Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 17 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã


           1. KNOWLEDGE:

- Asking and answering about the price the post office.

          - Polite request.

Grammar:  :  - would like + to infinitive

                                - would like + noun

                                - How much……? 

 - need to do something/ need something

 Vocabulary:  oversea, regularly, postcard 

           2.  SKILL:  Develop listening and speaking skills. 

3. ATTITUDE: Ss love subjects


           T: Lesson plan, Cassette tape and player, Extra board.

           Ss: Vocabulary 

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 17 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 17 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
Week: 17	Date of preparation: 24.11.2018
Period: 49	 Date of teaching: 
Unit 8: PLACES
(B4+ B5)
- Asking and answering about the price the post office.
 - Polite request.
Grammar: : - would like + to infinitive
 - would like + noun
 - How much? 
 - need to do something/ need something
 Vocabulary: oversea, regularly, postcard 
	2. SKILL: Develop listening and speaking skills.	
3. ATTITUDE: Ss love subjects
	T: Lesson plan, Cassette tape and player, Extra board.
	Ss: Vocabulary 
 T’s activities
 Ss’ activities
1/ Warm up:(7ms)
- Ask questions
- Listen and correct 
2/ Presentation: 
- Explain the way to do the exercise
- Have Ss work in pair to do the exercise
- Play the tape
- Play the tape again
- Have Ss compare their answers
- Play the tape again
- Listen and correct
3/ Practice: (20ms)
- Have Ss work in groups to read the dialogue 
- Have Ss practice the dialogue
- Listen and correct
- Ask questions
- Check and correct
4/ Consolidation: 
- Ask Ss practice the dialogue again
- Listen and help.
- Listen and answer the questions
- Listen and take note
- Work in pair to do the exercise
- Listen
- Listen and do the exercise
- Compare
- Listen and check their answers
- Give the answers
- Group works to read the dialogue
- Role play to read the dialogue
- Ss work in group to answer the questions
- Go to the board and write their answers.
- Role play to read the dialogue
The question in B3
 The answers:
a. Hoa needs some local stamps and some stamps for overseas mail and a phone card.
b. She needs stamps for overseas mail because she has a pen pal in America.
c. She needs a phone card to call (phone) her parents.
4. Listen and write the price of each of these five items
* Newwords:
- Oversea (n)
- Postcard (n)
- regularly (adv)
a. five stamps: 500 dong each, 2 500 dong in total
b. a packet of envelops: 2 000 dong
c. a writing pad: 3 000 dong
d. a pen: 1 500 dong
e. a phone card: 50 000 dong
* The total cost is fifty nine thousand dong.
* Mrs. Robinson has one thousand dong change.
5. Answer the following questions
a. A local letter in Viet Nam costs eight hundred dong.
b. It costs about nine thousand dong.
c. Apart from stamps, the post office sells envelops, postcards, phone cards and writing pads. It can sell newspapers and magazines, too.
d. Yes, I do. I often write to my friends in Australia and the USA.
5/ Homework: (4ms)
	* Practice the lesson again at home
	* Do the exercises again at home
 * Repair the lesson for the next revision.
IV/ Feedback:
Week: 17	Date of preparation: 24.11.2018
Period: 50	Date of teaching: 
 	After the lesson, the students can be able to:
	- Practice the English fluently
	- Focus grammar.
Grammar: : present simple tense and present progressive 	 Vocabulary: 
2. SKILL: 
3. ATTITUDE: Ss love subjects
	T: Lesson plan, Cassette tape and player, Extra board.
	Ss: Vocabulary
 T’s activities
 Ss’ activities
1/ Warm up:(7ms)
- Ask. 
2/ Practice
 (30 ms)
- Have Ss to work in groups to do the exercises.
- Check and correct
- Give the exercise
- Explain the way to do the exercise
- Have Ss work in group to do the exercise
- Have Ss compare their answers
- Check and correct
3/ Consolidation:
- Ask questions 
- Listen and correct
- Answer the questions.
- Listen and take note
- Ss work in groups to do the exercises
- Ss go to the board and do exercises. 
- Write down
- Listen and take note
- Work in group to do the exercise
- Compare
- Give their answers
- Answer
What do you usually do every evening?
 I usually do my homework
