Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 31 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge, skills, attitude:

Knowledge:  Talk about TV and popular TV programs. 

*Grammar:  + Like and prefer + to-infinitive/gerund.

+ Prepositions and expressions of time.

*Vocabulary: pop music, folk music, bands, knowledge, contests, contestants, viewer, foreign.

  Skills: Focus on writing, speaking, listening and reading skills. 

Attitude: Students work hard, actively.

2. Quality, ability needs forming and developing for the students:

- Ability  for self – study and reading comprehension.

- Ability for  solving situations and creation.

- Ability for joining the groups.

- Communicative ability.

II. Preparation:   

           Teacher: teaching plan, cassette tape and player.

           Students: books and notebooks.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 31 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 31 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
Date of planning: 14.3.2019
Period 91 to 93 week 31	 	
 B. What’s on? (B3 – B4)
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge, skills, attitude:
Knowledge: Talk about TV and popular TV programs. 
*Grammar:	+ Like and prefer + to-infinitive/gerund.
+ Prepositions and expressions of time.
*Vocabulary: pop music, folk music, bands, knowledge, contests, contestants, viewer, foreign.
 Skills: Focus on writing, speaking, listening and reading skills. 
Attitude: Students work hard, actively.
2. Quality, ability needs forming and developing for the students:
- Ability for self – study and reading comprehension.
- Ability for solving situations and creation.
- Ability for joining the groups.
- Communicative ability.
II. Preparation: 
 	Teacher: teaching plan, cassette tape and player.
	Students: books and notebooks.
III. Procedures:
	1. Class organization: 1’
	Checking the attendance.
	2. Oral checking: 5’
	Have ss read the lesson and and answer the questions.	 
	3. New lesson: 39’
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
Activity 1: 4’
 a. Purpose: 
- Show the pictures.
- Have Ss answer the questions.
b. Ways of organization:
 - Have Students give the answers.
 - Check.
c. Students’ products. 
d. Teacher’s comments.
Activity 2: 26’
Knowledge 1
a. Purpose:
 - Give new words.
 - Check.
b. Ways of organization:
 - Have Ss listen to the tape.
 - Have ss answer the questions.
- Check.
c. Students’ products. 
 - Have ss take notes.
d. Teacher’s comments.
Knowledge 2
a. Purpose:
- Read the lesson.
- Guess the words to fill the blanks.
- Check.
b. Ways of organization:
 - Fill in the blanks.
 - Check.
c. Students’ products. 
 - Have ss take notes.
d. Teacher’s comments.
 Activity 3: 6’
- Have Ss read the lesson
a. Purpose:
- Read the lesson.
- Fill the blanks.
b. Ways of organization:
 - Fill in the blanks.
 - Check.
c. Students’ products. 
 - Have ss take notes.
d. Teacher’s comments.
- guess.
- answer.
- Liten.
- write.
- Read.
- Liten.
- What’s this?
à Band.
à contest.
à film.
B3. Listen and read. Then answer the questions. 
* New words:
- pop music (n)
- folk music (n)
- band (n)
- knowledge (n)
- contests (n)
- contestants (n)
- viewer (n)
- foreign (n)
* The answers
a. Teenagers like to hear the latest pop music and see the shows of their favorite artists.
b. In contest programs, the contestants are students, workers or family members.
c. Imports usually include police and hospital series.
d. Student’s answers.
4. Write. Complete the passage.
1. around 2. watch
3. listen 4. series
5. show 6. like
7. station 8. receive
9. cities 10. possible
IV. Homework: 3’
- Read the questions and the answers at home.
- Prepare part revision for the next period. 
V. Feedback:
Week: 31	Date of preparation: 14.03.2019
Period: 92	Date of teaching: 
I/ Objectives:
Have Ss revise the grammar note and structures. 
Develop the skill of doing test.
II/ Preparation:
	- Pieces of papers
III/ Procedures:
	1/ Check the attendants:
2/ Oral :
3/ New lesson:
a) Matrix:
 Cấp độ
Nội dung từ
 bài 12- bài 14
Nhận biết
Thông hiểu
Vận dụng
 Cấp độ thấp
Cấp độ cao
 ( 20%)
4 câu
0,5 điểm
4 câu
 2 điểm
Language focus (40%)
- Knowledge.
- past simple.
- how much?
- preposition.
- Why?
- heath
0,5 điểm
0,5 điểm 
0,5 điểm
2 câu
0,5 điểm
8 câu
 4 điểm
Read ( 20%)
-Yes/ no questions.
- WH- questions.
4 câu
 0,25 điểm
1 câu
0,5 điểm
1 câu
0,5 điểm
6 câu
2 điểm
Write (20%)
4 câu 0,5điểm
4 câu
 2 điểm
Tổng số câu 
Tổng số điểm
Tỉ lệ %(100%)
Số câu 10
Số điểm 5
Số câu 3
Số điểm 1,5
Số câu 9
Số điểm 3,5
Số câu 22
Số điểm 10
b) Content:
Đề 1
I. Listen and write the missing words. ( 2pts)
	Thirty years (1)  in Viet Nam, very few people (2). TV sets. Those TV owners were very popular. After (3), their neighbors gathered both inside and outside their houses. Some watched through the (4). .
