Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 21 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã


           1. KNOWLEDGE:

           After the lesson, the students can be able to:

                       - Tell about their neighbor.

                     - Ask and answer with “Did ….?”

           Grammar:  Past simple tense.

            Vocabulary: cut, hairdresser, material, clever, woman, dressmake

           2. SKILL:  Develop speaking skills.

3. ATTITUDE: Ss love subjects


           T: Lesson plan, Cassette tape and player, Extra board.

           Ss: Vocabulary 

III. PROCEDURES               

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 21 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 21 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
Week: 21	Date of preparation: 28.12.2018
Period: 61	 	Date of teaching: 
 	After the lesson, the students can be able to:
	 - Tell about their neighbor.
 	- Ask and answer with “Did .?”
 	Grammar: Past simple tense.
 	 Vocabulary: cut, hairdresser, material, clever, woman, dressmake
	2. SKILL: Develop speaking skills.
3. ATTITUDE: Ss love subjects
	T: Lesson plan, Cassette tape and player, Extra board.
	Ss: Vocabulary 
 T’s activities
 Ss’ activities
1/Warm up:(7’)
- Ask questions
- Listen, correct and give points.
2/ New Lesson
+Presentation: (10’)
- Introduce the new words
- Check and correct.
+ Practice: (20’) 
- Play the tape twice.
- Have Ss practice the dialogue
- Work in group to do the exercise
- Check and correct.
3. Consolidation:(4’)
- Have Ss read the lesson again
- Have Ss practice the dialogue again. 
- Practice asking and answering the questions.
- Listen and correct.
- Listen and answer the questions.
- Listen and take notes.
- Give the meanings.
- Listen and repeat.
- Two or three pairs role play to read the dialogue.
- Do the exercise.
- Give the answers.
- Read
- Role play to read the dialogue.
- Ask and answer the questions.
ó Questions
- What did you do yesterday?
I went to school.
I did my homework
I played game
B. Neighbor
1. Listen. Then practice with a partner.
New words:
cut: (v)
hairdresser: (n)
material: (n)
clever: (adj.)
woman: (n)
dressmaker: (n)
Now answer
a. Hoa’s aunt/ She is a hairdresser.
b. Mrs. Mai/ She is a dressmaker.
2. Answer.
a. No, she didn’t.
b. No, she didn’t.
c. Yes, she did.
a. Did Hoa buy the dress?
b. Did her aunt make her new dress?
c. Did her aunt cut Hoa’s hair?
4/ Homework: (4’)
	Read and redo the exercise at home
 Prepare B3+B4 for the next period
 - Prepare new words
 - Read
 - Answer the questions
IV/ Feedback:
Week: 21	Date of preparation: 28.12.2018
Period: 62	 	Date of teaching: 
 	After the lesson, the students can be able to:
	 - Read a passage about the favor and answer the questions.
 - Tell the things Ss do in the past.
 	Grammar: Past simple tense with regular and irregular verbs
 	 Vocabulary: sewing, useful, hobby, decide, sewing machine, cushion, skirt, try on, fit, wear 
	2. SKILL: Develop speaking skills.
3. ATTITUDE: Ss love subjects
	T: Lesson plan, Cassette tape and player, Extra board.
	Ss: Vocabulary 
 T’s activities
 Ss’ activities
1/ Warm up:(5’)
- Ask questions.
- Listen and correct. Then give marks. 
2/ New Lesson +Presentation: (10’)
- Introduce new word.
- Have Ss give meaning of the words.
- Read new words.
- Read.
- Listen and help.
+ Practice: (22’)
- Play the tape twice.
- Have Ss work in groups to read the text. 
- Have Ss practice the reading.
- Listen and correct.
- Ask questions.
- Check and correct.
- Have the Ss to do the exercise in group
- Listen and correct.
- Have Ss do the exercise.
- Check and correct
3/ Consolidation: 
- Have Ss read the lesson again
- Ask Ss practice reading the sentences again.
- Have Ss retell the progress Hoa learn to sew.
- Listen and help.
- Listen and answer the questions.
- Listen and take note
- Elicit new words and give the meanings.
- Repeat after the teacher.
- Read alone.
- Listen.
- Group works to read the text.
- Read.
- Ss work in group to answer the questions
- Go to the board and write their answers.
- Work in group to do the exercise.
- Give the answers
- Change the verbs into simple past and then complete the sentences.
- Read
- Practice
- Retell the progress Hoa learn to sew.
a. Did Hoa buy the dress?
b. Did her aunt make her new dress?
c. Did her aunt cut Hoa’s hair?
2. Read. Then answer.
New words:
 - to sew: (n)
 - useful: (adj.)
 - hobby: (n)
 - decide: (v)
 - sewing machine: (n)
 - cushion: (n)
 - to try on: (v)
 - to fit: (v)
 - decide to (V)
 - try on something
* First, next, then, finally
Answer the questions
a. She learned to use a sewing machine.
b. She made a cushion for her armchair first.