 I usually watch TV
What are you doing now?
 I am learning English now
 I am reading.
 I am writing.
- Present simple tense
 S +V(s/es) + O
- Present progressive tense
 S + be + V+ing
Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets
a. Hoan plays computer games in his free time. (play)
b. I call you sometimes. (call)
c. It’s a quarter to seven now. You will
are late for work. (be)
d. Many American students usually have portable CD player. (have)
e. She learns about past and present in History. (learn)
f. Tomorrow is her birthday. She will invite some friends. (invite)
g. We go to historical places every summer. (go)
h. You will have lots of friends soon. (have)
Complete the sentences. Use the present continuous tense:
a. Lan is reading the newspapers at the moment. (read)
b. Ba is playing the piano now.(play)
c. Lan and Ba are singing the English song at the moment.(sing)
d. They are sitting on the bench now. (sit)
e. We are listening to the radio at the moment. (listen)
f. Are you playing marbles?( play)
g. He is kicking the ball in the yard now. (kick)
h. She is writing a letter to her friend at the moment (write)
i. I am teaching English now. (teach)
Answer the question about you.
What time do you get up?
What time do you start school?
What time do you have dinner?
What time do you go to bed?
What are you doing now?
4/ Homework: (4ms)
 Ask Ss to: Learn by heart the grammar notes
 Do the exercises again at home.
IV/ Feedback:
Week: 17	Date of preparation: 24.11.2018
Period: 51	Date of teaching: 
 	After the lesson, the students can be able to:
	- Practice the English fluently
	- Focus grammar.
Grammar: : future simple tense, Suggestion/ Invitations. 	 Vocabulary: 
2. SKILL: 
3. ATTITUDE: Ss love subjects
	T: Lesson plan, Cassette tape and player, Extra board.
	Ss: Vocabulary
 T’s activities
 Ss’ activities
1/ Warm up:(7ms)
- Ask. 
2/ Practice
 (30 ms)
- Have Ss to work in groups to do the exercises.
- Check.
- Give the exercise
- Explain the way to do the exercise
- Have Ss work in group to do the exercise
- Have Ss compare their answers
- Check and correct
3/ Consolidation:
- Ask questions 
- Listen and correct
- Answer the questions.
- Ss work in groups to do the exercises
- Ss go to the board and do exercises. 
- Write down
- Listen and take note
- Work in group to do the exercise
- Compare
- Give their answers
- Answer
1. Suggestion/ Invitations:
- Would you like to come to my house for lunch?
 à I’d love to.
- Would you like to play soccer?
 à I’m sorry. I can’t.
- Let’s go to the cinema.
- What about listening to music?
2. Future simple tense:
 S + will/shall + V(infinitive)
- I will go to Ho Chi Minh city tomorrow.
- They will have lunch at noon.
1. What’s your telephone ..?
A. numbers	B. numbre	
C. numberr	 	D. number
2. I’m going to the  .I want to post a letter.
A. bank	B. cinema	
C. theater	D. post office
3.. is it from your house to school?
 à It is 3 kilometers.	
A. How often B. How	
C. How old D. How far
4. Nam enjoys .. soccer. 
	A. playing 	B. play 	C. plays 	D. to play 	 
5. My telephone number.. 8 789 789.
A. am	 B. are	C. be	D. is
6. I’ll be 14 ... my next birthday.
A. at	B. on	
C. in 	D. with
7. He will .. to the post office.
A. goes	B. to go	
C. going	D. go	
8. She  at 24 Ly Thuong Kiet Street.
	A. live	B. lives	C. lived	D. living	
9. I . to school by bike.
	A. go	B. to go	C. going	D. goes
10. I have English classes .. Monday, Tuesday and Friday. 
A. on 	B. in	 	C. at	 	D. of 
11. ... favorite subject is Math. 
	A. I 	B. Mine 	C. My 	D. Me 
12. Mai  up at 6.00 
	A. get 	B. gets 	C. getting	D. to get 
 13. In her  class, she studies maps and learns about different countries. 
A. Math 	B. Physics 	
C. English	 	 D. Geography 
14. What about.. to the movies? 
A. to go 	B. go 	
C. going 	D. goes 
15. He.. marbles now.	
	A. plays	 	B. playing 	C. is play 	 	D. is playing 
16. I . TV after school. 
A. watch 	B. watches C. watching 	D. to watch 
17. .. do you usually do in your free time? 
à Play volleyball.
	A. Where 	B. When 	C. What 	D. Which 
18. Let’s .. to the cafeteria and get a cold drink. 
A. to go 	B. go 
C. going 	D. goes 
4/ Homework: (4ms)
 Ask Ss to: Learn by heart the grammar notes
 Do the exercises again at home.
IV/ Feedback:

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