Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 32 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

I. Objectives:

           1. KNOWLEDGE:

 After the lesson, the students can be able to:

            Give an advice and answer the advice about playing game.

-  Grammar:   Model verbs

-  Vocabulary: million; inventor; dizzy; develop; social; forget .

2.  SKILL:  Listening and Writing skills.

3. ATTITUDE: Ss love subjects


           T: Lesson plan, Cassette tape and player, Extra board.

           Ss: Vocabulary.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 32 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 32 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
Week: 32	Date of preparation: 22.03.2018
Period: 94	Date of teaching: 
 	Unit 15: GOING OUT
I. Objectives:
 After the lesson, the students can be able to:
	 Give an advice and answer the advice about playing game.
- Grammar: Model verbs
- Vocabulary: million; inventor; dizzy; develop; social; forget .
2. SKILL: Listening and Writing skills.
3. ATTITUDE: Ss love subjects
	T: Lesson plan, Cassette tape and player, Extra board.
	Ss: Vocabulary.
 T’s activities
 Ss’ activities
1/ Warm up:(7ms)
- Ask Ss some questions.
- Listen and correct 
- Give points.
2/New Lesson
+ Presentation
- Ask Ss elicit the new words.
- Lead Ss read the new words.
+ Practice (20 ms)
- Play the tapes twice.
- Ask Ss read silent the text.
- Ask Ss work in groups to answer the questions.
- Correct.
- Have Ss read the passage. Then complete the passage with the words in the box.
- Check and correct.
3/ Consolidation: (4ms)
- Have Ss read part 3 again.
- Have Ss tell about the advantage and disadvantage of playing games
- Have Ss discuss about the advantage and disadvantage of playing games.
- Listen and help.
- Answer the questions
- Listen. 
- Feedback.
- Listen.
- Elicit the new words and give the meaning.
- Repeat.
- Listen 
- Read.
- Ask Ss work in groups.
- Give the answers.
- Feedback.
- Read.
- Complete.
- Correct and copy down.
- Read.
- Tell about the advantage and disadvantage of playing games.
- Discuss about the advantage and disadvantage of playing games.
Where is Nam going?
What is he going to do?
How often does he go?
Does he spend a lot of money?
A2. Listen and read: 
* New words:
Now answer. Complete the sentences
a. D
b. A
c. D
d. B 
3. Complete the passage with the words in the box.
1. be 2. have
3. is 4. identify
5. are 6. use
7. can 8. will
9. buy 10. show
4/ Homework: (4ms)
 Ask Ss to: Learn the lesson at home. 
 Read the questions and the answers at home.
	 Prepare B1 for the next period
 - Prepare new words
 - Do exercises.
IV/ Feedback:
	Teacher: ..
 Students: ....
Week: 32	Date of preparation: 22.03.2018
Period: 95	Date of teaching: 
Unit 15: GOING OUT
I. Objectives:
 After the lesson, the students can be able to:
	 	- Describe and compare city and village in lifestyles.
	- Talk about hobbies.
- Grammar: Model verbs
 - Vocabulary: rest; neighborhood; quiet; traffic; hate; awake; direction; scare
2. SKILL: Speaking skill. 
3. ATTITUDE: Ss love subjects
	T: Lesson plan, Cassette tape and player, Extra board.
	Ss: Vocabulary.
 T’s activities
 Ss’ activities
1/ Warm up:(7ms)
- Call some Ss read part A3 again
- Correct and give marks.
2/ New Lesson
+ Presentation (10ms)
- Ask Ss elicit the new words.
- Lead Ss read the new words.
+ Practice (20 ms)
- Play the tapes twice.
- Ask Ss read silent the text.
- Ask Ss work in groups to answer the questions.
- Correct.
3/ Consolidation: (4ms)
- Have Ss read the lesson again.
- Have Ss tell about the advantage and disadvantage of living in the country or in the city.
- Have Ss practice asking and answering the questions.
- Listen and help.
- learn some sentences part A3. Then write some sentences on the board.
- Listen. 
- Feedback.
- Listen.
- Elicit the new words and give the meaning.
- Repeat.
- Listen 
- Read.
- Listen.
- Ask Ss work in groups.
- Give the answers.
- Feedback.
- Read
 - Tell
- Answer the questions.
Read the exercise A3 again
B1.Listen . Then practice with a partner: 
* New words:
Now answer:
a. She goes to the school theater once a week. The rest of the week she usually stays at home in the evening.
b. No, she doesn’t like the city.
c. Before, Hoa lived in a village near Hue.
d. She liked living there because she knew all the people in her neighborhood; the village was quiet and there was only a little traffic.
e. She doesn’t like the city because it is noisy and the roads are busy.
f. She hates crossing the road most because bikes, motorbikes and cars come from every direction, and they scare her.
Do you like living in the country or in the city? Why?/ Why not?.
4/ Homework: (4ms)
 Ask Ss to: Learn the lesson at home. 
 Read the questions and the answers at home.
	 Prepare B2: B4 for the next period
 - Prepare new words
 - Do exercises.
IV/ Feedback:
	Teacher: ..
 Students: ..
Week: 32	Date of preparation: 22.03.2018
Period: 96	Date of teaching: 
Unit 15: GOING OUT
I. Objectives:
 After the lesson, the students can be able to:
	 	 Listen and Match each name to an activity.
- Grammar: Model verbs
 - Vocabulary: rest; neighborhood; quiet; traffic; hate; awake; direction; scare
2. SKILL: Listening skill. 
3. ATTITUDE: Ss love subjects
	T: Lesson plan, Cassette tape and player, Extra board.
	Ss: Vocabulary.
 T’s activities
 Ss’ activities
1/ Warm up:(7ms)
- Call 2 Ss practice the dialogue (B1). Then answer the questions.
- Listen and correct 
- Give points.
2/New Lesson
+ Presentation.(7ms)
- Ask Ss work in groups to answer the questions.
- Explain how to do exercise.
+ Practice (23 ms)
- Have Ss Practice asking and answering the questions.
- Correct.
- Play the tape twice.
 - Have Ss listen. Then matching.
- Have Ss compare the answer.
- Play the tape again. Then correct.
3/ Consolidation: (4ms)
- Have Ss read the lesson again.
- Use names and pictures in part B4. Make the sentences.
- Have Ss tell their own activities in the evening.
- Listen and help.
- Read then answer the questions
- Listen. 
- Feedback.
- Discuss.
- Practice asking and answering the questions.
- Give the answers.
- Feedback.
- Listen
 - Listen and do the exercise
- Compare.
- Give the answer.
- Feedback and copy down.
- Read.
- Make sentences.
- Tell their own activities in the evening. Listen and correct.
B2. Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions
 Students’ answer.
B4. Listen. Match each name to an activity.
The answers:
Ba: b
Hoa: a
Nam: c
Lan: f
An: e
Nga: d
Tape transcription:
Yesterday evening, Ba plays table tennis.
Nga saw a movie
Lan went to a restaurant
Hoa played chess
Nam listened to CDs
An watched a soccer match.
4/ Homework: (4ms)
 Ask Ss to: Learn the lesson at home. 
	Prepare part B3 – Unit 15
	+ Read. Then make the list of things Hoa does in the evening.
IV/ Feedback:
	Teacher: ..

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  • docgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_7_tuan_32_nam_hoc_2017_2018_truong_thc.doc