Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 25 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã


           1. KNOWLEDGE:

           After the lesson, the students can be able to:

                       Talk about sickness, their symptoms and cues.

           Grammar: Why…? à Because……..

 Vocabulary: symptom (n); a runny nose (n); a slight fever (n); coughing (n); 

 sneezing disease (n); common (adj); catch (v); cure (v); unpleasant (n);

  medicine (n); relieve (v); prevent (v); disappear (v)

2. SKILL:    Focus on reading skill.

3. ATTITUDE: Ss know about sickness, their symptoms and cues 


           T: Lesson plan, Cassette tape and player, Extra board.

           Ss: Vocabulary 

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 25 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 25 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
Week: 25	Date of preparation: 25.01.2019
Period: 73	Date of teaching: 
 (B3 “không dạy”,B4, B5) 
 	After the lesson, the students can be able to:
	 Talk about sickness, their symptoms and cues.
 	Grammar: Why? à Because..
 Vocabulary: symptom (n); a runny nose (n); a slight fever (n); coughing (n); 
 sneezing disease (n); common (adj); catch (v); cure (v); unpleasant (n);
 medicine (n); relieve (v); prevent (v); disappear (v)
2. SKILL: Focus on reading skill.
3. ATTITUDE: Ss know about sickness, their symptoms and cues 
	T: Lesson plan, Cassette tape and player, Extra board.
	Ss: Vocabulary 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1.Warm up: (5’)
 Ask Ss some questions.
2.New Lesson
+ Pre-reading: (15’)
- Have Ss answer the questions
- Stick the picture on the board and have Ss guess.
- Present vocabulary.
- Have Ss read the text
+While-reading: (15’)
- Have Ss give the main idea.
- Have Ss answer the questions in pairs
-Have Ss give the answer in front of the class.
- Correct
- Answer.
- Answer.
- Look at the picture and guess. Then give meaning of the words.
- Read new words fluently.
-Take note
-Read silently
- Answer and write them on the board
-Take notes
1. Who was absent yesterday?
2. Do you know the reason?
3. What was wrong with her / him? 
B4. Read. Then answer the questions. 
1. Do you know which disease is the most common?
2. Do you know what symptoms of the common cold are
- symptom (n): triệu chứng
- runny nose (n): sổ mũi nước
- fever (n): bệnh sốt
- cough (v): ho
- sneeze (v): chảy mũi
- common (adj): thông thường
- cure (v): chữa trị
- unpleasant (a): khó chịu
- medicine (n): y khoa, thuốc
- relieve (v):làm giảm, làm dịu bớt
- prevent (v):ngăn ngừa
- disappear (v): biến mất
* The answers:
a/ Because every year millions of people catch it
b/ They are a runny nose a slight fever, coughing and sneezing
c/ No, there is cure for the common cold
d/ We can prevent a cold by eating well, doing exercise, keeping fit and staying healthy
3. Consolidation: (7’)
- Have Ss read the lesson again.
- Practice asking and answering the questions
 4. Homework (3’)
	Review the lesson from Unit 9 to Unit 11.
Prepare “A test period” for next period.
IV. Feed back.
Week: 25	Date of preparation: 25.01.2019
Period: 74	Date of teaching: 
I/ Objectives:
Have Ss revise the grammar note and structures. 
Develop the skill of doing test.
II/ Preparation:
	- Pieces of papers
III/ Procedures:
