy 10. show
IV. Homework: 3’
- Read the questions and the answers at home.
- Prepare Unit 15 (B1) 
V. Feedback:
Date of planning: 22.3.2019
Period 95 week 32	 	
 Unit 15: GOING OUT
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge, skills, attitude:
- Describe and compare city and village in lifestyles.
	- Talk about hobbies.
 - Grammar: Model verbs.
 - Vocabulary: rest, neighborhood, quiet, traffic, hate, awake, direction, scare
 Skills: Focus on writing, speaking, listening and reading skills. 
Attitude: Students work hard, actively.
2. Quality, ability needs forming and developing for the students:
- Ability for self – study and reading comprehension.
- Ability for solving situations and creation.
- Ability for joining the groups.
- Communicative ability.
II. Preparation: 
 	Teacher: teaching plan, cassette tape and player.
	Students: books and notebooks.
III. Procedures:
	1. Class organization: 1’
	Checking the attendance.
	2. Oral checking: 5’
	Have ss read the lesson and and answer the questions.	 
	3. New lesson: 39’
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
 Activity 1: 4’
 a. Purpose: 
- Show the pictures.
- Have Ss answer the questions.
b. Ways of organization:
 - Have Students give the answers.
 - Check.
c. Students’ products. 
d. Teacher’s comments.
Activity 2: 26’
Knowledge 1
a. Purpose:
 - Give new words.
 - Check.
b. Ways of organization:
 - Have Ss listen to the tape.
 - Have ss answer the questions.
- Check.
c. Students’ products. 
d. Teacher’s comments.
 Activity 3: 6’
- Have Ss read the lesson
a. Purpose:
- Read the lesson.
- Fill the blanks.
b. Ways of organization:
 - Fill in the blanks.
 - Check.
c. Students’ products. 
 - Have ss take notes.
d. Teacher’s comments
- guess.
- answer.
- Liten.
- write.
- Read.
- Liten
- Do you like the city?
- Do you like the country?
B1.Listen . Then practice with a partner: 
* New words:
Rest (n)
Neighborhood (n)
Quiet (adj)
Traffic (n)
Hate (v)
Awake (adj)
Direction (n)
Scare (adj)
Now answer:
a. She goes to the school theater once a week. The rest of the week she usually stays at home in the evening.
b. No, she doesn’t like the city.
c. Before, Hoa lived in a village near Hue.
d. She liked living there because she knew all the people in her neighborhood; the village was quiet and there was only a little traffic.
e. She doesn’t like the city because it is noisy and the roads are busy.
f. She hates crossing the road most because bikes, motorbikes and cars come from every direction, and they scare her.
IV. Homework: 3’
- Read the questions and the answers at home.
	- Prepare B2: B4 for the next period.
 - Prepare new words.
V. Feedback:
Date of planning: 22.3.2019
Period 96 week 32	 	
 Unit 15: GOING OUT
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge, skills, attitude:
Tell about the life in the city and the country.
 - Grammar: Model verbs
 - Vocabulary: get used to, taught, raely, socialize, cost, public, decide
Skills: Focus on writing, speaking, listening and reading skills. 
Attitude: Students work hard, actively.
2. Quality, ability needs forming and developing for the students:
- Ability for self – study and reading comprehension.
- Ability for solving situations and creation.
- Ability for joining the groups.
- Communicative ability.
II. Preparation: 
 	Teacher: teaching plan, cassette tape and player.
	Students: books and notebooks.
III. Procedures:
	1. Class organization: 1’
	Checking the attendance.
	2. Oral checking: 5’
	Have ss read the lesson and and answer the questions.	 
	3. New lesson: 39’
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
 Activity 1: 4’
 a. Purpose: 
- Show the pictures.
- Have Ss answer the questions.
b. Ways of organization:
 - Have Students give the answers.
 - Check.
c. Students’ products. 
d. Teacher’s comments.
 Activity 2: 26’
Knowledge 1
a. Purpose:
 - Give intructions.
 - Check.
b. Ways of organization:
 - Have ss answer the questions.
- Check.
c. Students’ products. 
d. Teacher’s comments.
 Knowledge 2
a. Purpose:
 - Give the instructions.
 - Play tape twice.
- Check.
b. Ways of organization:
 - Have fill in the blanks.
 - Have ss read the lesson.
- Check.
c. Students’ products. 
d. Teacher’s comments.
 Activity 3: 6’
- Have Ss read the lesson
a. Purpose:
- Read the lesson.
- Fill the blanks.
b. Ways of organization:
 - Fill in the blanks.
 - Check.
c. Students’ products. 
 - Have ss take notes.
d. Teacher’s comments
- guess.
- answer.
- Liten.
- write.
- Read.
- Liten
- Liten
- write.
- Read.
- write.
- Read.
- Do you like the city? Why?
- Do you like the country?
B2. Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions.
- I like the city. Because it is noisy and busy. We have a lot of work to do.
- I like the country. Because it is very simple. It’s very quiet and peaceful.
B4. Listen. Match each name to an activity.
The answers:
Ba: b
Hoa: a
Nam: c
Lan: f
An: e
Nga: d
IV. Homework: 3’
- Learn the lesson at home. 
	- Prepare part A3 – Unit 15
	+ Read. Then make the list of things Hoa does in the evening.
+ Read the questions and the answers at home.
V. Feedback:
4/ Homework: (4ms)
 Ask Ss to: 
IV/ Feedback:
	Teacher: ..

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