 	II. Language focus: (4pts)
a. Choose the best option A,B,C or D to complete each sentences. 
	1. You must  your homework first.
	a. do	 	b. to do 	c. did	d. doing
2. She likes bananas andI 
	a. so did	b. too do	 	c. so do 	d. am too
3. He is a .student. 
 	a. good 	b. goodly 	c. well 	d. gooder
4. I prefer .. TV in the evening.
 a. watch	 	b. watching 	c. listening	d. listen
b. Match column (A) with column (B):
1. Would you like to play soccer?
2. Who invented the deep-sea diving vessel? 
3. Did you go to school yesterday?
4. Nam doesn’t like beef.
a. I’d like to.
b. Yes, I did.
c. Yes, I do.
d. Neither do I.
e. Jacques Cousteau.
1. ..	2. ..	3. 	 4. 
III. Read the passage. Then answer the questions.
 Lan is my classmate. She likes sports very much so she often plays badminton or volleyball after school. She also goes swimming on Sundays. In the evening, when she finishes her homework and the housework, she often listens to music. Sometimes, she watches sports shows or sees movies on TV. She also goes to the movies once a month. Whenever she goes, she always calls Chi and Mai to go together with her.
 1. Questions: (1pt)
 a. Does Lan play sports after school?
 b. When does Lan go swimming? 
 2. Stick (v) true or false: (1pt)
True (T)
False (F)
a. She doesn’t like sports very much. 
b. She also goes swimming on Sundays.
c. She also goes to the movies twice a month. 
d. she often listens to music after watching TV.
IV. Answer the questions about you.(1pt)
 1. Did you do your homework last night?
	 2. Which sports do you like? 
V. Order the words into sentences.(1pt)
1. Let’s/ on/ Friday/ go.
2. you/ Would/ like/ soccer/ to play?
3. kind of/ what/ progams/ like / do/ you?
4. skillfully/ plays/ He/ volleyball.
I/ Listen and write the missing words. ( 2pts)
II. Language focus:
Đề 1
Đề 2
Đề 3
Đề 4
III/ Read the passage and answer the questions. (2pts)
 	 1. Yes, she does.
 2. She also goes swimming on Sundays.
1. F	2. T	3. T	4. F
IV. Answer the questions about you.(1pt)
 1. Yes, I did.
	2. I like .. 
V. Order the words into sentences.(1pt)
1. Let’s go on Friday.
 2. Would you like to play soccer?
 	3. what kind of progams do you like?
4. He plays volleyball skillfully.
4/ Consolidation:
	- Take students’ papers.
5/ Homework:
	- Prepare unit 15 (A1)
IV/ Feedback:
Date of planning: 14.3.2019
Period 93 week 31	 	
Unit 15: GOING OUT
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge, skills, attitude:
Knowledge: - Give an advice and answer the advice about playing game.
	 - Talk about the video games.
 - Grammar: Modal verbs.	 
 - Vocabulary: amusement; expensive; addictive; arcade 
 Skills: Focus on writing, speaking, listening and reading skills. 
Attitude: Students work hard, actively.
2. Quality, ability needs forming and developing for the students:
- Ability for self – study and reading comprehension.
- Ability for solving situations and creation.
- Ability for joining the groups.
- Communicative ability.
II. Preparation: 
 	Teacher: teaching plan, cassette tape and player.
	Students: books and notebooks.
III. Procedures:
	1. Class organization: 1’
	Checking the attendance.
	2. Oral checking: 5’
	Have ss read the lesson and and answer the questions.	 
	3. New lesson: 39’
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
Activity 1: 4’
 a. Purpose: 
- Show the pictures.
- Have Ss answer the questions.
b. Ways of organization:
 - Have Students give the answers.
 - Check.
c. Students’ products. 
d. Teacher’s comments.
Activity 2: 26’
a. Purpose:
 - Give new words.
 - Check.
b. Ways of organization:
 - Have Ss listen to the tape.
 - Have ss answer the questions.
- Check.
c. Students’ products. 
 - Have ss take notes.
d. Teacher’s comments.
 Activity 3: 6’
- Have Ss read the lesson.
- Ask and answer the questions again.
a. Purpose:
- Read the lesson.
- Fill the blanks.
b. Ways of organization:
 - Fill in the blanks.
 - Check.
c. Students’ products. 
 - Have ss take notes.
d. Teacher’s comments.
- guess.
- answer.
- Liten.
- write.
- Read.
- Liten.
- Who is he? 
- what is he doing?
- Do you like playing Video games?
- How often do you play games a week? 
A1. Listen. Then practice with a partner. 
* New words:
Amusement (n)
Expensive (adj)
Addictive (adj)
Arcade (n)
Worry (v)
* The answers.
a. He is going to the amusement center.
b. He is going to play video game.
c. He goes to the amusement center about once a week.
d. No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t spend much money.
e. He usually stays for about an hour.
f. Nam must be careful because video games can be addictive.
g. He’ll do his homework later.
IV. Homework: 3’
- Read the questions and the answers at home.
- Prepare part revision for the next period. 
V. Feedback:

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