	1/ Check the attendants:
2/ Oral :
3/ New lesson:
 Cấp độ
Nội dung từ
 bài 9- bài 11
Nhận biết
Thông hiểu
Vận dụng
 Cấp độ thấp
Cấp độ cao
 ( 20%)
4 câu
0,5 điểm
4 câu
 2 điểm
Language focus (40%)
- Knowledge.
- past simple.
- how much?
- preposition.
- Why?
- heath
0,5 điểm
0,5 điểm 
0,5 điểm
2 câu
0,5 điểm
8 câu
 4 điểm
Read ( 20%)
-Yes/ no questions.
- WH- questions.
4 câu
 0,25 điểm
1 câu
0,5 điểm
1 câu
0,5 điểm
6 câu
2 điểm
Write (20%)
4 câu 0,5điểm
4 câu
 2 điểm
Tổng số câu 
Tổng số điểm
Tỉ lệ %(100%)
Số câu 10
Số điểm 5
Số câu 3
Số điểm 1,5
Số câu 9
Số điểm 3,5
Số câu 22
Số điểm 10
b) Content:
I. Listen and write the missing words. ( 2pts)
 Doctor: I want to ask you a few questions before I start, Hoa. 
 (1) .. old are you?
 Hoa: (2)..
 Doctor: And your height is one meter (3) centimeters.
 Hoa: No. I think I’m shorter. The nurse measured me
 Doctor: Oh. How (4) are you? 
 Hoa: One meter 45 centimeters.
 	II. Language focus: (4pts)
a. Choose the best option A,B,C or D which best complete each sentence. 
1. Minh .. soccer with his friends in the park last week. 
 	A. played 	B. playing	C. plays	D. playing
2. What’s wrong .. you? à I have a bad toothache.
 	A. on 	B. at	C. for	D. with 
3. Don’t forget to brush your after meals.
 	A. teeth 	B. feet	C. hands	D. head
4. How .. is the green dress? It is 30.000 dong.
	 	A. tall	 	B. far	C. much	 D. many
	b. Match column (A) with column (B):
1. What’s the matter with you?
a. He’s 41 kilos.
2. What’s his weight?
b. I had a toothache.
3. Why didn’t you go to school yester day?
c. It’s 15.000 dong.
4. How much is the blue hat?
d. Because I was sick.
	1. ..	2. ..	3. 	 4. 
III. Read the passage and answer the questions. (2pts)
Minh is sitting in Dr Lai’s surgery. Dr Lai is checking his teeth. Dr Lai is kind. She smiles at Minh and says, “ Don’t worry, Minh. You have one small cavity, but it isn’t serious. Your other teeth are fine.”
Minh is very happy. Dr Lai fills the cavity in Minh’s tooth. She finishes in less than 10 minutes. Minh leaves. He is very pleased.
 a. Questions:
Where is Minh sitting?
2. Is the cavity serious?
 b. Stick (v) true or false:
True (T)
False (F)
a. Dr Lai is checking his teeth.
b. The cavity is serious.
c. She finishes in less than 10 minutes. 
d. Minh leaves. He is not pleased.
IV. Order the words into sentences.(1pt)
	1. was/ what/ with/ you/ wrong?
	2. I/ scared/ am/seeing/ the dentist/ of.
	3. you/ buy/ Did/ souvenirs/ any?
	4. Would/ open/ you/your mouth, please?
V. Answer about you: (1pt)
1. How heavy are you?
	2. Where do you go if you have a toothache?
- End -
I/ Listen and write the missing words. ( 2pts)
II. Language focus:
Đề 1
Đề 2
Đề 3
Đề 4
III/ Read the passage and answer the questions. (2pts)
 	 1. Minh is sitting in Dr Lai’s surgery.
 2. No, it isn’t.
1. T	2. F	3. T	4. F
IV. Order the words into sentences.(1pt)
1. what was wrong with you?
	2. I am scared of seeing the dentist/ ?
	3. Did you buy any souvenirs ?
	4. Would you open your mouth, please?
V. Answer about you: (1pt)
1. I am 40 kilos.
	2. I go to the dentist.
4/ Consolidation:
	- Take students’ papers.
5/ Homework:
	- Prepare unit 12 (A1)
IV/ Feedback:
Đề 1
I. Listen and write the missing words. ( 2pts)
 Doctor: I want to ask you a few questions before I start, Hoa. 
 (1) .. old are you?
 Hoa: (2)..
