Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 22 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã


           1. KNOWLEDGE:

           After the lesson, the students can be able to:

                       -  Read a letter and answer the questions.

                      - Remember activities every day and hobby.

           Grammar:   Simple present tense.

            Vocabulary: personal, hygiene, harvest, all the time, take care of, iron, probably

           2. SKILL:  Develop speaking skills.

3. ATTITUDE: Ss love subjects


           T: Lesson plan, Cassette tape and player, Extra board.

           Ss: Vocabulary 

III. PROCEDURES               

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 22 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 22 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
Week: 22	Date of preparation: 04.01.2019
Period: 64	 	Date of teaching: 
 	After the lesson, the students can be able to:
	 - Read a letter and answer the questions.
 	 - Remember activities every day and hobby.
 	Grammar: Simple present tense.
 	 Vocabulary: personal, hygiene, harvest, all the time, take care of, iron, probably
	2. SKILL: Develop speaking skills.
3. ATTITUDE: Ss love subjects
	T: Lesson plan, Cassette tape and player, Extra board.
	Ss: Vocabulary 
 T’s activities
 Ss’ activities
1/Warm up:(7’)
- Ask questions
- Check.
- Listen and introduce new lesson. 
2/New Lesson +Presentation: (10’)
- Introduce new words.
- Read the new words.
- Listen and correct.
+ Practice: (20’) 
- Play the tape twice.
- Have Ss practice the letter.
- Work in group to do the exercise.
- Check and correct.
- Explain the way to do the exercise. 
- Play the tape twice.
- Listen and correct.
3. Consolidation:(4’)
- Have Ss read the lesson again.
- Have Ss practice the letter again.
- Have Ss retell the habit everyday of them
- Listen and correct.
- Listen and answer the questions.
- Listen and take notes
- Listen and repeat.
- Read the new words in individual.
- Listen
- Listen and repeat
- Practice reading the letter.
- Do the exercise.
- Give the answers
- Listen and take notes.
- Listen and do the exercise.
- Give the answers
- Read
- Practice
- Retell the habit everyday of them
- Read the letter.
1. Do you usually write the letter?
2. Who do you write the letter to?
3. What do you write in the letter?
A: Personal hygiene:
1. Read. Then answer the questions.
New words:
personal: (adj.)
hygiene: (n)
harvest: (n)
all the time: (adv)
take care of: (v)
iron: (v)
probably: (adv.) 
Answer the questions
a. because it’s nearly the harvest time again.
b. Her grandfather helps them on the farm.
c. They will probably go to Hanoi after the harvest.
d. She knows how to take care of herself. She is doing what she didn’t do when she was at home in Hue. For example, She gets up early and does morning exercise.
e. Her mother wants her to do and not to do these things.
Things to do
Things not to do
- Taking care of herself.
- Doing her washing and ironing
- Eating too much candy.
- Staying up so late
2. Listen
Listen and put the pictures in the order you hear.
1. a 5. g
2. e 6. c
3. f 7. h
4. d 8. b
(The letter page 99)
4/ Homework: (4’)
	Read and redo the exercise at home
 Prepare A3+ A4 for the next period
 - Prepare new words
 - Read
 - Answer the questions
IV/ Feedback:
Ss .
Week: 22	Date of preparation: 04.01.2019
Period: 65	 	Date of teaching: 
 	After the lesson, the students can be able to:
	 - Understanding about Nam’s diary. Then practice asking and answering.
 	 - Complete Hoa’s reply.
 	 Vocabulary: comb, shower 
	2. SKILL: Develop reading, writing and speaking skills.
3. ATTITUDE: Ss love subjects
	T: Lesson plan, Cassette tape and player, Extra board.
	Ss: Vocabulary 
T’s activities
Ss’ activities
1/ Warm up:(7’)
- Ask questions
- Listen and correct 
2/New Lesson
+ Presentation: (10’)
- Introduce new words.
- Read new words.
- Read the first time.
- Listen and help.
+ Practice: (20’)
- Play the tape twice.
- Have Ss work in groups to read the text and make their diary
- Have Ss practice ask and answer about the diary.
- Listen and correct
3/ Consolidation: 
- Have Ss answer the questions again.
- Ask Ss work in group to complete the letter.
- Have Ss retell activities everyday of them
- Listen and help.
- Listen and answer the questions
- feed back.
- Listen and take note.
- Elicit new words and give the meanings.
- Repeat after the teacher.
- Read alone.