c. It was blue and white.
d. Next, she made a skirt.
e. It was green with white flowers on it.
f. It looked very pretty.
g. She tried it on but it didn’t fit.
h. Hoa’s neighbor helped her.
i. Finally, it fitted very well.
4. Write. Put the verbs in the brackets in the simple past tense
The answer:
decided, was
made, was, wasn’t
helped, fitted
Read the sentences in part B4
4/ Homework: (4’)
	* Practice the lesson again at home
 * Prepare Unit 9 (language focus) for the next period.
 * Prepare new words.
	* Do the exercises.
IV/ Feedback:
Week: 21	Date of preparation: 28.12.2018
Period: 63	 	Date of teaching: 
 	Language focus 3 
I/ Objectives:
 After the lesson, the students can be able to:
	- Past simple tense with regular and irregular verbs
- Prepositions.
- Simple future.
 - Practice the grammar note fluently.
Develop writing skill.
II/ Language content:
 ó New words: 
 ó Grammar: Past simple tense with regular and irregular verbs
III/ Teaching aids: 
	Textbook, lesson plan, cassette player; and extra - board.
IV/ Procedures:
 T’s activities
 Ss’ activities
1/ Warm up:(4’)
- Have Ss change some verbs in to past.
- Check and correct. 
2/ Practice: (33’)
* Activity 1
- Explain the grammar note and the way to do the exercise.
- Listen and correct.
* Activity 2.
- Have Ss write the location of each store. 
- Correct.
- Have Ss practice the dialogue in pair
- Listen and check
* Activity 3
 - Have Ss write the past form of the verbs in the table.
- Correct.
- Explain the grammar note and the way to do the exercise
- Listen and correct
* Activity 4
- Explain the grammar note and the way to do the exercise.
- Correct
* Activity 5
- Explain the grammar note and the way to do the exercise.
- Correct.
3/ Consolidation: 
- Have Ss read the lesson again.
- Listen and help.
- Listen and answer the questions.
- Replace and practice the dialogue.
- Write.
- Check and copy down.
- Listen and take note then do the exercise
-Give the answers
- Write.
- Check and copy down.
- Listen and take note then do the exercise
-Give the answers
- Complete.
-Give the answers.
- Check and copy down.
- Listen and take note then do the exercise.
- Check and correct.
Change these verbs in to the past
1. How much is it?
a) Work with a partner. Read the dialogue.
Lan: How much is the Green dress?
Assistant: It is 30,000 dong.
Lan: And what about the violet dress?
Assistant: It is 35,000 dong.
b) Now make similar dialogue.
Lan: How much is the ..?
Assistant: It is .. dong.
Lan: And what about the ..?
Assistant: It is .. dong.
2. Prepositions
a. Look at the map. Write the location of each store.
- The shoe store is on Hai Ba Trung street. It is next to the clothing store to the left.
- The bookstore is on Hue street. It is between the restaurant and the mini mart.
- The restaurant is on Hue street. It is next to bookstore to the left.
- The minimart is on Hue street. It is next to the bookstore to the right.
- The hairdresser’s is on Tay Ho street. It’s in the on the right.
- The library is on Tay Ho street. It’s opposite the hairdresser’s.
b. Ask and answer
How far is it from the minimart to the shoe store?
- It is 500 meters.
 * How far is it from  to .?
- It is . meters.
3. Past simple tense
a. Write the past form of the verbs in the table.
Past form
b. Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box.
 I played volleyball last week..
 Yesterday, I talked to my grandmother.
 Last December, Mom bought me a new bike.
 Dad worked in Hue a few years ago.
 I sent to my pen pal last month.
4. Simple tenses
Look at Nga’s diary and complete the dialogue
Nga: help my mom and study English.
Nga: I cleaned my room, helped my mom, studied English, watched TV, played volleyball, and stayed at Hoa’s house.
Minh: ..
Nga: I will study English, clean my room, help my mom, see a movie, visit my grandmother and buy new shoes.
5. More, less, and fewer
- Before there were 4 bananas. Now there is fewer bananas.
- Before there were 500ml of orange juice. Now there is more orange juice.
- Before there were 200grams of butter. Now there is more butter. - Before there were no cabbages. Now there is one cabbage 
- Before there was a lot of milk. Now there is less milk.
- Before there were two tomatoes. Now there are more tomatoes.
- Before there were two onions. Now there are not any onions.
- Before there were no chickens. Now there is one chicken.
- Before there were two eggs. Now there are more eggs.
- Before there was a lot of meat. Now there is less meat.
4/ Homework: (4’)
	* Practice the lesson again at home
 * Prepare Unit 10 (A1+ A2) for the next period.
 * Prepare new words.
	* Do the exercises.
IV/ Feedback:

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