 Doctor: And your height is one meter (3) centimeters.
 Hoa: No. I think I’m shorter. The nurse measured me
 Doctor: Oh. How (4) are you? 
 Hoa: One meter 45 centimeters.
 	II. Language focus: (4pts)
a. Choose the best option A,B,C or D which best complete each sentence. 
1. Minh .. soccer with his friends in the park last week. 
 	A. played 	B. playing	C. plays	D. playing
2. What’s wrong .. you? à I have a bad toothache.
 	A. on 	B. at	C. for	D. with 
3. Don’t forget to brush your after meals.
 	A. teeth 	B. feet	C. hands	D. head
4. How .. is the green dress? It is 30.000 dong.
	 	A. tall	 	B. far	C. much	 D. many
	b. Match column (A) with column (B):
1. What’s the matter with you?
a. He’s 41 kilos.
2. What’s his weight?
b. I had a toothache.
3. Why didn’t you go to school yester day?
c. It’s 15.000 dong.
4. How much is the blue hat?
d. Because I was sick.
	1. ..	2. ..	3. 	 4. 
III. Read the passage and answer the questions. (2pts)
Minh is sitting in Dr Lai’s surgery. Dr Lai is checking his teeth. Dr Lai is kind. She smiles at Minh and says, “ Don’t worry, Minh. You have one small cavity, but it isn’t serious. Your other teeth are fine.”
Minh is very happy. Dr Lai fills the cavity in Minh’s tooth. She finishes in less than 10 minutes. Minh leaves. He is very pleased.
 a. Questions:
Where is Minh sitting?
2. Is the cavity serious?
 b. Stick (v) true or false:
True (T)
False (F)
a. Dr Lai is checking his teeth.
b. The cavity is serious.
c. She finishes in less than 10 minutes. 
d. Minh leaves. He is not pleased.
IV. Order the words into sentences.(1pt)
	1. was/ what/ with/ you/ wrong?
	2. I/ scared/ am/seeing/ the dentist/ of.
	3. you/ buy/ Did/ souvenirs/ any?
	4. Would/ open/ you/your mouth, please?
V. Answer about you: (1pt)
1. How heavy are you?
	2. Where do you go if you have a toothache?
	- End -
Đề 2
I. Listen and write the missing words. ( 2pts)
 Doctor: I want to ask you a few questions before I start, Hoa. 
 (1) .. old are you?
 Hoa: (2)..
 Doctor: And your height is one meter (3) centimeters.
 Hoa: No. I think I’m shorter. The nurse measured me
 Doctor: Oh. How (4) are you? 
 Hoa: One meter 45 centimeters.
 	II. Language focus: (4pts)
a. Choose the best option A,B,C or D which best complete each sentence. 
1. Don’t forget to brush your after meals.
 	A. teeth 	B. feet	C. hands	D. head
2. How .. is the green dress? It is 30.000 dong.
	 	A. tall	 	B. far	C. much	 D. many
3. Minh .. soccer with his friends in the park last week. 
 	A. played 	B. playing	C. plays	D. playing
4. What’s wrong .. you? à I have a bad toothache.
 	A. on 	B. at	C. for	D. with 
b. Match column (A) with column (B):
1. What’s the matter with you?
a. I had a toothache.
2. What’s his weight?
b. He’s 41 kilos.
3. Why didn’t you go to school yester day?
c. It’s 15.000 dong.
4. How much is the blue hat?
d. Because I was sick.
	1. ..	2. ..	3. 	 4. 
III. Read the passage and answer the questions. (2pts)
Minh is sitting in Dr Lai’s surgery. Dr Lai is checking his teeth. Dr Lai is kind. She smiles at Minh and says, “ Don’t worry, Minh. You have one small cavity, but it isn’t serious. Your other teeth are fine.”
Minh is very happy. Dr Lai fills the cavity in Minh’s tooth. She finishes in less than 10 minutes. Minh leaves. He is very pleased.
 a. Questions:
1. Where is Minh sitting?