- Listen
- Group works to read the text and make their diary.
- Work in pair to ask and answer the question about the diary.
- Listen
- Practice
- Group work.
- Give key.
-Feed back.
- Retell activities everyday of them.
- What time do you get up?
- What time do you have breakfast?
- What time do you go to school?
- What time do you go to bed?
3. Read Nam’s diary.
New words:
Ss’ diary
5.30: wake up.
5.40: wash face and brush teeth.
6.30: have breakfast.
6.50: learn the lesson and do the homework.
10.00: help mom
11.30: have lunch.
12.30: go to school.
1.00: begin the first period.
5.30: end classes.
5.45: have dinner.
9.30: go to bed.
Answer the questions:
a) What do you do every day?
à I do a lot of things every day.
b) What time do you get up?
à I get up at 5.30.
c) What time do you have breakfast?
à I have breakfast at 6.30.
d) What time do you learn the lesson?
àI learn the lesson at 6.50.
e) What time do you help mom?
à I help mom at 10.00.
f) What time do you go to school?
à I go to school at 12.30.
g) What time does the first period begin?
àIt begins at 1.00.
h) What time do the classes end?
à They end at 5.30.
i) What time do you go to bed?
à I go to bed at 9.30.
4. Write. Complete Hoa’s reply to her mother with suitable verbs.
- was; having; show 
- take; get; go; wash; iron; eating
- told; meet; go
4/ Homework: (4’)
	* Practice the lesson again at home
 * Prepare Unit 10 (B1) for the next period.
 * Prepare new words.
	* Write the remembered and learn by heart.
IV/ Feedback:
Week: 22	Date of preparation: 04.01.2019
Period: 66	 	Date of teaching: 
 	After the lesson, the students can be able to:
	- Reading and understanding the dialogue.
 - Retelling something in the past.
 	Grammar: Past simple tense with regular and irregular verbs
 	 Vocabulary: - toothache (n): bệnh đau răng; dentist (n): nha sỹ; appointment(n): cuộc hẹn; scared (adj) bị hoảng sợ; sound (n): âm thanh, tiếng; drill (n): máy khoan; fill(v): lấp đầy, chứa đầy; cavity (n): lỗ sâu răng, lỗ hỏng; hurt (v) : làm bị thương, làm đau
	2. SKILL: Develop listening and speaking skills.	
3. ATTITUDE: Ss love subjects
	T: Lesson plan, Cassette tape and player, Extra board.
	Ss: Vocabulary 
 T’s activities
 Ss’ activities
1/ Warm up:(7’)
- Ask questions
- Listen and correct. Then give marks.
2/New lesson +Presentation: (10’)
- Introduce new words.
- Read the new words.
- Listen and correct
 +Practice: (20’)
- Play the tape twice.
- Have Ss work in pairs to read the dialogue. 
- Listen and help.
- Have Ss work in groups to answer the questions. 
- Listen and correct
- Have Ss read the lesson again
- Have Ss practice asking and answering the questions again.
- Have Ss write about the latest toothache of them.
- Listen and help.
- Listen and answer the questions
- Feed back.
- Listen and take notes
- Listen and repeat
- Read the new words in individual
- Listen.
- Read silently then read loudly
- Work in group to answer the questions.
- Give their answers
- Feed back
- Read
- Pair works.
- Write.
a) What do you do every day?
à I do a lot of things every day.
b) What time do you get up?
à I get up at 5.30.
c) What time do you have breakfast?
à I have breakfast at 6.30.
d) What time do you learn the lesson?
à I learn the lesson at 6.50.
B: A bad toothache:
1. Listen. Then practice with a partner.
 * New words:
 * Vocabulary:
- toothache (n): bệnh đau răng
- dentist (n): nha sỹ
- appointment(n): cuộc hẹn
- scared(adj) bị hoảng sợ
- sound (n): âm thanh, tiếng
- drill (n): máy khoan
- fill(v): lấp đầy, chứa đầy
- cavity (n): lỗ sâu răng, lỗ hỏng
- hurt (v) : làm bị thương, làm đau 
* The dialogue. ( in page 103)
* The questions and the answers
a) What is wrong with Minh?
à He has a toothache.
b) Does Minh like going to the dentist? How do you know?
à No, he doesn’t. Because he hates the sound of the drill.
c) Why did Hoa go to the dentist last week?
à Hoa went to the dentist, because her tooth had a small cavity.
d) What did the dentist do?
à She filled a cavity in Hoa’s tooth.
e) What did you do the last time you had a bad toothache?
à I went to a dentist.
f) Are you scared of seeing the dentist?
à No, I am not.
4/ Homework: (4’)
	* Practice the lesson again at home
 * Prepare Unit 10 (B3+B4) for the next period.
 * Prepare new words.
	* Do the exercises.
IV/ Feedback:

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  • docgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_7_tuan_22_nam_hoc_2018_2019_truong_thc.doc