Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 14 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã


           1. KNOWLEDGE:

 After the lesson, the students can be able to:

                      - Talk about the study activities of students in the USA.

                      - The vacations in the USA.

                      - The comparative sentences.

           Grammar:   - Simple future tense.

                              - Wh-questions.

                              - Simple future tense.

Vocabulary:     hear, really, fewer, Tet holiday, celebrate, celebration, Easter, Thank giving.

2. SKILL:  Listening and Speaking skills. 

3. ATTITUDE: Ss love subjects


           T: Lesson plan, Cassette tape and player, Extra board.

           Ss: Vocabulary

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 14 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 14 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường THCS Ngô Quang Nhã
Week: 14	Date of preparation: 10.11.2018
Period: 40	Date of planning:
A. Students’ work. (A2, 3)
 After the lesson, the students can be able to:
 	 	- Talk about the study activities of students in the USA.
	- The vacations in the USA.
	- The comparative sentences.
 	Grammar: - Simple future tense.
	 - Wh-questions.
	 - Simple future tense.
Vocabulary: hear, really, fewer, Tet holiday, celebrate, celebration, Easter, Thank giving.
2. SKILL: Listening and Speaking skills. 
3. ATTITUDE: Ss love subjects
	T: Lesson plan, Cassette tape and player, Extra board.
	Ss: Vocabulary
T’s activities
Ss’ activities
1/ Warm up:(7’)
- Ask questions
- Listen, correct and give points.
2. New Lesson +Presentation: (10’)
- Elicit new words
- Lead Ss read.
- Listen and help.
+Practice: (20’)
- Play the tape twice.
- Have Ss work in groups to read the letter. 
- Listen and help.
- Ask Ss to work in groups to answer the questions
- Correct
- Play the tape twice.
- Ask Ss work in pairs to give the name of the picture. 
- Play the tape again.
- Correct.
3/ Consolidation: (4’)
- Have Ss read the lesson again.
- Have Ss tell some public holidays in Vietnam which they have known.
- Help Ss to give the name of the public holiday in Viet Nam.
- Listen and correct.
- Answer.
- Listen.
- Feedback.
- Elicit new words and give the meaning.
- Repeat after the teacher.
- Read alone.
- Listen
- Group words to read the letter.
- Listen.
- Group works to answer the questions.( write on group boards)
- Give keys.
- Feed back.
- Listen.
- Pair works.
- Give keys.
- Write on the board.
- Listen.
- Feed back.
- Practice the questions and the answers again.
- Listen.
- Read
- Tell
ó Questions
- Do you have summer vacation?
¨ Yes, I do. / Yes, we do.
- Where do you spend your vacation?
¨ I spend my vacation in the country side.
- What do you do in your Summer vacation?
¨ I often visit my grand parents in the Summer.
- How do you often visit your grand parents?
¨ Once in the Summer.
ó New words:
- hear:
- really:
- fewer:
- Tet holiday:
- celebrate:
- celebration:
- Easter:
- Thank giving:
2. Read. Then answer the questions.
( in page 73, 74)
ó The questions and answers:
a) Which American vacation is the longest?
¨ Summer vacation is the longest in America.
b) What does Tim do during his vacation?
¨ He spends time with his family during his vacation.
c) Do Vietnamese Ss have more or fewer vacations than American once?
¨ Vietnamese Ss have fewer vacation than American Ss.
3. Listen. Write the name of the public holiday in each of these pictures.
a) Thank giving.
b) Independence Day.
c) New’s Year Day.
d) Christmas.
* The name of the public holiday in Viet Nam.
- New Year; (January 1): Tết Dương Lịch
- Tet holiday: Vietnamese New Year:
Tết Nguyên Đán
- Hung Kings Commemorations; (10th day of the 3rd lunar month): Giỗ tổ Hùng Vương
- Hung Kings’ Temple Festival :Lễ hội Đền Hùng
- Liberation Day/Reunification Day: (April 30): Ngày Giải phóng miền Nam thống nhất đất nước.
- International Workers’ Day: 
(May 1)
: Ngày Quốc tế Lao động
- National Day: (September 2): Quốc khánh.
- Communist Party of Viet Nam Foundation Anniversary: 
(February 3)
(Ngày thành lập Đảng)
- International Women’s Day: 
(March 8): Quốc tế Phụ nữ
- Dien Bien Phu Victory Day: 
(May 7)
: Ngày Chiến thắng Điện Biện Phủ
- President Ho Chi Minh’s Birthday (May 19): (Ngày sinh Chủ tịch Hồ Chí Minh
- International Children’s Day: 
(June 1): Ngày quốc tế thiếu nhi
- Vietnamese Women’s Day 
( October 20): Ngày phụ nữ Việt Nam)
- Teacher’s Day: (November 20): 
Ngày Nhà giáo Việt Nam
 - Lantern Festival (Full moon of the 1st month) – 15/1 (lunar)
(Tết Nguyên Tiêu – Rằm tháng giêng)
- Mid-year Festival – 5/5 (lunar)
(Tết Đoan ngọ)
 - Mid-Autumn Festival – 15/8 (lunar)
(Tết Trung thu)
4/ Homework: (4’)
	* Practice the lesson again at home.
 * Prepare Unit 7 (A4) for the next period.
 * Prepare new words.