2. Is the cavity serious?
 b. Stick (v) true or false:
True (T)
False (F)
a. Dr Lai is checking his teeth.
b. The cavity is serious.
c. She finishes in less than 10 minutes. 
d. Minh leaves. He is not pleased.
IV. Order the words into sentences.(1pt)
	1. was/ what/ with/ you/ wrong?
	2. I/ scared/ am/seeing/ the dentist/ of.
	3. you/ buy/ Did/ souvenirs/ any?
	4. Would/ open/ you/your mouth, please?
V. Answer about you: (1pt)
1. How heavy are you?
	2. Where do you go if you have a toothache?
	- End -
Đề 3
I. Listen and write the missing words. ( 2pts)
 Doctor: I want to ask you a few questions before I start, Hoa. 
 (1) .. old are you?
 Hoa: (2)..
 Doctor: And your height is one meter (3) centimeters.
 Hoa: No. I think I’m shorter. The nurse measured me
 Doctor: Oh. How (4) are you? 
 Hoa: One meter 45 centimeters.
 	II. Language focus: (4pts)
a. Choose the best option A,B,C or D which best complete each sentence. 
1. How .. is the green dress? It is 30.000 dong.
	 	A. tall	 	B. far	C. much	D. many
2. Don’t forget to brush your after meals.
 	A. teeth 	B. feet	C. hands	D. head
3. Minh .. soccer with his friends in the park last week. 
 	A. played 	B. playing	C. plays	D. playing
4. What’s wrong .. you? à I have a bad toothache.
 	A. on 	B. at	C. for	D. with 
b. Match column (A) with column (B):
1. How much is the blue hat?
a. I had a toothache.
2. What’s his weight?
b. He’s 41 kilos.
3. Why didn’t you go to school yester day?
c. It’s 15.000 dong.
4. What’s the matter with you?
d. Because I was sick.
	1. ..	2. ..	3. 	 4. 
III. Read the passage and answer the questions. (2pts)
Minh is sitting in Dr Lai’s surgery. Dr Lai is checking his teeth. Dr Lai is kind. She smiles at Minh and says, “ Don’t worry, Minh. You have one small cavity, but it isn’t serious. Your other teeth are fine.”
Minh is very happy. Dr Lai fills the cavity in Minh’s tooth. She finishes in less than 10 minutes. Minh leaves. He is very pleased.
 a. Questions:
1. Where is Minh sitting?
2. Is the cavity serious?
b. Stick (v) true or false:
True (T)
False (F)
a. Dr Lai is checking his teeth.
b. The cavity is serious.
c. She finishes in less than 10 minutes. 
d. Minh leaves. He is not pleased.
IV. Order the words into sentences.(1pt)
	1. was/ what/ with/ you/ wrong?
	2. I/ scared/ am/seeing/ the dentist/ of?
	3. you/ buy/ Did/ souvenirs/ any?
	4. Would/ open/ you/your mouth, please?
V. Answer about you: (1pt)
1. How heavy are you?
	2. Where do you go if you have a toothache?
	- End -
Đề 4
I. Listen and write the missing words. (2pts)
 Doctor: I want to ask you a few questions before I start, Hoa. 
 (1) .. old are you?
 Hoa: (2)..
 Doctor: And your height is one meter (3) centimeters.
 Hoa: No. I think I’m shorter. The nurse measured me
 Doctor: Oh. How (4) are you? 
 Hoa: One meter 45 centimeters.
 	II. Language focus: (4pts)
a. Choose the best option A,B,C or D which best complete each sentence. 
1. How .. is the green dress? It is 30.000 dong.
	 	A. tall	 	B. much	C. far	D. many
2. Don’t forget to brush your after meals.
 	A. teeth 	B. feet	C. hands	D. head
3. Minh .. soccer with his friends in the park last week. 
 	A. plays 	B. playing	C. played	D. playing
4. What’s wrong .. you? à I have a bad toothache.
 	A. on 	B. at	C. for	D. with 
b. Match column (A) with column (B):
1. How much is the blue hat?
a. I had a toothache.
2. What’s his weight?
b. He’s 41 kilos.
3. Why didn’t you go to school yester day?
c. It’s 15.000 dong.
4. What’s the matter with you?
d. Because I was sick.
	1. ..	2. ..	3. 	 4. 
III. Read the passage and answer the questions. (2pts)
Minh is sitting in Dr Lai’s surgery. Dr Lai is checking his teeth. Dr Lai is kind. She smiles at Minh and says, “ Don’t worry, Minh. You have one small cavity, but it isn’t serious. Your other teeth are fine.”
Minh is very happy. Dr Lai fills the cavity in Minh’s tooth. She finishes in less than 10 minutes. Minh leaves. He is very pleased.
 a. Questions:
1. Where is Minh sitting?
2. Is the cavity serious?
 b. Stick (v) true or false:
True (T)
False (F)
a. Dr Lai is checking his teeth.
b. The cavity is serious.
c. She finishes in less than 10 minutes. 
d. Minh leaves. He is not pleased.
IV. Order the words into sentences.(1pt)
	1. was/ what/ with/ you/ wrong?
	2. I/ scared/ am/seeing/ the dentist/ of?
	3. you/ buy/ Did/ souvenirs/ any?
	4. Would/ open/ you/your mouth, please?
V. Answer about you: (1pt)
1. How heavy are you?
	2. Where do you go if you have a toothache?
	- End -
Week: 25	Date of preparation: 25.01.2019
Period: 75	Date of teaching: 	 
 	After the lesson, the students can be able to:
+ Identify kinds of food: meat, vegetables, sea food.
	 + Talk about food: likes and dislikes.
 	Grammar: Review
	+ Let’s eat; Too / so; either / neither 
 pork (n); spinach (n); cucumber (n); papaya (n); pineapple (n); 
 durian (n); selection (n); on display; ripe (adj).
2. SKILL: Focus on reading skill.
3. ATTITUDE: Ss identify different foods.
	T: Lesson plan, Cassette tape and player, Extra board.
	Ss: Vocabulary 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1.Warm up:5’
- Play game “net-words” about food and vegetables.
- Feedback and give marks.
2. New Lesson +Presentation: 10’
- Stick the pictures on the board and Ss guess.
- Introduce vocabulary.
- Introduce the content of new lesson and ask Ss to guess.
- Play the tape and ask Ss to find out new-words.
- Introduce the structure and explain.
- Give example.
+. Practice: 20’
- Play tape again twice.
- Have Ss work in pairs to practice.
- Correct.
- Have Ss read the lesson again.
- Have Ss make the list of food Hoa and her uncle bought in groups.
- Guess
-Take note.
- Listen and guess.
- Listen and find out new-words.
- Take note.
- Listen.
- Practice ( in pairs)
- Take note.
- Read
- Write the list on the board.
What shall we eat?
A1. Listen and read. Then practice with a partner.
- pork (n): thịt heo
- spinach (n): rau bina, rau chân vịt
- cucumber(n): quả dưa chuột
- papaya (n) đu đủ
- pineapple (n): quả dứa
- durian (n): quả sầu riêng
- selection (n): sự lựa chọn
- on display (pre) được trưng bày
- ripe (adj) : chín
S + V , too
So + aux V + S
S + aux V not, either
Neither + aux V + S
EX: _I’m a student
She is, too / So is she
- I’m not a student.
She isn’t, either.
Neither is she.
*The answers:
Beef; spinach; cucumbers; oranges
4. Homework: 3’
	Review the lesson from Unit 12(A2;A4).
 	+ Write the things you ate and drank yesterday.
+ Talk about food: likes and dislikes.
IV. Feed back.

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  • docgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_7_tuan_25_nam_hoc_2018_2019_truong_thc.doc