	* Do the exercises.
IV/ Feedback:
Week: 14	Date of preparation: 10.11.2018
Period: 41	Date of teaching:	 
A. Students’ work. (A4)
 After the lesson, the students can be able to:
 	 	- Read the passage about Hoa.
	- Compare the time of the students and Hoa.
 	Grammar - Simple future tense.
	 - Wh - questions.
Vocabulary: life (n), typical, period, keen, hard, review, definitely.
2. SKILL: Listening and Speaking skills. 
3. ATTITUDE: Ss love subjects
	T: Lesson plan, Cassette tape and player, Extra board.
	Ss: Vocabulary
T’s activities
Ss’ activities
1/ Warm up:(7’)
- Ask questions
- Listen
- correct and give points.
2/ New Lesson
+Presentation: (10’)
- Elicit new words
- Lead Ss read.
- Listen and help.
+/ Practice: (20’)
- Play the tape twice.
- Have Ss work in groups to read the passage. 
- Listen and help.
- Ask Ss to work in groups to answer the questions
- Correct
3/ Consolidation: (4ms)
- Have Ss read the lesson again
 - Have Ss to tell times a week which they study. 
- Have Ss to tell times a week which they study. Then Ss compare with Hoa.
- Listen and correct if necessary.
- Answer.
- Listen.
- Feedback.
- Elicit new words and give the meaning.
- Repeat after the teacher.
- Read alone.
- Listen.
- listen
- Group works to read the passage.
- listen.
- Group works to answer the questions.( write on group boards)
- Give keys.
- Feed back.
- Read
- Tell 
- Tell and compare. 
- listen
ó Questions
- How many hours a day do you do your home work?
¨ About three hours a day.
- How many hours a week do you study at school?
¨ About 24 hours a week.
ó New words:
- life (n):
- typical:
- period:
- keen:
- hard:
- review:
- definitely:
4. Read. Then answer the questions.
( in page 75)
ó The questions and answers:
a) Why do some people think that Ss have an easy life?
¨ Because they only work a few hours day and have long vacation.
b) How many hours a week does Hoa work? Is that fewer than most workers?
¨ Hoa works 20 hours a week. It’s fewer than most workers work.
c) How many hours a week do you work? Is that more or fewer than Hoa?
¨ I work about 50 hours a week. It’s more hours than Hoa’s hours.
d) Does the writer think Ss are lazy?
¨ No, he doesn’t.
4/ Homework: (4ms)
	* Practice the lesson again at home.
	* Write and learn remember at home.
 * Prepare Unit 7 (B2) for the next period.
 * Prepare new words.
	* Do the exercises.
IV/ Feedback:
Week: 14	Date of preparation: 10.11.2018
Period: 42	Date of teaching:	 
B. The worker. (B1)
 After the lesson, the students can be able to:
 	 	 - Talk about the life of the workers in the USA.
	- Listen and fill in the jobs.
	- Compare the time of working and the time for vacation of the people in the lesson.
 	Grammar: - Simple future tense.
	 - Wh-questions.
Vocabulary: local, super market, homeless, shift, however, golf, public, best wish. 
2. SKILL: Listening and Speaking skills. 
3. ATTITUDE: Ss love subjects
	T: Lesson plan, Cassette tape and player, Extra board.
	Ss: Vocabulary: 
 T’s activities
 Ss’ activities
1/ Warm up:(7’)
- Ask questions
- Listen, correct and give points.
2/New Lesson +Presentation: (10’)
- Elicit new words
- Lead Ss read.
- Listen and help.
+ Practice: (20’)
- Play the tape twice.
- Have Ss work in groups to read the letter. 
- Listen and help.
- Ask Ss to work in groups to answer the questions
- Correct
3. Consolidation: (4’)
- Have Ss read the lesson again.
- Ask Ss practice the questions more.
- Have Ss to tell about Tim’s family.
- Listen and help.
- Answer.
- Listen.
- Feedback.
- Elicit new words and give the meaning.
- Repeat after the teacher.
- Read alone.
- Listen.
- Listen
- Group works to read the letter.
- listen.
- Group works to answer the questions.( write on group boards)
- Give keys.
- Feed back.
- Read
- Practice the questions and the answers again.
- Tell about Tim’s family.
- Listen.
ó Questions
- How many hours a day do you do your home work?
¨ About three hours a day.
- How many hours a week do you study at school?
¨ About 24 hours a week.
ó New words:
- local:
- super market:
- home less:
- shift:
- however:
- golf:
- public:
- best wish:
 1. Listen and read. Then answer the questions.
ó The questions and answers:
a) Where does Mrs. John work?
¨ She works at home. But three mornings a week she works past time at a local super market.
b) What does she do for homeless people?
¨ She cooks lunch for homeless once a week.
c) What is Mr. John job?
¨ Mr. John is a machine in a factory.
d) How many hours a week does he usually work?
¨ He works about 40 hours a week
e) How do you know the Johns family likes Florida?
¨ They always go to Florida on vacation. They have a great time there.
4/ Homework: (4’)
	* Write and learn remember at home.
 * Prepare Unit 7 (B2, 3) for the next period.
 * Prepare new words.
	* Do the exercises.
IV/ Feedback:

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